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Ellen Dugan - Cottage Witchery: Natural Magick for Hearth and Home

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Ellen Dugan Cottage Witchery: Natural Magick for Hearth and Home
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Ellen Dugan, the author of Garden Witchery, is the ideal guide to show us how to bring the beauty of nature and its magickal energies indoors. Using common household and outdoor items-such as herbs, spices, dried flowers, plants, stones, and candles-she offers a down-to-earth approach to creating an enchanted home. From specialized spells and charms to kitchen conjuring and color magick, this hands-on guide teaches Witches of all levels how to strengthen a homes aura and energy. Readers will learn how to use begonias and lilacs for protection, dispel bad vibes with salt and lemon, perform tea leaf readings, bless the home with fruit, invite the help of home faeries, perform houseplant magick, and create a loving home for the whole family.

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About the Author Ellen Dugan also known as the Garden Witch is a - photo 1

About the Author

Ellen Dugan, also known as the Garden Witch, is a psychic-clairvoyant who lives in Missouri with her husband and three teenage children. A practicing Witch for over eighteen years, Ellen also has many years of nursery and garden center experience, including landscape and garden design. She received her Master Gardener status through the University of Missouri and her local county extension office. Look for other articles by Ellen in Llewellyns annual Magical Almanac, Wicca Almanac, and Herbal Almanac. Visit her website at: www.ellendugan.com

Llewellyn Publications Woodbury Minnesota Copyright Information Cottage - photo 2

Llewellyn Publications

Woodbury, Minnesota

Copyright Information

Cottage Witchery: Natural Magick for Hearth and Home 2005 by Ellen Dugan.

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any matter whatsoever, including Internet usage, without written permission from Llewellyn Publications, except in the form of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

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Any unauthorized usage of the text without express written permission of the publisher is a violation of the authors copyright and is illegal and punishable by law.

First e-book edition 2012

E-book ISBN: 9780738717425

Book design and editing by Rebecca Zins

Cover design by Lisa Novak

Cover image Richard Cummins, Superstock

Interior illustrations 2005 Kerigwen

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Llewellyn Publications

Llewellyn Worldwide Ltd.

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Woodbury, MN 55125


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This book was written during a transitional period in my life. One of my kids graduated from high school and then went off to college. My second son hit his senior year of high school and started his own college preparations. My youngest turned sixteen and started learning how to drive. And if that wasnt enough excitement, I switched to a part-time job to focus more on my second jobwritingand I turned the big 4-0.

During all of the upheaval, excitement, challenge, and change in my life, a few friends stood by to encourage and support me. They listened, held my hand and, most importantly, made me laugh. A very special thank-you goes to Paula, Gwen, Colleen, Heather, Scott, Jennifer, and Nicole for all of the reasons listed above, and for so much more.

To my writing buddies Christopher and Dorothy, thanks for the camaraderie, the fun, the good advice and, most importantly, for your friendship.

To Natalie Harter, acquisitions editor extraordinaire, who was enthusiastic about the idea from the beginning. To Becky Zins, my editor, for letting me bounce ideas off of her and who is always a pleasure to work with. And to Megan Atwood, just because youre so much fun. Thanks to Kerigwen for the lovely artwork.

Finally, for my family, who keeps encouraging me. To my sons Kraig and Kyle, who are both growing up into such fine young men. To my witchy teenage daughter Kat (watch out, witching world, shes going to knock your striped socks off!). And last but not least, to my wonderful and loving husband of twenty-three years, Ken.

I love you all.


: The Modern Witchs Cottage

A Witchy Welcome

Natural Magick All Around the Home

Kitchen Cupboard Conjuring

Deities, Faeries, and Magick
of the Hearth Flame

Seasonal, Natural Decorations
for the Magickal Home

Outdoor Rooms and the
Magick of Houseplants

Protection for the Home

Prosperity for the Home

Happiness and Harmony in the Home

I knew by the smoke that so gracefully curld

Above the green elms that a cottage was near,

And I said, If there is peace to be found in the world,

A heart that was humble might hope for it here.

Thomas Moore
Picture 3


The Modern Witchs Cottage

If you were to ask someone how to describe a Witchs house, they would probably describe a fictional and funky stone cottage set back along the edge of the woods. Perhaps they would visualize a gothic and grim mansion complete with fancy lattice ironwork and mysterious moss-draped trees. They would never imagine a cosmopolitan apartment or stylish condo, a rambling farmhouse, a simple duplex, a tidy two-story, or even a ranch-style house in the burbs. A Witchs home would have to be far outside of the average or mundane world, wouldnt it?

Well, yes and no. You cant spot a Witchs home by sight as much as you can identify it by sense. Its not the style or structure of the building that will tip you off. Its the feeling that resonates within you as you walk up to the front door. Witches, natural magicians, and other magick users typically make their homes into sacred and protected places for themselves and for their family and pets. You can certainly look for magickal clues but they are much more subtle than most folks would imagine.

Perhaps there is a hex sign attached to the outside of the home. Is that a stone gargoyle making a hideous face at you while he guards the flower beds in the yard? Are there pots of deep red geraniums for protection on the porch arranged on either side of the front door? Look for window boxes or a hanging basket that spills over with magickal flowers and scented foliage, or silvery, celestial wind chimes that sing out on a breeze. These are enchanting clues to the natural magick that may be practiced within the home.

Expect that you will feel the tingle as you cross the threshold. As you enter, you discover a broom displayed bristle ends up, and an old horseshoe nailed open ends up over the inside front door. Perhaps there are a few clusters of crystals arranged in the living room to help keep the energy of the house and all those who live there on track. A few pots of fragrant green herbs are thriving in a sunny kitchen windowsill. A large iron cauldron perches on the hearth of the fireplace. Natural, seasonal decorations that change with the Sabbats are artfully displayed along a shelf or the mantelperhaps at Lammas there is a bundle of wheat for fertility or golden-yellow candles to celebrate the first harvest. As the seasons progress, this may change into an arrangement of gourds or fall leaves at the autumnal equinox for abundance, and so on. Welcome to the simple enchantments and potent natural magick found in and around a Witchs home.

The Natural Magick
of Hearth and Home

The natural magick of the home-based Witch is uncomplicated and down-to-earth. There is wisdom and spirituality evoked by the very earth that we live on. Why not take that basic energy and direct it into your home? Applying the subject of natural magick to your home is a great opportunity to get in touch with your sense of enchantment and to link back into the tides of nature to celebrate the cycles of the earth, the moon, and the seasons.

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