TheGluten Free Low Carber
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This publication is protectedunder the US CopyrightAct of 1976 and all other applicable international, federal, state and locallaws, and all rights are reserved, including resalerights :you are not allowed to give or sell this cookbook or any recipescontained in it to anyone else. If you received this publicationfree of charge from anyone other than Mellissa Sevigny, you'vereceived a pirated copy. Please contact me via e-mail and notify me if you find any of this copyrightedcontent available without my permission online. The author reservesthe right to republish these recipes at any time in futurepublications.
Any trademarks, service marks, product names ornamed features are assumed to be the property of their respectiveowners, and are used only for reference. There is no impliedendorsement if we use one of these terms.
The information andrecipes in this e-book are not intended to replace common sense,legal, medical or other advice. Please follow the recipes at yourown risk, as I will accept no liability or responsibility for theresults. So if you choke, cut, burn, or otherwise maim yourselfwhile making one of these recipes I am not legally liable. AlthoughI would feel really, really bad about it.
Copyright 2012Mellissa Sevigny. All rights reserved worldwide.
Oneof the most challenging things about following a restricted eatingplan, be it low carb, gluten free, or any other, is the stress thatcan come from eating differently than everyone else. For some of youit's a life-long change (ex. Celiacs, diabetics, etc), and for othersit's short-term until your personal weight loss goals are reached. People worldwide relate to each other through food and mealtimes for some it may be the only time the entire family is together. Sowhen you are eating differently from the rest of the family or agroup of friends, and abstaining from long-time favorite foods whileeveryone else partakes, it can be lonely and even depressing. It isoften overwhelmingly difficult to contemplate never eating pizza,pasta or baked desserts everagain ! So much so that many never even try to start (I could nevergive up pasta!), and remain unhappy over their weight and/orhealth for years. Or maybe you started, and after white-knuckling itthrough cravings for a short time and losing a few pounds, youcrashed and burned in a blaze of binge eating glory and gained all ofthe weight back and then some. It's a horrible and depressing cycleof failure that many of us have gone through more than once.
Youhear the words it's not a diet it's a lifestyle all ofthe time, and you just want to smack those people (note:the author does not condone physical violence of any kind againstskinny people or anyone else you find personally annoying, even ifyou really think they deserve it) because they make it sound so easy - and let's face it, it isn't formost of us. And yet here I am, over 6 months into a low carb, glutenfree way of eating and I can honestly say it has become a lifestylefor me. Nobody is more surprised than I am I love everythingabout food and didn't think I could restrict myself from enjoyingentire food groups long term.
WhenI started, I kept it interesting by cooking and experimenting to findways to replicate some of my favorites, all the while telling myselfthat when I really really wanted something that would have it, enjoyit, and not beat myself up over it. And I did - I ate pizza and itwas tasty (though the gluten made me sick for days). On anotheroccasion my husband took me out to a nice dinner in Charleston and Isavored every bite of it. The key being that the next day I wentright back to enjoying my low carb, gluten free eating plan.
Whathas kept me on track is that it never feels restrictive because I'malways eating something delicious be it . Believe me, I'm not missing any of my old favorite foods (exceptmaybe nachos!), and I certainly don't miss the extra pounds,breakouts, bad skin, or stomach upset that I used to have when I atethe standard American, carb-laden diet.
Therecipes in this book, and on my blog were created to combat negative emotions about restricted eating, byproviding healthy, low carb alternatives to the foods you might bemissing. These delicious recipes celebrate the low carb, glutenfree way of eating by marrying the delicious foods you CAN have(mmmm....bacon!), with creative substitutes for the carb and/orgluten-laden foods you used to eat (pizza, crackers, pancakes,cookies, pie, etc).
Byindulging in these alternatives, you can reduce the emotional traumaof a restricted food plan and stay focused on reaching your goalslong term. So get out there and make cakes, crackers, pizza andcrispy breaded fried thingies all while losing weight andfeeling amazing! And who knows, when your friends and family seewhat you're eating, maybe they'll be the ones who are jealous at dinner time - and they'll be inspiredto join you in embracing a low carb (and/or gluten free) lifestyle.
Itis my sincere hope that these recipes help keep you on whatever pathyou are taking to better health, weight loss and feeling great aboutyourself!
IBreathe...I'm Hungry!
Howto Use this Book
Thereare lots of links embedded in this book to hopefully make it easierfor you to navigate. From the Table of Contents you can click on anyrecipe title and be taken directly to that recipe page. There arealso hyperlinks within some of the recipes to other recipes whereapplicable. In the case of recipes that exist on the blog, many ofthem have been altered and improved for the book. If you want to goto the original recipe on the blog for reference, or if you justprefer the original, click on the recipe photo and it will take youto that recipe page on the blog. Finally, there is a link in thefooter of each page called Back to TOC that will takeyou back to the Table of Contents from any page, so you don't have toscroll all the way to the top.
Pleasedon't. This book is protected by copyright ,and while I won't be able to tell if you send it to everyone youknow, I hope that out of respect for the hard work that went into itthat you won't.
Tableof Contents
EssentialPantry Items
Coconutflour is an ingredient that I only discovered a few months ago, buthas already become indispensable to my cooking. High in fiber so thenet carbs are relatively low, coconut flour can be used in countlessways. I use it in breading, for baking, to thicken sauces, etc. Itcan be expensive, but a little goes a long way and it's totally worthit.
Madefrom ground almonds, this is another commonly used flour substitutein low carb baking/breading. In my personal opinion the textureisn't as fine as coconut flour, so it's not as all- purpose, but itworks well in cookies and other crumbly applications.
MilledFlax Meal
Manypeople don't enjoy the flavor of flax, but it's worth learning tolive with because all of the carbs are made up of fiber making the net carbs 0. It's an excellent bulking agent in cookiesand other baked goods, not to mention it's full of healthy fats andfiber. You can grind your own flax seeds, but you will get a muchlighter texture if you purchase a milled flax meal which has a moreflour-like consistency. I've found golden flax to have a milderflavor but it's strictly a matter of preference.
Whilecoconut oil got a bad rap in the 80's & 90's, studies have shownthat it's actually a very healthy, stable saturated fat. It's anexcellent dairy-free replacement for butter and can be used almostinterchangeably in most recipes.
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