Table of Contents
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Also by Dr. Peter J. DAdamo with Catherine Whitney
Eat Right 4 Your Type: The Individualized Diet Solution to Staying
Healthy, Living Longer, and Achieving Your Ideal Weight
Cook Right 4 Your Type: The Practical Kitchen
Companion to Eat Right 4 Your Type
Live Right 4 Your Type: The Individualized Prescription for
Maximizing Health, Metabolism, and Vitality
in Every Stage of Your Life
Eat Right 4 Your Type Complete Blood Type Encyclopedia
Eat Right 4 Your Baby: The Individualized Guide to Fertility and
Maximum Health During Pregnancy, Nursing, and
Your Babys First Year
Blood Type O: Food, Beverage and Supplement Lists
Blood Type A: Food, Beverage and Supplement Lists
Blood Type B: Food, Beverage and Supplement Lists
Blood Type AB: Food, Beverage and Supplement Lists
Dr. Peter J. DAdamo Eat Right 4 (for) Your Type Health Library
Aging: Fight It with the Blood Type Diet
Allergies: Fight Them with the Blood Type Diet
Arthritis: Fight It with the Blood Type Diet
Cancer: Fight It with the Blood Type Diet
Cardiovascular Disease: Fight It with the Blood Type Diet
Diabetes: Fight It with the Blood Type Diet
Fatigue: Fight It with the Blood Type Diet
AN IMPORTANT NOTE: This book is not intended as a substitute for the medical recommendations of physicians or other health-care providers. Rather, it is intended to offer information to help the reader cooperate with physicians and health professionals in a mutual quest for optimum well-being. All matters regarding your health require medical supervision. Neither the authors nor the publisher shall be liable or responsible for any loss or damage allegedly arising from any information or suggestion in this book.
The publisher and authors are not responsible for any goods and/or services offered or referred to in this book and expressly disclaim all liability in connection with the fulfillment of orders for any such goods and/or services and for any damage, loss, or expense to person or property arising out of or relating to them.
While the authors have made every effort to provide accurate telephone numbers and Internet addresses at the time of publication, neither the publisher nor the authors assume any responsibility for errors, or for changes that occur after publication.
THIS BOOK OFFERS THE BEST THAT NATUROPATHIC MEDICINE and blood type science have to offer in helping women achieve well-being at midlife. It has been a collaborative process, and I want to express my deep thanks to the people who have been involved in its creation.
I am most grateful to Martha Mosko DAdamo, not only my partner in life and in parenting but also my partner in bringing the valuable wisdom about blood type to the world. Martha daily provides love, support, insight, and inspiration to all of my endeavors.
Catherine Whitney, my writer, and her partner, Paul Krafin, are invaluable word masters who have once again captured exactly the right tone in tackling this complex topic.
My literary agent and friend, Janis Vallely, always takes time to listen and advise. Her quiet guidance and personal support make the work possible.
Special thanks to two friends and colleagues: Dr. Emily Kane, whose insight has been invaluable, and whose book, Managing Menopause Naturally: Before, During, and Forever, is an excellent guide for women; and Dr. Cathy Rogers, who continues to find ways to soothe and comfort women at every stage of life. I would also like to acknowledge Laura Mittman, N.D., of the Institute for Human Individuality, who has been such a big help in my efforts to educate other professionals about the value of the Blood Type Diet.
Amy Hertz, my former editor at Riverhead/Putnam, was the force behind the blood type books. Denise Silvestro continues to shepherd the work with dedication and skill. Catherines agent, Jane Dystel, contributes her ideas and support.
As always, I am extremely grateful to the wonderful staff at Riverhead Books and Putnam. They have been tireless and enthusiastic, and their efforts have made it possible to continue bringing this important work to the market.
New Tools to Manage Menopausal Symptoms
THE BLOOD TYPE DIET CAN BENEFIT EVERYONE. YOU dont have to be sick to see the effects. But most of the people who come to my clinic or contact my Web site have a health problem they are trying to solve. They want to know how they can hone the general guidelines of the Blood Type Diet to address their unique circumstances. Dr. Peter J. DAdamos Eat Right 4 (for) Your Type Health Library has been introduced with these people in mind.
Menopause: Manage Its Symptoms with the Blood Type Diet allows you to take full advantage of the medicinal benefits of eating and living according to your blood type. If you think of the standard Blood Type Diet as the foundation, the guidelines in this book provide a more targeted overlay for women who want to maximize their health and well-being before, during, and after menopause. These dietary and lifestyle adaptations, individualized by blood type, help achieve those goals. Heres what youll find thats new:
A health-enhancing category of blood type-specific food values, the Super Beneficials, emphasizing foods that have medicinal properties to minimize menopausal symptoms, strengthen immunity against disease, and improve metabolic health.
A more detailed breakdown of the Neutral category to limit foods that are known to have less nutritional value. Foods designated Neutral: Allowed Infrequently should be minimized or avoided.
Detailed supplement protocols for each blood type that are calibrated to support you at every stage. They include the Basic Menopausal Support Protocol, Bone and Structural Support Protocol, Cardiovascular Fitness Protocol, and Skin Health and Vitality Protocol.
A 4 Week-Plan for getting started that emphasizes what you can do right now to improve your condition and start feeling better immediately.
Plus many strategies for success, checklists, and the answers to the questions most frequently asked about menopause at my clinic.
The chemistry of blood type continues to provide important clues to the biological and genetic mechanisms that control health and disease. Medical doctors and naturopaths throughout the world are increasingly applying the blood type principles in their practices, with remarkable results.
I urge you to talk to your physician about the benefits of incorporating individualized, blood type-specific diet, exercise, and lifestyle strategies into your current plan. I am confident that using the guidelines in this book will improve your state of being during menopause and beyond. Take the step now and use your blood type to your best advantage.