Bathroom Remodeling For Dummies
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About the Authors
Gene and Katie Hamilton have been working on houses and writing about home improvements for over 30 years. They have remodeled 14 houses and write a weekly newspaper column entitled Do It Yourself... Or Not? which appears in newspapers across the country and on Web sites.
The Hamiltons are authors of 16 home improvement books, including Home Improvement For Dummies, Carpentry For Dummies, and Painting and Wallpapering For Dummies.
They are the founders of, the first home improvement site on the Internet and America Online.
Youve seen these veteran do-it-yourselfers appear as home improvement experts on CNN, Dateline, the Today show, Home Matters,Today at Home, and Our Home.
They live on the eastern shore of Maryland.
Authors Acknowledgments
Over the years, weve tapped the expertise of countless professionals in the home improvement industry, and although weve thanked them individually, weve never acknowledged how much we appreciate their help. We began writing about home improvements some 30-odd years ago while we were working on our first fixer-upper house. Weve been doing it ever since, and as our career continues to evolve, we keep on learning from a cadre of people in the home improvement industry.
We want to thank all the knowledgeable salespeople in hardware stores and home centers who have helped us and so many other customers with questions and concerns.
For many years, weve tapped the expertise of design professionals, contractors, and tradespeople, and theyve always been generous in sharing their experience and knowledge with us.
We always appreciate the information and support we receive from manufacturers of home improvement products. The communication folks and their public relations comrades keep us informed of the latest and greatest new innovations. The product managers are always quick to respond to our questions and observations.
We are fortunate indeed to be part of this vital and growing home improvement industry.
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