Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 multiplayer strategyguide
By NMS Gaming
Published NMS gaming at Smashwords
Copyright 2013 NMS Gaming
Firstly, thankyou for taking the time to purchase this edition of BLACK OPS 2 MULTIPLAYER STRATEGY GUIDE. Your support is appreciated and wehope that you enjoy reading the tips contained in this book.
This book hasbeen written for all Call of Duty fans across the globe to helpplayers improve on their game and eliminate those mistakes, howeversmall, which stop you from owning the lobbies and moving up theleaderboard.
When you getstarted you may find that you have a natural talent and startwinning early on (however if you do then you probably wont bereading this), but if you find it difficult to begin with dont getdisheartened too soon. Getting good at any game takes time andpractice. Stick with it and over time you will get used to it andsee your results improve.
Learn from yourmistakes as you play, if you find yourself dying the same way inthe same places then try something different.
The tipsdefinitely wont make you the best player in the world (naturalability, reflexes etc play a big part in this) but what they willdo is stop you being the worse and help you gain better results andpoints returns.
And definitelydont give up on the game, you wouldnt be reading this if youdidnt care about getting better!
If youre newto the Call of Duty games then it is definitely worth trying outsome of the training options that the game has before you beginplaying against real opponents online.
This includesearly training missions in the campaign mode and specific gamemodes such as combat training. If you ignore these modes youll begoing in blind and it will take additional time to improve yourstatistics.
These gameoptions are specifically included to help you get used to the gameand to be competent in your general play before you enter theonline games for real.
Also, having aplay through the campaign within the game will usually result inthe use of all the weapons at some point & through this youshould be able to get a rough idea of which guns you liked and withwhich attachments etc.
This can beuseful in choosing your initial set up on multiplayer and improveyour chances of getting a decent start online.
Even if you areeager to get online, the campaign shouldnt take more than a fewdecent days worth of play to complete so youre not going to bethat far behind even the most committed players and will alsolikely miss any possible server teething problems over the firstfew days of demand.
These modes canalso be useful throughout the life of the game. Even after youthink you have improved from initial play on them, having a shorttime on combat training before any multiplayer session will helpyou get used to your aiming and movement again to avoid going intothe lobbies cold.
One incrediblyuseful thing to do is to have a look at the maps before you playthem against live opponents. Try some private games to learn yourway round. This will give you an idea of the different set ups,routes and where enemies (or yourself) might want to move orhide.
Even if youdont have any friends (on the game) to practice with you can stillset up a private lobby and enter a match on your own.
This will giveyou the chance to have a good look around the different mapswithout having to worry about enemies and receiving a face full ofbullets.
You should belooking to get an idea of which paths to take to limit the placesthat people can shoot you from and also trying to remember possibleescape routes if you do happen to get into trouble.
Once you arehappy with the maps you can then enter the multiplayer without anychance of getting lost and will be more confident in movingaround.
Making full useof the theatre mode can also help you get better. You are able towatch back any of your games to see where you could have donethings better you can rewind and look at how the enemy picked youoff and where you went wrong.
The theatreholds video histories of your recent games and also has the optionto keep bookmark games for you and others to watch and you canexamine them in explicit details.
You can watchthese recent games from your original viewpoint (i.e. your view),or from any of the other players. This means that if youve met aplayer who has performed well then you can watch the games fromtheir point of view and see what they were doing to achieve thatsuccess.
Also you canlook at their (or any players) recent games by visiting theirplayer card and looking at their videos. This can help you getbetter as you can pick up tips from watching them play and you donot have to have even played in the game to view.
You could eventake this further by going onto the global leader boards and to thetop of the list for your chosen stat (e.g. kill death, or score perminute) and view the top players in the world to see how they play.This is very useful for picking up tips you might have never knownexisted but do be aware of stats that look too good be true asthere may have been some unsporting play occurring on thataccount.
We recommendmoving down a fair few pages of the leaderboard until you findplayers with a decent amount of playing time who still have topscores. Remember there are millions and millions of people playingthis game so anyone in the top thousand (or even more) will beexceptional payers.
When the newmaps come out it can often help to keep playing on the old mapsfor a little while. A lot of the better players will have boughtthe new maps and will be playing these maps.
If you do notbuy the new maps straight away you will not be put into new maplobbies with the people who are very passionate about the game.
This might meanyou could be pitted against a lot of players who are not sopassionate - and possibly not so good at the game. This might helpyou improve your stats until you are ready to have a go at the newmaps.
Again, if andwhen you do decide to move onto any new maps, follow the previoustips on having a good look round before you go into any competitiveplay.
Black Ops 2skill based matchmaking should help you from avoiding any lobbieswhere you get pitched against players too far away from your ownability but every little helps right?
If you want tobe even more prepared, the internet is a fantastic resource forunderstanding how the games work and the possible differencesbetween Black Ops 2 what you might have played before.
Most of thepeople who write guides on these games are people who really careabout the game and you can gain some good tips both from where theyhave succeeded and failed.
They alsocontain a lot more information on the game dynamics than what youget direct from in-game or the instructions in the box.
They caninclude detailed map overviews / birds eye pictures to help yournavigation or enhanced weapon statistics to help you know whichtype of weapon to use and when.
The weaponsdetail helps considerably as the stats in the game are oftendeceiving when it comes to what effect silencers and otherattachments have to your weapon of choice.
There is alsothe option to watch other players gameplay on video sharingchannels to see what works for them and how high scores and goodresults are achieved.
There are a lotof very skilled players on video sharing channels and you may nothave the natural ability / reflexes to fully copy their gameplaybut you can still pick up good tips on what to do in the game.
Search for thetype of video you are interested in whether it be gameplay orweapon use and have a look for content where the results of theplayer are good and learn off what they do well.