about the
Ellen Dugan , also known as the Garden Witch, is a psychic-clairvoyant who lives in Missouri with her husband and three children. A practicing Witch for over twenty-four years, Ellen also has many years of nursery and garden center experience, including landscape and garden design. She received her Master Gardener status through the University of Missouri and her local county extension office. Look for other articles by Ellen in Llewellyns annual Magical Almanac, Wicca Almanac, and Herbal Almanac . Visit her website at: www.ellendugan.com
Llewellyn Publications
Woodbury, Minnesota
Copyright Information
Book of Witchery: Spells, Charms & Correspondences for Every Day of the Week 2009 by Ellen Dugan.
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any matter whatsoever, including Internet usage, without written permission from Llewellyn Publications, except in the form of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.
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First e-book edition 2012
E-book ISBN: 9780738721996
Second Printing, 2011
Portions of this book originally appeared in 7 Days of Magic (Llewellyn, 2004)
Book design and editing by Rebecca Zins
Chapter opener artwork from Old-Fashioned Floral Designs ( 1990, 1999 Dover Publications, Inc.)
Cover design by Ellen Dahl
Cover image PhotoDisc
Tarot cards from Universal Tarot by Roberto De Angelis are reprinted by permission from Lo Scarabeo
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Llewellyn Publications
Llewellyn Worldwide Ltd.
2143 Wooddale Drive
Woodbury, MN 55125
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A special word of thanks to my husband, Ken, and our three children, Kraig, Kyle, and Erin. When this deadline got moved up, you all encouraged me in your own ways, and you kept the snarky comments to a bare minimum on my absentmindedness and crankiness while writing under a wicked deadline.
To John Absey, reprint editor, who enthusiastically jumped at the idea of me expanding the original manuscript. Without his enthusiasm, this project would not exist. For Elysia Gallo, who makes me work harder and smarter and who keeps me on my toes with deadlines. To Becky Zins, who I love working with and for being the best editor anyone could ask for.
A special thank-you goes to Heather. When I complained to her one day about not being able to figure out a name that clicked for this particular book, Heather thought about it a moment and instantly conjured up a great new title.
For my friends and covenmates, for all their love and continued supportespecially Mickie, for the arts and crafts information; Sandy, for the illuminating data on the Norse gods and goddesses; and Ember, my fellow witchy writer who cheerfully supplied on-the-spot information on crystals and gemstones. Also a special thanks to Mary Butler, for the additional information on tigers-eye, the talks on puppy training, and for being a friend. For Jenn M., for being a sister Witch. Love yamean it!
Finally, to Jen: thanks, dahling, for letting me bounce ideas off of you, for riding shotgun on the 2008 trip to Salem, and for listening when I need to vent. Thanks for helping me look at full moon magick from a different perspective and for being my first witchy belly-dancing buddy.
: A Book of Shadows
in Old English and Gaelic
I have always been delighted at the prospect
of a new day, a fresh try, one more start,
with perhaps a bit of magic waiting
somewhere behind the morning.
J. B. Priestley
A Book of Shadows
The love of learning, the sequestered nooks, and all the sweet serenity of books.
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
W hy a Book of Shadows, you may wonder? Over the years, I have had more requests for this type of book than anything else. When I began teaching public classes on witchery, practical magick, and the Craft, I based every single class I taught from the correspondences in the original version of this book, 7 Days of Magic . But I have always wanted to take a shot at expanding and intensifying that original little manuscript. However small the size of that manuscript may have been, the original book was packed full of daily correspondences, spells, and lessons on how to incorporate witchery into each and every day of the week. In essence, it was a Book of Shadowsit was my Book of Shadows, containing a collection of spells, charms, and correspondences, all of it witchery that worked well and that I had created, written down, and successfully practiced and then went on to teach to the public.
So here we are. You hold in your hands not an old book with a new cover. No, indeed. This book is bigger, better, and more in-depth; the information has more than doubled in size. The fundamentals that you have come to expect from me are still here, but now there is even more magick to try your hand at. For example, you will find enchanting and new daily meditations, potion and philter recipes, Witch crafts, full moon magick, and rituals that are more intense and much more involved, in addition to the classic crystal, color, herb, tarot card, and deity magick.
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