Writing Copy For Dummies
by Jonathan Kranz
Writing Copy For Dummies
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About the Author
Jonathan Kranz is an award-winning copywriter and principal of Kranz Communications (www.kranzcom.com ), a marketing communications firm serving consumer and business-to-business clients in high-tech, healthcare, banking, insurance, education, financial services, and other industries. His client list includes 3Com, American Express, Aon Insurance, Blue Cross Blue Shield, Boston University School of Medicine, Candela, Dell, Home Service Store, IBM, iparty.com, Lesley University, Liberty Mutual, Matchmaker.com, NCR, Publishers Clearing House, Readers Digest, Reed Elsevier, Spaulding & Slye Colliers, Surebridge, Terra Lycos, Time Warner, and USTrust, among many others.
In addition, Jonathan is a published author of short fiction (Missouri Review and Green Mountains Review , among others) and has been a repeated guest essayist on National Public Radios All Things Considered. He has taught writing courses at Harvard University Extension School, Emerson College, and Northeastern University.
Jonathan lives in Melrose, Massachusetts, with his wife, Eileen; two daughters, Rebecca and Anastasia; and a vast collection of LP records.
To Eileen: O mondo, pieno di pazzi innamorati!
Authors Acknowledgments
Im deeply grateful to Natasha Graf, the acquisitions editor who retrieved my book proposal from the slush pile and encouraged the books publication. I also very much appreciate the hard work, brilliant insights, and enduring patience of Georgette Beatty, the project editor who helped me carve a finished book from a rough draft. In addition, I want to thank Tina Sims, the senior copy editor, and Roberta Rosenberg, the technical editor, for their sharp eyes, sage wisdom, and precise guidance. Natasha, Georgette, Tina, and Roberta, thank you!
Thank you, Eric Wholley, Sally Moren, and Paula Pinheiro, three wonderful colleagues and marketing experts who gave me answers and advice that got me through some tough spots in this book.
Finally, I want to thank three people who helped me get started in my copywriting career: Glen Wish, artist, friend, entrepreneur, and inventor of the WishDog, who gave me my first copywriting assignments; Jane Winsor, copywriter extraordinaire, who has been a frequent source of encouragement and inspiration; and Evan Stone, the best creative director Ive had the privilege of working with and an all-around terrific human being.
Publishers Acknowledgments
Were proud of this book; please send us your comments through our Dummies online registration form located at www.dummies.com/register/ .
Some of the people who helped bring this book to market include the following:
Acquisitions, Editorial, and Media Development
Project Editor: Georgette Beatty
Acquisitions Editor: Natasha Graf
Senior Copy Editor: Tina Sims
Technical Editor: Roberta Rosenberg
Editorial Manager: Jennifer Ehrlich
Editorial Assistants: Courtney Allen, Melissa S. Bennett
Cartoons: Rich Tennant, www.the5thwave.com
Project Coordinator: Maridee Ennis
Layout and Graphics: Jonelle Burns, Andrea Dahl, Lauren Goddard, Denny Hager, Joyce Haughey, Stephanie D. Jumper, Michael Kruzil Heather Ryan
Proofreaders: John Greenough, Brian H. Walls, TECHBOOKS Production Services