Open The Door
The ultimative Locksmith Guide
A Manual to Unlocking Doors and Locks
Author: Michael Bbl Master Locksmith
All rights, including those of translations in foreign languages, filming, earlier or later editions, public lectures, as well as those on r a dio and television, are reserved by the publisher. Every republication, including excerpts, as well as computer reproductions, requires the agreement of the publisher.
Copyright by Michael Bbl
ISBN 3-9501719-8-3
The naming of tools and products or their i l lustrations in this book occur without mention of product signs, symbols, or patents. The lack of such acknow l edgements which are not allowed to be disclosed have been r e ferred to by a brand, tool or brand name which is public domain. We are not liable for the lack of such acknowled g ments.
Translation : Corinne St e vens (NY USA)
German original title: Geheimwissen Schlsseldienst
About the Author
Michael Bbl
He is also known as the man with the golden hands and has worked as a locksmith since 1986. He worked for fitting and installation companies with security locks, safety doors, and mainly for locksmiths. In addition to working, he furthered his education and completed three Master craftsman certificates (master locksmith, master smith, and master mechanic). With his education, he opened his own locksmith company in 1990. During this time, he unlocked everything that can possibly be locked. Everything from A to Z, Cash boxes, coin machines, old cars, new cars, safes, and closets, but above all apartments and houses. Whisker locks to magnet locks. He researched steadfastly, in order to improve and expand his knowledge of locks and improved and invented the many tools used by locksmiths. He also deals with technical criminal investigations of locks. Meanwhile he is the leading specialist in the technical aspects of locks and security systems. For many years, he wrote down descriptions and has now published them in various books.
Michael Bbl writes columns and short essays for various magazines and publications.
He is an activist and supporter of many Animal welfare agencies.
He also works as a security advisor.
Before you read or put to use any of the information in this book, read the following disclaimer. You must u n derstand and agree with the conditions of this di s claimer in order to be allowed to use the information of this book.
You are responsible for your own a c tions. The author, publisher, and editor accept no responsibility or liability for the misuse of the knowledge in this book, nor do they encourage the perpetration of felonies or illegal a c tivities. The author, publisher, and editor hereby explicitly distance themselves from illegal activities and do not a p prove of such conduct.
This book wasnt written to incite someone to commit an illegal o f fence!
Some methods in this book can and will cause damage to material. Should you choose one of these d e structive methods, it is your choice, and you do this at your own risk.
Great pains were taken to make sure the information in this book was correct, and properly given. In light of this, the author, publisher, and editor deny all claims for damages incurred such as destruction of property, injury, or similar occurrences as a result of the usage of methods found within this book.
Although the greatest attention was given to the accuracy and integrity of the information in this book, the author, publisher and ed i tor make no guarantees that the illustrated methods will always bring success.
All attempts to misuse this i n formation are punishable. Do not open a lock which you are not allowed to, and do not break into another persons property. It is wrong and illegal. You will b e come a criminal through such an act, and must pay fines and damage fees, and could possibly go to jail. The people against whom you have co m mitted the act will make you unhappy. And it is dishonest!
Breaking open locks is a wonde r ful thing and the knowledge of how to do so need not be put to use for criminal acti v ity. To unlock doors is fun and you can, if your want to, make a living from it. Many people will be willing to pay for you to open their cars or apartments when they have forgotten or lost the co r rect key. For a criminal, it would only be possible to earn a fraction of the amount that a succes s ful locksmith could.
If you like to unlock cars, than you could work for a breakdown service or for a towing company, or offer such a company a partnership and work independently. Dont be shy about asking caretaking companies, sentries, or other instit u tions. These companies are always hiring part-time or even full-time emplo y ees.
The large department stores also mostly offer an auto unlocking service for custo m ers who have been locked out of their cars as part of their safety forces. Many loc k smiths or lock and key services look for holiday or evening employees for their companies. That is just a small fraction of the possibilities that are available with such an educ a tion. Legal work has no disadvantages, as opposed to i l legal.
A successful locksmith is awarded much pre s tige from society and the public. They are a me m ber of a chamber of craftsmen and the most are well-liked. As a criminal, you will be ostracized and shunned. If you commit a crime, you will be persecuted, fined, and have slim chances of finding a job in the professional workplace. You have compl i cated your own life, especially when you possess the same qualities as a respectable specia l ist.
Stealing often causes graver cons e quences than one even realizes. In every item there is work time which the owner had invested in order to make the money to purchase it. Time is very expensive, and can never be recovered. Ther e fore, with every theft, you take life time away, and that is unethical. In order to compensate for the st o len item, the victim must give up other plans that were likely unde r way.
This sum will likely be taken from funds used for food, retirement, or childrens education.
Therefore is crime inexcusable and deserving of strict punishment.
Important Hints
Before reading on or beginning to practice, read this section. This chapter contains important i n formation that will save you time and damage. One can avoid many mistakes when one is aware of the pitfalls and thinks ahead.