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Gail Vaz-Oxlade - Money Rules: Rule Your Money or Your Money Will Rule You

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Gail Vaz-Oxlade Money Rules: Rule Your Money or Your Money Will Rule You
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Gail likes to say that money isnt rocket science, its discipline. But even she acknowledges that there are tricks to her trade and that making money decisions often feels more complicated than it should. So, where to start? With Gails Money Rules, of course, her essential rules for making your money work for you.Covering every topic under the financial sun--from TFSAs to taxes, borrowing to breaking bad habits, relationships to RRSPs--Gail tells readers that many of the rules they have been following might actually be working against their best interests. Some of her advice is, as she says, common sense (Rule #17: Needs Must Come Before Wants), some of it is surprising (Rule #222: Dont Borrow to Contribute to an RRSP), and some is even counterintuitive coming from Gail (Rule #261: Take Pleasure from Your Money). All of the rules are delivered in digestible pieces that each give the reader a clear sense of what works and what doesnt.For money-phobes, this book will be a kick in the pants; for money-minders, it will ease the worry that there might be a financial tone theyve left unturned; for everyone else, Gails rules provide what it takes to build a strong financial foundation that will last a lifetime.

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As always, to my favourite editor, Kate Cassaday, who brings clarity and a vision to everything that I write for her. You are a gem. I hope you realize how much I treasure you.

Thanks to Curtis Russell, agent extraordinaire, who is not only a fabulous negotiator but persistent beyond belief.

Thanks to Glenn Cooke for the chat about insurance.

Thanks to Casey and Sylve Duchaine, Megan McCoy, Michael Sheehan, and Jasmine Miller for scribbling on the manuscript. You guys gave great feedback. I know how busy you are, and I thank you from the bottom of my heart for taking time to read for me and tell me your aha!s.

To my very good frined Victoria Ryce, who has a huge brain and loves to share it. Thank you for your time and generosity. I cant tell you how much I love playing with you in the ideas sandbox. I want to write another book just so we can keep doing it.

Its Your Money

Money-Smart Kids

Never Too Late

Debt-Free Forever

GAIL VAZ-OXLADE is one of Canadas most successful and respected financial writers and has authored several bestselling books, including the #1 bestseller Debt-Free Forever , Never Too Late , Money-Smart Kids , and Its Your Money . She currently doles out her no-nonsense approach to finance as host of the television shows Princess and Til Debt Do Us Part , and is a radio host on Newstalk 1010. Watch for her new show, Money Moron , in spring 2013. Visit her online at www.gailvazoxlade.com or on Facebook, or follow her on Twitter @gailvazoxlade .

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You dont have to own to have a home. While the common mantra is Buy and build equity, thats true only if you can afford to buy. So Rule #1 replaces the old rule People should all own their own homes.

I know there is a stigma attached to renting. But renting or owning is a personal choice. It has nothing to do with how smart, ambitious, or financially savvy you are. If all your ducks line up and you want to buy, then buy. If they dont, you should not be squeezing yourself into home ownership because you think that with it comes some magical financial stability you cant get if you dont own.

People twist themselves into knots trying to own their own homes. They overextend themselves. They buy with little or no down payment just to get into the market. They squeeze their cash flows and have to turn to credit to make ends meet.

Home ownership can be a big ol pain in the arse. Like when your shingles blow off in a windstorm. Or the furnace breaks. Or youre trying to sell and no one wants to buy, so you cant move and get on with your life. Yes, there are moments of joy and pride that come with home ownership, but its not for everyone.

So, who should NOT own?

YOU if you havent done a realistic budget. Dont fall for the crap that home ownership costs the same as renting. It does not. According to the Stats Man, homeowners spend an average of $57,649 a year on shelter-related costs compared with renters, who spend $32,536. Thats a difference of over $25,000. Just being able to make the mortgage payments isnt enough. If your budget doesnt include all the other costsproperty insurance, utilities (which will be higher than if you were renting), property taxes, and maintenance, you may find yourself tapping your credit cards and lines of credit just to make ends meet.

YOU if you have a variable income. If your income has some slow periods when you have trouble making ends meet, taking on a home may be the straw that breaks your cash flows back. Most people with a variable income, unless its very high, find budgeting difficult. Taking on home ownership means taking on a ton of stress.

YOU if you work in an industry where employment is seasonal or erratic. Ditto above. Unless you really sock it away while you are working, you may find it hard to keep up with the financial demands of ownership.

YOU if you dont have the time, skills, desire, or cash to deal with home maintenance. There is always something to be done around a house: a garden to be weeded, walls to be painted, lawns to be cut, plumbing to be fixed, curtains to be replaced, a roof to be repaired, snow to be shovelled, carpets to be cleaned, a furnace to be maintained the list goes on and on and on. Home maintenance can be expensive. Estimate 3% of the value of your home, not including the property; look at your home replacement insurance for this since it doesnt include the land. That means on a $200,000 house, youd need to include about $500 a month in your budget for maintenance. If you can do it yourself, youll save on labour, so you can put away a little less. If you must pay someone else, your costs will be higher, so dont skimp on your maintenance budget.

YOU if youll wipe out all your savings. Would you do ANYTHING to get into a home of your own? Would you take money from your retirement savings plans? Would you tap your tax-free savings accounts (TFSAs)? Would you annihilate your emergency funds? Wipe out all your savings and you could find that once youre in your new home, expenses start cropping up, and you have no safety net in place to see you through. If buying a house gobbles every red cent youve managed to squirrel away, you should wait until you can own a house AND have a safety net.

YOU if you move often. If you work in a career that has you relocating often, the costs of buying and selling may be prohibitive. Nomads live in tents for a reason. Getting in and out of home ownership (sales commission, closing costs, legal fees, land transfer taxes) can wipe out any equity youve built up, assuming the market has been going up in your area. And if the market has taken a turn for the worse just when youre pulling up roots again, youll eat the loss.

YOU if you cant afford to own in an area in which you would like to live. For the sake of home ownership, would you move far away from friends and family, from your job, from the life you love? It makes no sense to become house-poor in a place you dont even want to live. And if you add huge commuting costswhich you never calculate into your home-buying decisionboth in terms of money and time, youll end up rueing the decision to buy.

YOU if youre not financially responsible. Youd think this would be a given, wouldnt you? Not so much. Loads of people who are clueless about their money have bought homes. If you havent had the discipline to save up a healthy down payment, what makes you think youre ready for home ownership? If you dont even know for sure how much you make each month, youre climbing out on a rotten limb. And if you havent given a thought to what youll have to do to keep the place from falling down, youre delusional about what home ownership involves. In the end, youll rely on credit to see you through, and have to tap your home equity to pay down your consumer debt.

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