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Sarah Littlefair - Healthy Easy Cooking: Healthy Kale and Delicious Smoothie Recipes

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Sarah Littlefair Healthy Easy Cooking: Healthy Kale and Delicious Smoothie Recipes
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Healthy Easy Cooking Healthy Kale and Delicious Smoothie Recipes The Healthy Easy Cooking book showcases easy healthy cooking recipes and offers breakfast through healthy dinner ideas. The book is in two sections, the first showing the Great Kale Recipes Diet and the second is the Smoothies Diet. Each of these diets offers healthy easy recipes to make easy meals to cook and proving that preparing quick healthy recipes is a cinch, which is perfect for todays busy lifestyle. The Great Kale Recipes section has easy to cook recipes that offer kale as the main ingredient. Kale is one of the super foods because of the benefits it contains. There are breakfast recipes, a sample: Easy Breakfast Casserole and Kale Quiche. Soup recipes, a sample: Kale and Avocado Gazpacho and Sesame Kale Soup. Salad recipes, which include Tuscan Kale Salad and Pickled Watermelon Radish with Kale Salad. The main dishes inlcude Cajun CHicken Skillet with Kale and a White Bean Soup with Chorizo and Kale. The desserts section (yes, desserts with kale!) includes Kale cookies and Kale cake. The Smoothie Diet section gives enough health food recipes to plan smoothie meals for several weeks. There are sections covering smoothie basics, liver detox information, drinking smoothies for weight loss plus the recipes. The fruit smoothies section is the largest and includes recipes like Kiwi Mint Smoothie, Cantaloupe Strawberry Smoothie and a Basic Sweet Grapefruit smoothie. The Green Smoothies sections feature recipes like Dandelion Smoothie, Romaine Lettuce and Avocado Smoothie and a lovely Rainbow Chard Smoothie. There are also sections for breakfast smoothies like Oatmeal Strawberry Smoothie and energy smoothies like the All Day Energy Smoothie as well as a five-day sample meal plan.

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Healthy Easy Cooking Healthy Kale and Delicious Smoothie Recipes Sarah Littlefair Copyright 2013 Sarah Littlefair All rights reserved. Table of Contents

Healthy Easy Cooking Introduction
This book features recipes that help to make a healthy lifestyle, resulting in a strong immune system and maintaining your ideal weight. There are two diets featured here, the Great Kale Recipes diet and the Smoothie Diet. Each diet focuses on including healthy ingredients to create delicious and filling meals with the goal in mind to lose weight and be healthier. Each diet plan features super foods, which are foods packed with vital nutrients that the body needs. The first section is about the kale diet.

In the All About Kale section you will discover why this green leafy vegetable is a super food. You will quickly learn how there can be a whole diet system and even half of this book devoted to this one vegetable. Kale is no longer just a green veggie, often cooked as an afterthought and as a mere side dish. This food is taking center stage and being the star of the meal plan and with good reason. The second section is about how to store kale. Because it is a fairly delicate vegetable (how long can you store a bag of 'leaves'?) you need to learn how to handle it and store it.

Because kale is at the center of this particular diet, you will be keeping a good supply of it on hand for daily use. By learning how to handle and store it you will have a better time with preparing the recipes in this book. Storage does make a difference so pay attention to this section. The third section covers kale breakfast recipes. Enjoy favorites such as Wilted Kale, Breakfast Pizza Casserole, Kale Cake Muffins, English Muffin Personal Pizzas, Kale Quiche, Ham and Cheese Pinwheels, Super Green Smoothie, Kale Omelet with Mushrooms and Feta Cheese, Easy Breakfast Casserole, and a tasty Breakfast Burrito. With these great recipes, you may wish to serve them for lunch and supper too and that is okay with us.

The fourth section covers soup recipes featuring kale as the main ingredient. It is no wonder kale is so easy to cook with because it goes so well with so many different foods. It allows other foods to take the lead in the flavor and blends well into the background. Some of the soup recipes include Sri Lanka Kale Coconut Soup, Kale and Avocado Gazpacho, Raw Kale Soup, Green Power Soup, Kale Gazpacho, Dilled Kale, Beets and Tofu Soup, and Sesame Noodle and Kale Soup. The fifth section covers salad recipes with kale as the primary ingredient. Because kale is a leafy green vegetable of course, it is perfect in the raw state and makes for a delicious salad green.

Try some of these recipes: Kale Salad with Parmesan, Avocado and Apricots, Pickled Watermelon Radish with Kale Salad, Kale Salad with Meyer Lemon and Blood Orange, Kale Slaw with Peanut Dressing, Northern Spy Kale Salad, and Kale Salad with Lemon and Pecorino. The sixth section is full of using kale as main dish recipes. This gives you more than a couple weeks worth of meals for the Kale Diet. Choose from an assortment of recipes including Kale with Sesame Noodles, Vegetarian Lasagna with Kale, Kale wand Spinach Turnover, White Bean Soup with Chorizo and Kale, Greens and Garbanzo Beans, Garlic Roasted Kale, Kale with Steamed Halibut and Walnuts, Braised Chicken with Kale, and Cajun Chicken Skillet with Kale. The seventh section is, believe it or not, about using kale as the primary ingredient in desserts. Who says dieting means you have to give up the foods you love? Not on the kale diet, because you get to enjoy desserts such as Pesto and Kale Muffins, Kale Colada, Kale, Pancetta Pie and Butternut Squash, Blueberry Kale Ice cream, Coconut and Chocolate Kale Chips, Parmesan and Kale Scones, Apple and Kale Muffins, and Bacon and Kale Bread Pudding.

The next sections are about the smoothie diet and learn how this diet can affect you. First, you will find information on smoothies, why they are beneficial, and how you can use them in your diet plan. Smoothies, while easy to fix, do require special equipment and special instructions on preparation. It is an easy plan though, once you learn how to fix the smoothies you will see how super easy this diet is to maintain. With the smoothie diet you will experience a body cleanse as well as lose weight. Smoothies require certain ingredients.

The next section covers this by listing the "main" ingredients that are common to all smoothies. This section also covers the categories that smoothies fall under such as fruit smoothies, green smoothies, breakfast smoothies and energy smoothies. Each of these categories provides smoothies fit either to replace a full meal or to enhance snack time. One of the major benefits for the smoothie diet is the detoxification it does for the body. In particular, the liver is the one system that receives a good cleansing from ingesting a true smoothie diet, especially if you use the recipes found within this book. Discover how the smoothie diet works in detoxifying the liver and how it can benefit your overall health.

Another benefit and probably the main reason people go on the smoothie diet is to lose weight. It only stands to reason if you go on the smoothie diet you will go through a detoxification, which also results in weight loss. Once the detox is over the weight can continue to fall off, while the highly nutritious smoothies give the body all the nutrients including protein need. The remaining sections cover the recipes for the smoothie diet including the five-day sample menu plan. Even the five-day menu plan has valuable recipes that go well with the smoothies. Here are a sample of the recipes: The Frozen Banana Smoothie, Nutty Creamy Apple Smoothie, Pumpkin Apple Smoothie with Cinnamon, Pineapple Vanilla Smoothie, Tomatocado, Bell Pepper Avocado Smoothie, Celery Red Grape Smoothie, Plum Banana Smoothie, Basic Sweet Grapefruit Smoothie, Raspberry Peach Smoothie, Coffee Banana Tofu Smoothie, All Day Energy Smoothie, Basic Protein Smoothie, Basic Apricot Breakfast Smoothie, Mango Tomato Smoothie, and the Cocoa Peanut Butter Smoothie.

Section 1:
All About Kale: Why is it a Superfood? There are many foods that are good for the body. Fruits and vegetables are considered to be part of a healthy diet. There are some foods that are known as super foods. They contain a number of vitamins and minerals. In addition to promoting good health they can help with ailments as well. Kale is considered to be one of these super foods.

Usually, kale is simply used as a garnish, or thrown in with other collard greens. But, as youll discover throughout this book, there are far more uses than that. Kale is a vegetable with a high number of nutrients It is one of the - photo 1 Kale is a vegetable with a high number of nutrients. It is one of the healthiest foods that a person can eat. Kale is in the same vegetable family as broccoli, cabbage, and Brussels sprouts. it is packed with more vitamins per bite than many other vegetables.

This vegetable will help keep a person healthy. Kale can even help the body defend itself against cancer. This food can help prevent stomach, colon, breast, and ovarian cancers. Kale is able to help the body stay healthy by providing the daily values of many different vitamins. Kale is high in vitamin K, vitamin A, and vitamin C. It also contains a significant amount of copper and manganese.

Kale has an adequate amount of many other vitamins including vitamin B6, potassium, calcium, thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, zinc, and iron. Kale also contains omega 3 fatty acids which help with memory and brain development. Kale has many anti-oxidant powers that will keep a person from getting ill, and can help fight off any pre existing illness. Some of the anti-oxidants that can be found in kale include B-carotene, lutein, and zeaxanthin. The carotene will help a person keep their eyes strong and healthy. This vitamin is also said to improve the vision of a person that is having trouble seeing already.

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