Rebecca L. Lubas
Amy S. Jackson
Chandos Publishing
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First published in 2013
ISBN: 978-1-84334-729-3 (print)
ISBN: 978-1-78063-395-4 (online)
R. Lubas, A. Jackson and I. Schneider, 2013
British Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data.
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List of figures and tables
1.1 | Nutrition information |
2.1 | < Book > as XML root element |
2.2 | < My-library > as XML root element |
2.3 | Bennie |
3.1 | NMA&MA Aggies Band |
3.2 | Camel Rock, circa 1948 |
3.3 | Motorcycle Machine Gun Corp, Las Cruces |
3.4 | Men bagging chili peppers |
5.1 | Santa Fe, from Old Fort Marcy |
5.2 | Boat landing and Elephant Butte |
5.3 | cene at Santa Fe Station |
5.4 | Automobile Road on La Bajada Hill |
5.5 | Danzante (matachin) group |
6.1 | Booth of Casey-Ranch, Roswell Apple Show |
6.2 | Taos Indian Pueblo, New Mexico |
6.3 | Cliff dwellings west of Santa Fe, New Mexico |
6.4 | La Fonda, the Harvey Hotel at Santa Fe, New Mexico |
7.1 | RDF Triple |
7.2 | Wrights Trading Post, Albuquerque, New Mexico |
7.3 | Cliff dwellings west of Santa Fe, New Mexico |
6.1 | Elements in VRA 1.03.0 |
6.2 | Recommended element set for minimal description |
6.3 | Restricted values for the relation element |
List of abbreviations
AAAF | Anglo-American Authority Files |
AACR | Anglo-American Cataloging Rules |
AAT | Art & Architecture Thesaurus |
AITF | Art Information Task Force |
ARL | Association of Research Libraries |
BHA | Bibliography of the History of Art |
CCO | Cataloging Cultural Objects |
CDWA | Categories for the Description of Works of Art |
CONA | Cultural Objects Name Authority |
DACS | Describing Archives: A Content Standard |
DC | Dublin Core |
DCMES | Dublin Core Metadata Element Set |
DCMI | Dublin Core Metadata Initiative |
DCMITYPE | DCMI Type Vocabulary |
DHTML | Dynamic HyperText Markup Languages |
DTD | Document Type Definition |
EAD | Encoded Archival Description |
FGDC | Federal Geographic Data Committee |
FRBR | Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records |
HTML | HyperText Markup Language |
HTTP | HyperText Transfer Protocol |
ILS | Integrated Library System |
ISAD(G) | General International Standard Archival Description |
LC | Library of Congress |
LCC | Library of Congress Classification |
LCNAF | Library of Congress Name Authority File |
LCSH | Library of Congress Subject Headings |
MARC | MAchine-Readable Cataloging |
MLA | Modern Language Association |
MODS | Metadata Object Descripton Schema |
NCSA | National Center for Supercomputing Applications |
NISO | National Information Standards Organization |
OAC | Online Archive of California |
OAI | Open Archives Initiative |
OAI-PMH | Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting |
OCLC | Online Computer Library Center |
OWL | Web Ontology Language |
RDA | Resource Description and Access |
RDF | Resource Description Framework |
SES | Syntax Encoding Schemes |
SGML | Standard Generalized Markup Language |
TARO | Texas Archival Resources Online |
TEI | Text Encoding Initiative |
TGM | Library of Congress Thesaurus for Graphic Materials |
TGN | Thesaurus of Geographic Names |
ULAN | Getty Union List of Artist Names |
URI | Uniform Resource Identifier |
VRA | Visual Resources Association |
W3C | World Wide Web Consortium |
XHTML | eXtensible HyperText Markup Language |
XML | eXtensible Markup Language |
XSD | XML Schema Document |
XSLT | eXtensible Stylesheet Language Transformation |
We would like to thank a number of individuals and organizations without which this book would not have been possible. Metadata standardization and creation is a community effort and is always better for collaboration.
We would like to thank the Library of Congress, Getty Vocabulary Program, the Society of American Archivists, the Dublin Core Metadata Initiative, and the Visual Resources Association for their permission to use portions of their publications to help make our introduction to metadata languages clearer and hopefully more useful to the reader.