Northeast Editing, Inc.
About the Authors
Northeast Editing, Inc., has been developing electronic and print products for educational publishers since 1992. Founded by Tracey Vasil Biscontini, the company works with clients to create high-quality, socially sensitive test-preparation and library-reference products, textbooks, teacher guides, and trade books for students of all ages. Located in a former rectory in Jenkins Township, nestled between Wilkes-Barre and Scranton in northeastern Pennsylvania, the company employs 14 full-time editors, several part-time employees, and a large pool of local freelance authors and editors. The staff enjoys a relaxed work environment that feels like a home away from home. When theyre not hard at work, the editors and writers at Northeast Editing enjoy breaks in a large backyard and take time to scratch the bellies of the three rescued cats that live at the office.
Authors Acknowledgments
Northeast Editing would like to extend special thanks to Greg Tubach, our acquisitions editor, and Elizabeth Kuball, our project editor, for their advice and patience during every step of this project.
Acquisitions Editor: Greg Tubach
Project Editor: Elizabeth Kuball
Copy Editor: Catherine Schwenk
Technical Editor: Stacy Bell
Proofreader: Shannon Ramsey
John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Composition Services
CliffsNotes Firefighter Exam Cram Plan
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John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
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Hoboken, NJ 07030-5774
Copyright 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, NJ
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Library of Congress Control Number: 2011945669
ISBN: 978-1-118-09448-8 (pbk)
ISBN: 978-1-118-20373-6; 978-1-118-20374-3; 978-1-118-20375-0 (ebk)
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The desire to become a firefighter is a calling. Many career firefighters will tell you that they didnt choose their professionit chose them. Firefighters work around the clock, seven days a week extinguishing fires and assisting in emergencies, often saving lives. These brave individuals frequently face danger from flames, smoke, collapsing buildings, and hazardous materials. Most will tell you, however, that the satisfaction they get from helping people far outweighs the risks of the job.
To stay safe and keep others safe, firefighters must be able to think quickly, make decisions, and maintain their composure in stressful and dangerous situations. They must work well with others, as their lives often depend on their ability to think and act as a team.
Because their job is such an important one, firefighters must meet specific eligibility requirements: They must pass a rigorous written exam and physical ability test; undergo a background check as well as medical and psychological examinations; and participate in an oral interview.
If youre holding this book, you know that a prospective firefighter must be organized and diligent to meet the high standards required for the job. Think of this book as a tool that will help you become a firefighter. This book will prepare you for the written exam in an organized and timely manner, and provide you with additional information about the physical ability test, application requirements, and oral interview.
If youre thinking about becoming a firefighter, there are a wide range of career opportunities available to you. Once you gain some experience, youll have many opportunities for advancement. The following will provide you with a brief description of some of the possible career opportunities for a firefighter, which may vary from location to location.