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ANIMAL PLANET - Wild Animals

Here you can read online ANIMAL PLANET - Wild Animals full text of the book (entire story) in english for free. Download pdf and epub, get meaning, cover and reviews about this ebook. year: 2016, publisher: TI Inc. Books, genre: Detective and thriller. Description of the work, (preface) as well as reviews are available. Best literature library LitArk.com created for fans of good reading and offers a wide selection of genres:

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With more than 200 gorgeous animal photos of lions, giraffes, ibexes, flamingos, hippopotamuses, and many others, Animal Planet Wild Animals is a fun, habitat-by-habitat guide that provides kids in the first years of schooling with the perfect bite-sized view of their favorite wild animals. Arranged thematically with focus on animal behavior and family relationships, young readers will explore sections about animal bodies, baby animals, food, play time, conservation and more. Special book features designed for this age group include Quick Bites sidebars with cool animal facts, simple infographics, and illustrated maps of life in the African savannah and Amazon rain forest.
For more Animal Bites books, check out Animal Planet Farm Animals, Animal Planet Polar Animals, and Animal Planet Ocean Animals.
A portion of the proceeds will benefit Animal Planets R.O.A.R. (Reach Out. Act. Respond.) campaign that partners with leading animal organization to make the world a better place for domestic and wild animals.

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How to use this Book Look for these colorful tabs to guide your Animal Bites - photo 1 How to use this Book Look for these colorful tabs to guide your Animal Bites adventure. where they live
Explore different animal habitats and ecosystems african elephant
When you see a tab this color, get a close-up look at amazing animals how they live
Learn how animals behave and adapt to their environment vista
See awesome photos that show the places animals live big data
Find the facts and figures animal gallery
Take a look at animal similarities and differences living/working
Find out different ways people interact with animals and their habitats conservation Just like me Look for this feature to see how animals behave and live like humans. Wild Animals - image 2Wild Animals - image 3 Wild Animals Laaren Brown Table of Contents where they live
Why live there? african elephant
Stepping out how they live
Chowing down amur tiger
Hey, tiger how they live
The hunt is on mountain gorilla
Father knows best how they live
Family affair how they live
Coming clean vista
Pretty in pink green basilisk lizard
Run, lizard! Run! where they live
Water, water everywhere saltwater crocodile
Crocodile smile big data
The stackup where they live
Seasonal specials grizzly bear
Grin and bear it vista
Moose tracks how they live
Friend me animal gallery
Up in the air bald eagle
The bald and the beautiful wild living
In the mountains giraffe
Hello, up there vista
Hump day where they live
Going to extremes orca
Onward and orca-ward how they live
Baby faces animal gallery
High and low emperor tamarin
Stately stache wild working
Its wild out there how they live
Staying alive how they live
Whose little baby are you? regal jumping spider
Jump to it vista
Eye see you big data
On the wild side conservation
Back from the brink Why live there? Some wild animals live in the hot jungle. Others call the dry desert home. Still others are found at the freezing poles. Each has special features that help it live in its surroundings.

Spa day The Japanese macaque lives in colder places than any other ape or monkey A - photo 4 The Japanese macaque lives in colder places than any other ape or monkey. A thick coat helps keep out the cold. Groups of macaques (called troops) also bathe in hot springs to stay warm. Hoarder The little pika lives in cold places that dont get much rain It prepares for - photo 5 The little pika lives in cold places that don't get much rain. It prepares for winter by stockpiling food. In summer, it works hard to gather food to store.

Fungal food Leaf-cutter ants climb high in rain forest trees of South America to snip off - photo 6 Leaf-cutter ants climb high in rain forest trees of South America to snip off pieces of leaves. The ants drag the leaves underground, and the colony feeds on the fungus that grows as the leaves decay. Dropping in for dinner The Amazon tree boa spends most of its life in the trees where its blotchy - photo 7 The Amazon tree boa spends most of its life in the trees, where its blotchy coloring helps it blend in. When looking for a meal, the boa hangs down from a branch to snatch lizards and birds nearby. Wait and see The African bullfrog survives dry periods by burrowing into the ground and - photo 8 The African bullfrog survives dry periods by burrowing into the ground and sealing itself in a mucus sac that keeps it wet. The frog can stay underground for up to a year.

Stepping out African elephants are smart, and they have long memories. This is a survival tool, because it allows them to remember places where they have been and recognize other elephants they know. The ears are big The animal flaps its ears to lower its body temperature - photo 9 The ears are big! The animal flaps its ears to lower its body temperature. Tusks are found on both males and females. Tusks are very long teeth. Big, spongy feet support the elephants great weight.

Just like me Elephants are like people in many ways. They love their families, and they enjoy playing. Some elephants seem to enjoy being around peoplebut most African elephants - photo 10 Some elephants seem to enjoy being around peoplebut most African elephants prefer to hang out with other African elephants. INFO BITES African Elephant Range Name African Elephant Type of animal Mammal Home - photo 11 African Elephant Range Name: African Elephant Type of animal: Mammal Home: 37 African countries, all south of the Sahara desert Size: Males (bulls) are 14 feet tall at the shoulder and weigh 9,000 to 14,000 pounds, making them the largest land animals on Earth. Two pickup trucks weigh about the same. Chowing down Animals are connected in many waysin particular by food Some - photo 12 Chowing down Animals are connected in many waysin particular, by food. Chowing down Animals are connected in many waysin particular by food Some - photo 12 Chowing down Animals are connected in many waysin particular, by food.

Some wild animals feed on seeds, berries, and plants. Others eat nothing but meat. Still others eat both plants and meat. Heres a look at who eats what. Skilled hunters Gray wolves are top predators which means that few animals hunt them They eat - photo 13 Gray wolves are top predators, which means that few animals hunt them. They eat large hoofed animals, including elk.

Even though a single wolf can take down an animal ten times its size, wolves usually hunt in packs. Eating right Wild animals need to eat certain foods to stay healthy People need to eat a - photo 14 Wild animals need to eat certain foods to stay healthy. People need to eat a balanced diet, too. Otter-wise Sea otters hunt and eat smaller animals Favorites include crabs clams and - photo 15 Sea otters hunt and eat smaller animals. Favorites include crabs, clams, and other creatures that live in the shallow waters near the shore. Big predators such as sharks, orcas, and bears eat sea otters.

Little stinkers Skunks eat both plants and animals They feed on fruit and roots as well as - photo 16 Skunks eat both plants and animals. They feed on fruit and roots, as well as insects and small rodents. When threatened, they raise their tails and release a foul-smelling spray. Eager beaver Beavers are herbivores which means they eat plants Tree bark and twigs are - photo 17 Beavers are herbivores, which means they eat plants. Tree bark and twigs are favorite foods. They also like water lilies and cattails.

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