About the Author
Kris Bradley started on her path to witchcraft around the age of eight, with a spiral notebook full of facts about the Roman gods and goddesses copied from an encyclopedia. When she was twelve, she received her first deck of tarot cards from her sister, and she's never looked back. Author of the popular blog Confessions of a Pagan Soccer Mom, Kris is also a certified Reiki practitioner/teacher and ordained minister. Her interests include tarot, gardening, the magical history of food, crafting, cooking, paranormal investigations, and various forms of energy healing. Kris lives in New Jersey with her husband, three children, a dog, and three cats.
Visit her online at www.confessionsofapagansoccermom.com.
T his book would not have been possible without the support and assistance of a multitude of people. Many thanks and much love to my husband and children who picked up slack and ate a lot of sandwiches while this book was being written. A huge thank-you to my parents for a childhood lost in books, sitting in trees, and open to a million possibilities. Thanks to my sister for buying me my first tarot deck when I was twelve, and to my brother who was more of an inspiration than he probably realizes. Much love to all of the members of the Monmouth County Broom & Brew. You ladies make me laugh, keep me sane(ish), and I am so blessed to have you in my lifeyou've earned your monkey wings, one and all!
I would never have been in the position to write this book if it weren't for everyone who reads Confessions of a Pagan Soccer Mom. Thanks for sharing all my mutterings and ramblings. And a special thanks to Nydia Macedo, the very first person to read and comment to the blog! If it hadn't been for you, I might have stopped there.
And thanks to the wonderful people at Weiser Books for holding the hand of a blogger writing her very first book. Your work, help, and tips were more than I could have hoped for.
Appendix I
Herbs and Foods Listed by Need
Addiction (overcoming; see also Bad Habits): bergamot
Ancestor Work/Appeases the Dead: apples, beans, chocolate, corn, honey, molasses, oats, orange, poppy seed, rosemary, wine
Anger Management: almond, basil, chamomile, peppermint
Anxiety Management: avocado, chamomile, rice, sage
Attraction: cloves, nutmeg, thyme
Bad Habits (overcoming): almond, bergamot
Banishment: basil, beets, black pepper, cumin, onion, rosemary
Business Success: allspice, basil, sage, seaweed, yeast
Clairvoyance: bay leaf
Cleansing/Clearing Negativity: baking soda, bay leaf, beer, chamomile, eggshell, garlic, lemon, onion, orange peel, parsley, peppermint, rosemary, sage, salt, thyme
Communication: beans, caraway seed, cilantro, rosemary, rye, tarragon, thyme
Compassion: potato
Community (to strengthen bonds): tamarind
Confidence Booster: bergamot, orange
Courage: ginger, rosemary
Creativity: barley, basil, blackberries, chives, cilantro, cinnamon, coffee, dried beans, orange peel, yeast
Divination: anise, basil, bay leaf, nutmeg, thyme
Employment: alfalfa, allspice, bay leaf, buckwheat, cilantro, cinnamon, flaxseed, oats, soy milk
Energy Boosters (magical): apricot, asparagus, bergamot, coffee, ginger
Exorcism: basil, bay leaf, black pepper, dried beans, garlic, lemon, parsley, rosemary, salt
Fertility: almond, avocado, banana, barley, basil, bread, coconut, corn, dill, egg, eggshells, flaxseed, garlic, honey, mustard seed, parsley, poppy seed, raspberry, rice, sesame seed, walnut, wheat
Fidelity: anise, apple, basil, caraway seed, cinnamon, cumin, dill, ginger, parsley, raspberry, rosemary, rye, sesame seed
Friendship (to attract or strengthen): Brazil nut, dill, lemon, orange, rosemary, tamarind
Glamour: apple, orange
Gossip (to stop): cloves
Grounding: potato
Happiness/Joy: avocado, basil, chamomile, cloves, oregano, seaweed, spearmint
Healing (spiritual): fennel seed
Health/Healing: allspice, apricot, bay leaf, beer, cinnamon, fennel seed, flaxseed, garlic, ginger, honey, lemongrass, nutmeg, olive oil, orange, oregano, peppermint, sage, thyme
Heartbreak Ease: almond, apple, chives, cloves, marjoram
Hex Breaking: beer, black pepper, cayenne, crushed red pepper, dill, eggshells, peppermint, rosemary
House Blessing: basil, cabbage, flaxseed, olive oil, sage
Humor: rye
Hunting: apple, sage, tarragon
Justice: sesame seed
Love: alfalfa, almond, apple, avocado, barley, basil, beet, cardamom, cheese, chocolate, cinnamon, cloves, coffee, coriander, corn, cumin, dill, fennel seed, garlic, honey, lemon, lemongrass, marjoram, orange, oregano, parsley, peppermint, raspberry, rosemary, rye, sugar, thyme, wine
Luck: allspice, aloe vera, anise, basil, bay leaf, beans, ginger, honey, marjoram, nutmeg, olive oil, oregano, peanut, soy beans, tarragon
Lunar magic: lemon
Lust: anchovies, apple, apricot, artichoke, arugula, asparagus, avocado, basil, bay leaf, beans (dried), blackberries, caraway seed, cardamom, cayenne, chocolate, cinnamon, coriander, crushed red pepper, cumin, ginger, marjoram, mustard seed, nutmeg, olive oil, parsley, sesame seed, tamarind, thyme
Marriage (to strengthen): basil, raspberry
Meditation: chamomile
Mental Awareness/Clarity: caraway seed, cilantro, coriander, lemongrass, mustard seed, peppermint, rosemary, spearmint
Money Draw: allspice, avocado, basil, bay leaf, chamomile, cinnamon, ginger, molasses, nutmeg, oregano, peppermint, sage, seaweed, yeast
Motivation: chives
New Beginnings/Rebirth: egg, peppermint, star anise
Nightmare Prevention: anise, dried beans, rosemary, sesame seed, thyme
Obstacle Movers (unblocking): allspice, chives, coffee, peppermint
Personal Growth: artichoke, ginger
Prosperity: alfalfa, almond, asparagus, banana, barley (especially in business), basil, blackberry, Brazil nut, bread, buckwheat, butter, cabbage, cardamom, chamomile, cilantro, cloves, corn, fennel seed, flaxseed (especially in business), milk, molasses (for business), nutmeg, oats, olive oil, orange, peanut, rice, sage, salt, sesame seed, wheat, yeast
Protection: aloe vera (home), anise (for spiritual protection while sleeping), artichoke (physical and spiritual), asparagus, basil, bay leaf, beans, blackberries, black pepper, blueberries (from psychic attack), bread, broccoli (spiritual), brussels sprouts (spiritual), butter, cabbage, caraway seed, cayenne, chives, cinnamon, corn, crushed red pepper, cumin, dill (from ghosts), fennel seed, flaxseed (of children), garlic, lemon (during sleep), marjoram (of families), milk, mustard seed (from ghosts), olive oil, onion, parsley, potato, rice, rosemary, sage, salt, seaweed (of sailors, swimmers, and fishermen), soy sauce, walnut, wheat
Psychic Abilities (to block): dried beans
Psychic Abilities (to strengthen): bay leaf, cinnamon, lemongrass, nutmeg, peppermint, seaweed, soy (eating), star anise, thyme
Psychic Dreams (to enhance): bay leaf, chamomile, poppy seed, rosemary, spearmint
Purification: anise, bay leaf, cinnamon, coconut, lemon, lemongrass, milk, parsley, peppermint, rosemary, sage, spearmint, star anise, thyme, wine
Relaxation: beer, chamomile, rice, sage, poppy seeds
Remembrance (also see Study Aids): mustard seed, rosemary
Repel Illness: garlic
Road opener: coffee, sesame seed
Sleep: beer, chamomile, poppy seed, thyme
Stamina: asparagus, barley
Strength (physical): bay leaf, ginger
Study Aids/Memory Retention: bay leaf, bergamot, caraway seed, cloves, fennel seed, rosemary, spearmint, walnut
Success: arugula, cinnamon, cloves, ginger, orange
Thanks Giving: bread, wheat
Theft Prevention: caraway seed, cumin
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