The Ultimate BurnoutCure
Re-ignite yourpassions in life and work!
By Aiden Sisko
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Which Kind ofBurn-Out is It?
Burn-out from Day toDay Parenting
Work or CareerObsession (Workaholic)
A CounterproductiveAtmosphere at Work
The Angels & theVixens; the Drags and the Warriors
Its Time to Snap Outof It!
Adjusting and SettingYour Personal Focus
Mapping Out YourPersonal Plan for Synergy Achievement
Writing Your OwnPersonal Mission Statement
Mission StatementExamples & Outlines
Identifying andClaiming Goals Individually and as a Family Unit
Pinpointing andSetting Present and Future Career Goals
Putting YourBrainstorms to the Test
Example of a Plan ofSynergy
Your Final Outcome:the Mountains Peak
Perhaps it camegradually, just a bit at a time; a tugging of discontentment andsadness when your thoughts turned to going to work. Maybe you havebegun to notice a slight dread when you consider the day-in,day-out routine your life seems to be now. This is certainly notwhat you had in mind for yourself or your family or career when allof this began!
The area of careercan be especially vexing in the emotional aspect. You may have alot on your plate to begin with. If you are feeling completelyoverwhelmed at work to the point of self-neglect, if you feel as iflife simply has nothing more to offer you, or if you simply havediscovered that your ideal career was the exact opposite of whatyou thought it would be, you will eventually reach a point of utterdisgust and exhaustion which is referred to as burn-out.
Burn-out is commonwhen one is not working in some aspect that is in keeping withtheir calling in life. There can be no daily passion or eagernesstoward something which sparks no interest, causes you to feelapathetic or fatigued, or simply causes you to dread the comingday. In the following article we will discuss what you can do todiscover the root of your unhappiness and dissatisfaction in life,and what you can do to resolve the issue. Dealing proactively withburn-out in a manner that is conducive to self-discovery andcontentment is the goal.
There are literallymillions of men and women the world over who are battling daily tofind a sense of purpose and satisfaction in regard to what they do.There are answers which are not only beneficial to you as you arenow, but will lead you in a direction of improvement andcontentment you may not have realized exists. Please realize thatthe following is not about a daily, mundane routine. It consists oftools which will help you to find out what your individual andunique life purpose is. You will be given suggestions about how toregain your excitement for your life and what you do, living yourlife to the utmost at last.
Most of us, aschildren, are brought up believing four basic misconceptionsregarding our gender and the purposes and behaviors that should belived out and demonstrated as a man or woman. First off, we shouldalways put hard work first and relaxation or play second. Secondly,we need to have our lives (and the lives of our families)completely maintained and controlled. Men are given a huge load asthe provider and protector in the family unit as well. We are alsoexpected to know precisely what we want out of our lives and have aplain to attain those desires. Lastly, we must focus on moving upin all of areas mentioned above at all times through any means ofself- improvement necessary.
The problem withfalling for the conditioning in the ideas above is equal for bothsexes; these unrealistic aspirations for perfection drive us toaccept and live with situations in our lives and careers thatresult in the severe burn-out we are talking about. While wevirtually run in place in an effort to acquire the materialluxuries the world has to offer, all the while believing we willfinally achieve the happiness we seek, we are really drivingourselves to exhaustion mentally, emotionally, spiritually, andphysically. We also suffer inner consequences that are even harderto overcome, such as loss of self-trust, confidence, andesteem.
We must learn that ifwe want to find our own purpose, our own unique niche, we mustdisregard the comments, feelings, and expectations that others haveabout us. We must begin to practice listening to our own innervoice, the one that directs us in the way we alone are to go. Wemust practice this until it is a lifestyle holistically for us. Thethings our inner voice tells us to do are the things that will leadus to true contentment and happiness in our personal andprofessional lives.
If any of us miss thevoice of our own calling we will unavoidably focus on pursuits thatwere simply never meant to be. We are out of our intended element,and we find ourselves miserable. What do we expect? It is much likebeing a foreigner in another country without a friend to guide usproperly. If you have no idea who or what you are or are meant tobe, you are not living a life that is true to self. You will becomeexhausted with living it.
Which Kind ofBurn-Out is It?
Burn-out, depression,fatigue, dread, or whatever you decide to call it, there are fourmain types. Read on and find out which category you fall under ifyou are feeling the effects of burn-out:
Burn-out from Day toDay Parenting
Here we are referringto the result of the same day to day routine. There is typically norelief, and it is mostly experienced by stay-at-home moms and dads,or any single parent for that matter. It is easy to see how thiscan happen due to drudgery, particularly if the individual in theparenting position turned their back on career choices to stay athome with the children. An intense feeling of having no control andbeing constantly in demand and taken advantage of contribute toreaching burnout frequently with this type.
Work or CareerObsession (Workaholic)
In this category wehave individuals who are filled with work or career-centered zeal.Whether it is a job outside the home, or taking care of their homeand family, these people are dedicated, pouring every last bit ofthemselves into their efforts. They have little to no time to spendon their own dreams or desires, much less to even have a peacefulbath, and they wind up exhausted, angry, and oftentimes depressed.They do, however, love to stay busy, and are effective when itcomes to finding solutions to the issues at hand. A fine balancebetween work and play is needed here if any professional orpersonal growth is desired.
A CounterproductiveAtmosphere at Work
If you are in aposition that does not allow you to express your talent orcreativity, or if there is negativity in the air or people who arenasty or difficult, you may experience burn-out quickly, even if itis a job you love.
The Angels & theVixens; the Drags and the Warriors
As a general rule,males and females, both in the workplace and life, fall under oneof two categories: Angels or Vixens and Drags and Warriors. Angelsand Warriors are rule-followers. They are obedient to parents andother authority figures, and they typically live a life that wouldbe compared to walking the straight and narrow. They are able tofocus on a dream and press forward to take the necessary steps tobring the dream to pass. Vixens and Drags, on the other hand, arethe rebels of the in our lives and around us. They do the oppositeof what they are told simply because they can. Most of the timethey have no real reason for their defiance; they simply act forthe sake of having control over the situation. The careers chosenby both types of individuals mentioned above are alike in a veryimportant sense:they will typically make job choices based on thethings that are expected of them by others. They are acting out offear, stress, and insecurity. Working in the job or career theyhave chosen will lead to inevitable and frequent burn-out.
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