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Giovanna Ambrosio - On Incest. Psychoanalytic Perspectives

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Giovanna Ambrosio On Incest. Psychoanalytic Perspectives

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Incest is a universal taboo that is found throughout the history and mythology of the majority of societies. A neglected subject in more recent psychoanalytic work, this book was inspired by the COWAP European Conference of 2003. On Incest explores the theories and reasons behind incest, using themes such as gender identity and perversion. This fourth volume in the Psychoanalysis & Women Series for the Committee on Women and Psychoanalysis of the International Psychoanalytical Association contains papers from leading experts in the field. It includes the papers delivered at the conference, and two additional papers from Mariam Alizade and Brendan MacCarthy, who present their accounts of the discussions as they developed during the conference.The collection deals with a number of issues that surround incest, including Freuds work and how his outlook changed throughout the years; the post-Freudian theories; treatment of both offender and victim through traditional one-on-one and...

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First published in 2005 by

Karnac Books Ltd.

118 Finchley Road, NW3 5HT

Copyright 2005 The International Psychoanalytical Association

Copyright 2005 Arrangement, Foreword, and Introduction by Giovanna


Chapter 1 2005 Simona Argentieri

Chapter 2 2005 Juan Eduardo Tesone

Chapter 3 2005 Monique Cournut-Janin

Chapter 4 2005 Estela V. Welldon

Chapter 5 2005 Mariam Alizade

Chapter 6 2005 Brendan MacCarthy

The rights of the editor and contributors to be identified as the authors of this work have been asserted in accordance with 77 and 78 of the Copyright Design and Patents Act 1988.

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher.

British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data

A C.I.P. for this book is available from the British Library

ISBN: 9781855753624

Edited, designed and produced by The Studio Publishing Services Ltd, Exeter EX4 8JN

Printed in Great Britain

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This book contains some of the papers presented at the European Conference on the theme of incest that, as European co-chair of the IPA Committee on Women and Psychoanalysis, I had the priviledge to organize in Ravello, Italy, on the 28 and 29 April 2003; in particular, the papers of Simona Argentieri, Monique Cournut-Janin, Estela Welldon and Juan Eduardo Tesone, analysts who are especially interested in themes such as gender identity, perversions, and incest. Contributions by two other colleagues who took part in the Conference have been added to these papers: the chairperson of COWAP Mariam Alizade, who is the author of many works on feminine identity, and the British psychoanalyst Brendan MacCarthy, who has carried out much theoretical and clinical work on the theme of incest. Both authors present an account of the discussions as they developed during the Conference.

The theme of the Conference was chosen because we noted that, curiously, it has been taken into very little consideration by psychoanalysts during recent years. We wanted to promote a confrontation between past and present, and a clinical and theoretical reflection on a problem that, on account of recent historical, social, and cultural development, seems to contain a special kaleidoscopic quality.

From our perspective, incest is distinct from sexual abuse outside of the family nucleus; incest, of course, includes abuse, but with a different and particular connotation. At the call for papers presenting clinical cases of incest for the workshop discussions, many colleagues with long-standing experience proposed material that regarded molestation and violence outside the family nucleus. This called my attention to, and strengthened my conviction about, the need to gather together the threads of psychoanalytic thinking in an attempt to foster a clearer conceptualization of what we really mean when referring to incest, while keeping a careful watch over the different psychopathological frameworks and various transfer-ential configurations in which we may find ourselves in these cases. We have also tried to distinguish incestuous fantasies from real, acted out incest.

On the subject of this dramatic theme, you will also find in this book an attentive view of the feminine universe, freed from the Freudian vision of masochistic passivity and fully restored to the area of drives.

I wish to thank all those who have agreed to contribute to this book, thus allowing us to reflect on incest yesterday and today with the hope that these discussions may stimulate and reinforce theoretical and clinical interest in such a crucial theme.

A special thank you also to Jacqueline Amati Mehler, for her constant help and for preventing what could have been lost in translation.

Giovanna Ambrosio


Giovanna Ambrosio is a full member of the Italian Psychoanalytical Association (AIPsi), the International Psychoanalytical Association, and the Secretary of the Italian Psychoanalytical Association (AIPsi). She is also the Chief Editor of the journal Psicoanalisi, and European co-chair of the Committee on Women and Psychoanalysis (2001-2005). Her main scientific interests include the field of the intra-psychic interaction between the truth and the false, the meanings of lies and issues related to the well-known problem of the confusion of tongues.

Alcira Mariam Alizade, MD, is a psychiatrist and training analyst of the Argentine Psychoanalytic Association. She is current overall chair of the IPA Committe on Women and Psychoanalysis (2001-2005) and former COWAP Latin-American co-chair (1998-2001). Her publications include: Feminine Sensuality (Karnac, 1992); Near Death: Clinical Psychoanalytical Studies (Amorrortu, Buenos Aires, 1995); Time for Women (Letra Viva, Buenos Aires, 1996); The Lone Woman (Lumen, Buenos Aires, 1999); Positivity in Psychoanalysis (Lumen, Buenos Aires, 2002). She is the editor of IPA-COWAP-Karnac Series (The Embodied Female, Studies on Femininity, MasculineScenarios) and of the collected papers of COWAP Latin-American Intergenerational Dialogues (Lumen, Buenos Aires).

Simona Argentieri is Training and Supervising Analyst of the Italian Psychoanalytical Association (AIPsi) and of the International Psychoanalytical Association. Her main scientific interests are the mind-body relationship, psychosomatic medicine, and the gender identity, on which she has written extensively. In addition to her full-time clinical practice, she has been involved in the field of bio-ethics, in teaching at universities, and in active psychoanalytic divulgation in the mass media. She has dedicated much thought to the relationship between psychoanalysis, culture, and art, particu-lary the cinema. She is the author of many essays and books on the above subjects. She edited the Italian edition of Freud and the Art, and has co-authored: Freud in Hollywood; The Babel of the Unconscious (on the mother tongue and foreign languages in the psychoanalytic dimension); Anna Freud, the Daughter; The Bogyman (a small catalogue of infantile anxieties), The Weariness of Growing Up: Anorexia and Bulimia in a Confused Epoch; and The Maternal Father.

Monique Cournut-Janin is a psychiatrist and a training analyst of the Socit Psychanalytique de Paris (SPP). She is a former coordinator of the Jean Favreau Consultation and Treatment Centre. In addition to her work as present training secretary of the SPP, she is a consultant member of the COWAP. Among other texts, she has written Fminin et Fminit, published (in French) in Paris by the Presses Universitaires de France (1998).

Brendan MacCarthy was a consultant child psychiatrist at the Tavistock and Portman Clinics in London between 1969 and 1987. He is a member, Training Analyst, and Child Analyst in the British Psychoanalytical Society. He was a Medical Director of the London Clinic of Psychoanalysis 1985-1993 and 1998-2000, and the President of the British Psychoanalytic Society 1993-1996.

Juan Eduardo Tesone completed his psychoanalytic training at the Socit Psychanalytique de Paris, of which he became a member in 1992. He is also training analyst of the Argentinian Psychoanalytic Association and of the International Psychoanalytical Association. He has worked as psychiatrist at the Hpital de lAssistance Publique in Paris (1978-1988), psychiatrist at the Direction des Affaires Sanitaires et Sociales de Paris, Departement de lEnfance et lAdolescence (1981-1987), and Medical Director of the Centre Mdico Psycho-Pdagogique E. Pichon Rivire de Paris (1987-1997). In 1989 he was counsellor at the Ministre des Affaires Sociales de France. In 1997 he returned to Argentina where he currently practises. He is author of over fifty articles in specialized journals in English, French, Italian, German, Serbo-Croat, and Spanish, and co-author of three books published in Italy, Croatia, and Argentina. He teaches at the University of Paris VI and at the UCES in Buenos Aires.

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