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Ric Edelman - The New Rules of Money: 88 Simple Strategies for Financial Success Today

Here you can read online Ric Edelman - The New Rules of Money: 88 Simple Strategies for Financial Success Today full text of the book (entire story) in english for free. Download pdf and epub, get meaning, cover and reviews about this ebook. year: 2010, publisher: HarperCollins, genre: Detective and thriller. Description of the work, (preface) as well as reviews are available. Best literature library LitArk.com created for fans of good reading and offers a wide selection of genres:

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Ric Edelman The New Rules of Money: 88 Simple Strategies for Financial Success Today
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Are You Playing By the New Rules?

Forget what you know about personal finance. The old rules no longer apply. Ric Edelmans 88 strategies, tailor-made for todays economy, will show you how to achieve financial success. Ric is famous for making personal finance fun, and youll discover how easy it is to put his advice into action!

Is it smart to buy company stock with your 402 (k) plan? Discover the right way to handle your company retirement plan.
See Rule #85

Learn why you must carry a big, long mortgage and never pay it off!
See Rule #21

Learn why not to invest in the new Roth IRA-and discover the most powerful anti-tax investment available today.
See Rules #69 and #76

Planning to retire? Learn why you wont and what you must do instead.
See Rule #88

Find out why those who invest in S&P 500 Index Funds will wish they hadnt.
See Rule #36

Learn why that higher - paying job could actually cost you money.
See Rule #32

The New Rules of Money: 88 Simple Strategies for Financial Success Today — read online for free the complete book (whole text) full work

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This book is dedicated to the staff of

The Edelman Financial Center .

It is my privilege to be associated

with this outstanding group of people .

There are none finer in the

financial services community .

If You Are Then Read

In Debt

RULE # 5: If you want to avoid financial failure, watch the pennies you spendnot the dollars.

RULE # 7: You must cut your debt load by 33%to break even.

RULE # 8: Observe the New Rules for surviving the holidays.

RULE # 14: Forget about buying a condo.

RULE # 47: Stop looking for tips. Seek education instead.

RULE # 53: Learn how to spot the new scam artists.

RULE # 63: Stop giving your children an allowance.


RULE # 6: Stop spending money on things that fall in value.

RULE # 8: Observe the New Rules for surviving the holidays.

RULE # 14: Forget about buying a condo.

RULE # 19: If youre the buyer, raise your offer.

RULE # 21: Never own your home outright. Instead, get a big 30-year mortgage, and never pay it offregardless of your age and income.

RULE # 53: Learn how to spot the new scam artists.

RULE # 59: Do not title assets jointly between generations.

RULE # 61: Forget about getting married. Focus instead on being married.

RULE # 62: If youre getting married or are newly married, get ready for a whole set of New Rules.

RULE # 84: Take maximum advantage of your company retirement plan.


RULE # 2: Never pick the money fund offering higher interest rates than everyone else.

RULE # 3: Never accept a new job just to get a higher salary.

RULE # 4: You must prevent your credit record from becoming too good.

RULE # 15: Forget about a starter home.

RULE # 19: If youre the buyer, raise your offer.

RULE # 21: Never own your home outright. Instead, get a big 30-year mortgage, and never pay it offregardless of your age and income.

RULE # 22: When seeking a mortgage, use the old qualifying rules.

RULE # 38: Learn what risk really means.

RULE # 62: If youre getting married or are newly married, get ready for a whole set of New Rules.


RULE # 1: Do not use a home equity line of credit as a substitute for cash reserves.

RULE # 16: Never rent real estate youd rather sell.

RULE # 21: Never own your home outright. Instead, get a big 30-year mortgage, and never pay it offregardless of your age and income.

RULE # 26: Dont refuse to sell assets merely because they have dropped in value.

RULE # 50: Stop participating in Dividend Reinvestment Plans.

RULE # 54A: Talk with your kids about your will.

and # 54B: Talk with your parents about your inheritance.

RULE # 55: Start giving money to your kids now. Dont wait until youve died.

RULE # 56: Make sure your heirs know how investments work before they inherit them.

RULE # 58: Do not own your own life insurance policies.

RULE # 59: Do not title assets jointly between generations.

RULE # 60: Follow the New Rules that let you skip probate quickly and easily.

RULE # 66: Want to transfer assets to your kids? Dont ask your advisor for help.

RULE # 68: Dont refuse to sell appreciated assets merely because you dont want to pay taxes.

RULE # 71: Determine if you need to make estimated quarterly tax payments.

RULE # 81: Stop worrying about long-term care costsand start taking action.

RULE # 87: From now on, when you leave a company, take the money with you.


RULE # 38: Learn what risk really means.

RULE # 45: Put away the Fortune 500, and start studying the Forbes 400.

RULE # 47: Stop looking for tips. Seek education instead.

RULE # 53: Learn how to spot the new scam artists.

RULE # 65: If you are facing divorce, you must now focus your attention on the money, not your emotions.

RULE # 67: Do not turn to lawyers for financial advice.

RULE # 78: Do not turn to tax preparers for financial planning advice.

RULE # 83: Stop taking financial advice from insurance agents.


RULE # 5: If you want to avoid financial failure, watch the pennies you spendnot the dollars.

RULE # 6: Stop spending money on things that fall in value.

RULE # 7: You must cut your debt load by 33%to break even.

RULE # 11: Apply the economic principle of ROI to choose a college.

RULE # 15: Forget about a starter home.

RULE # 20: Stop thinking that your home is the best investment youll ever make.

RULE # 32: Avoid the Dogs of the Dow Theorythe newest bad idea from the personal finance press.

RULE # 33: Pay no attention to the Dow Jones Industrial Average

RULE # 36: Stay away from S&P 500 Index Funds

RULE # 41: Stop trying to achieve investment success through stock-picking.

RULE # 52: and realize why stockbrokers soon will be extinct.

RULE # 54A: Talk with your kids about your will.

and # 54B: Talk with your parents about your inheritance.

RULE # 59: Do not title assets jointly between generations.

RULE # 61: Forget about getting married. Focus instead on being married.

RULE # 62: If youre getting married or are newly married, get ready for a whole set of New Rules.

RULE # 74: Do not make tax-motivated investment decisions.

RULE # 79: Never buy life insurance on your children.

RULE # 84: Take maximum advantage of your company retirement plan.

RULE # 88: Retirement, the most awesome social innovation of the 20th century, will not exist in the 21st century. Plan accordingly.


RULE # 1: Do not use a home equity line of credit as a substitute for cash reserves.

RULE # 9: Do not save money in a childs name.

RULE # 17: Trying to sell your house? Use range pricing.

RULE # 18: If youre the seller, accept a lower price.

RULE # 21: Never own your home outright. Instead, get a big 30-year mortgage, and never pay it offregardless of your age and income.

RULE # 26: Dont refuse to sell assets merely because they have dropped in value.

RULE # 27: Stop trying to be right, Part 1.

RULE # 28: Stop trying to be right, Part 2.

RULE # 29: Stop keeping score.

RULE # 30: Know when its time to stop climbing the mountain.

RULE # 48: Avoid the governments new inflation-adjusted bonds.

RULE # 50: Stop participating in Dividend Reinvestment Plans.

RULE # 54A: Talk with your kids about your will.

and # 54B: Talk with your parents about your inheritance.

RULE # 55: Start giving money to your kids now. Dont wait until youve died.

RULE # 56: Make sure your heirs know how investments work before they inherit them.

RULE # 58: Do not own your own life insurance policies.

RULE # 66: Want to transfer assets to your kids? Dont ask your advisor for help.

RULE # 68: Dont refuse to sell appreciated assets merely because you dont want to pay taxes.

RULE # 70: The time to do your taxes is now June 1, not April 15.

RULE # 71: Determine if you need to make estimated quarterly tax payments.

RULE # 76: For the most powerful anti-tax investment available, turn to variable annuities.

RULE # 81: Stop worrying about long-term care costsand start taking action.

A Parent

RULE # 9: Do not save money in a childs name.

RULE # 10: Never participate in college tuition prepayment plans.

RULE # 11: Apply the economic principle of ROI to choose a college.

RULE # 12: Negotiate college costs and financial aid packages like you would the price of a new car.

RULE # 13: Recognize that college is no longer necessarily the road to financial success.

RULE # 21: Never own your home outright. Instead, get a big 30-year mortgage, and never pay it offregardless of your age and income.

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