Dear readers and cooks,
With this cookbook I would like to introduce you to the typical dishes from Germany. We have many friends in the USA who cook German cuisine privately or also run restaurants. Now we are in the middle of the CORONA time. Restaurants are closed. Contacts between people are limited. Internet trade, including the book market, is booming. We can have food delivered to us. Many families now cook for themselves. And anyone who loves or wants to get to know German cuisine has a look at cookbooks or the Internet. With this cookbook I would like to explain some typical dishes step by step. The book in German has been a great success. Now I want to publish it in English. As a translator, I chose GOOGLE. In the event of an editing, the book would not be ready until next year. In addition, the cookbook would become more expensive. We will pass these saved costs on to you. However, it may happen that GOOGLE does not translate everything correctly. So a bratwurst remains a "bratwurst". It's a fried sausage, a roasted sausage. For those who want it in German, the German translation is also printed. I hope you excuse me, after all, it depends on the typical taste. And of course that you can cook it. Have fun cooking, everyone stays healthy!
Renate Sltz
Liebe Leserinnen, liebe Leser, Kchinnen und Kche,
mit diesem Kochbuch mchte ich Euch die typischen Gerichte aus Deutschland vorstellen. Wir haben gerade in den USA viele Freunde, die privat Deutsche Kche kochen oder auch Restaurants betreiben. Nun sind wir mitten in der CORONA Zeit. Restaurants haben geschlossen. Kontakte zwischen Menschen sind eingeschrnkt. Der Internethandel, auch der Buchmarkt, boomt. Wir knnen uns Lebensmittel liefern lassen. In sehr vielen Familien wird heute selbst gekocht. Und wer die Kche aus Deutschland liebt oder kennenlernen mchte, schaut in Kochbcher oder ins Internet. Mit diesem Kochbuch mchte ich Schritt fr Schritt einige typische Gerichte erklren. Das Buch in Deutsch ist ein guter Erfolg geworden. Nun mchte ich es in Englisch verffentlichen. Als bersetzer habe ich mich fr GOOGLE entschieden. Bei einem Lektorat wrde das Buch erst im nchsten Jahr fertig. Auerdem wrde das Kochbuch teurer. Diese eingesparten Kosten geben wir an Euch weiter. Dafr kann es vorkommen, dass GOOGLE nicht alles korrekt bersetzt. So bleibt eine Bratwurst eine bratwurst. Es ist eine gebratene Wurst, eine roasted sausage. Fr alle, die es in Deutsch wnschen, ist die deutsche bersetzung mit abgedruckt. Ich hoffe, Ihr entschuldigt, es kommt schlielich auf den typischen Geschmack an. Und natrlich, dass Ihr es kochen knnt. Viel Freude beim Nachkochen, bleibt alle gesund!
Beef roulade with peas and carrots, boiled potatoes
Rinderroulade mit Erbsen und Mhren, Salzkartoffeln
Ingredient list:
Let the roulades cut from the leg.
Fresh from the butcher would be ideal. The number of roulades depends on the people who take part in this meal.
- 4 beef roulades (fresh)
- 5 onions
- 4 slices of cooked ham
- 4 small gherkins
- Mustard, pepper, salt, paprika powder, mustard. Vegetable stock cubes, tomato paste, dark sauce thickener
- Waxy potatoes
- Peas with carrots (1 small or large can. Depends on the number of people.
- Some fresh parsley
- 2 teaspoons of sugar
- White twine
- Rabsl
Place the roulades next to each other on a sterile work surface.
Pepper and salt the meat and sprinkle with a little paprika. Brush well with medium-hot mustard. Place one slice of cooked ham on top of each.
Cut two onions into small cubes.
Also cut the cucumber into cubes.
Place a small pile of onions evenly on each roulade and spread a chopped cucumber on top. Please remember that the meat still needs to be rolled. If there is too much filling in it, it oozes out on the sides or you cannot roll them up at all.
Now roll up carefully (see photo)
Carefully wrap the meat with the string so that nothing more oozes out.
Heat the rapeseed oil in a roasting pan and brown the roulades all around.
Take out and put on a plate.
Put the plate aside.
Now chop the remaining onions and let them brown in the frying fat with tomato paste. Please do not forget to always adda little water in between so that the roast set dissolves. When the onions are well roasted, fill up with water or vegetable stock. Put in the roulades and cook with the lid on on medium heat. In between, always check whether water needs to be refilled.