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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Golbeck, Jennifer.
Analyzing the social web/Jennifer Golbeck.First edition.
pages cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 978-0-12-405531-5 (alk. paper)
1.Social media. 2.Social networks. 3.Human-computer interaction. I. Title.
HM742.G65 2013
British Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data
A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library
ISBN: 978-0-12-405531-5
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To Ingo
List of Figures
Number | Figure |
A sample social network. |
The Gephi interface. |
The NodeXL interface. |
The five co-stars of Apollo 13. Each is represented as a node in the network. |
The edges connect actors who were in movies together. |
A labeled graph where the edges indicate at least one movie that the actors have been in together, not including Apollo 13. |
A weighted graph where weights are indicated both as numbers and by the thickness of the edge. In this graph, weight indicates how many movies the actors have been in together. |
Two ways of drawing a directed network. The edge from A to B is directed only one way. The edge from A to C goes in both directions and can be drawn either as one edge with two arrow heads (left) or as two edges pointing in opposite directions (right). |
A social network with a singleton, dyad, and triad. |
A sample undirected network. |
(a) The 1-degree egocentric network of D, (b) the 1.5-degree egocentric network of D, (c) the 1.5 egocentric network of D with D excluded, and (d) the 2-degree egocentric network of D. |
A sample undirected network. |
A sample directed graph. |
The node at the center of the cluster in the upper right would have a high degree centrality, even though it is far from the dense center of the network. |
A sample network. |
The degree distribution for the graph shown in . |
Network (a) on the left has fewer edges than network (b) on the right. Since they both have the same number of nodes and thus the same number of possible edges, network (b) is more dense. |
The 1.5-diameter egocentric networks for nodes A (a) and B (b) from . |
A sample network with a connectivity of 2. |
A regular graph. Each node is connected to the neighbor directly next to it and two steps away in the layout. |
A random graph, with the same number of nodes and edges as the regular graph shown in . |
(a) shows the stages of a regular graph becoming more random by removing and randomly reconnecting some of the edges. (b) shows how the clustering (C) remains high while the average shortest path length (L) quickly drops to low values as the graph becomes more random. The variable p indicates the probability of random edge rewiring. |
Without conscious analysis, it is easy to pick out the circle as an anomaly in the pattern. |
A single outlier point at value 2 on the x-axis is easy to see separated from the pattern of values. |
A sample network visualization. |
A random layout of the graph shown in . |
A circular graph layout for the same graph shown in . |
A grid layout of the modes in the sample graph. |
A layout of the sample network using the Force Atlas algorithm. |
The graph laid out with the Harel-Koren Fast multiscale algorithm. |
A layout that groups clusters into boxes, sized by the size of the cluster, and shows links between boxes. |
A network of YouTube videos with the node labels shown. |
Color-coding nodes according to their degree, with higher degree shown by darker nodes. |
A graph indicating clustering coefficient with node size and degree with node color. |
The sample network with edge width indicating the weight on each edge. Note that the central node has medium-strength relationships with most neighbors, but weak ones to the cluster in the upper right and the chain in the lower right. The chain of nodes in the lower right have high weights on the edges connecting them. |
A network of YouTube videos where color indicates the community or cluster to which each node belongs. |
A network with 11,000 nodes and 40,000 edges. |
A network of senators (nodes) with edges connecting senators who have voted the same way at least 40% of the time. The network is very dense, so it is not possible to see any interesting patterns. |
The same network of senators as shown in , now filtered to include only edges between senators who have voted the same way on at least two-thirds of bills. |