Alexandria Advertiser and Commercial Intelligencer:
Twenty Dollars Reward. Ran Away from the subscriber, living in Charles county, Maryland, on Monday the 9th instant, a Mulatto man, named Jerry, about 5 feet 9 inches high, 30 years of age; had on a Negro cotton jacket, coating overalls, India muslin shirt; has a large scar on one side of his breast. Whoever takes up said fellow and delivers him to Joseph Thomas, City of Washington, shall receive the above reward and reasonable charges. Henry Thomas. March 14.
Absconded from his master's service, at the Rope Walk in this place, on Monday the 16th instant, a Negro Boy named Harry, eighteen years of age, rather low in stature, a very pleasant countenance; had on and took with him, when he went away, a short drab coloured jacket and trowsers of the same, blue cloth do, light coloured cashmere breeches, yarn stockings and new shoes. If he is not harbored about town, it is probable he is at Mr. Wren's who married the widow Hipkins, near the Falls Church, where his mother lives, and his father in the same neighborhood. I will give Five Dollars to anyone who will bring him home or lodge him in the workhouse, if about town, or within 5 miles, or Ten Dollars if at a greater distance.
Masters of vessels and others are warned not to harbor or carry him off at their peril. Joseph Harper, Who has a snug House and large Garden, near the Rope Walk, to let. March 18.
Six Dollars Reward. Ran away last week from the subscriber's plantation, in Prince George county, Maryland, about three miles from the Alexandria Ferry, a stout Negro boy called Frank, between 17 and 18 years of age, 5 feet 2 or 3 inches high, his nose is very broad, has some embarrassment in his speech, and his feet are remarkably broad; he had on, when he went away, a bad pair of long, green breeches, a grey cotton jacket, and an osnaburgs shirt with Jesuit sleeves. Any person who will stop and secure him, so that I get him again, shall receive the above reward. It is supposed he will endeavour to get on board some vessel to escape by water, all masters of vessels are therefore forbidden to carry him off at their peril. Peter Savary. April 1.
Ten Dollars Reward. Ran Away about the 20th of last month, a Negro man named Darby, about 36 years of age, and about 5 feet 5 inches high; had on, when he went away, a short blue jacket and breeches, a pair of boots; chews tobacco and spits a good deal; plays very well on the violin; seldom drinks spirits to get drunk; he is a thick set fellow, has a big mouth and large teeth; he came from near Leed's Town. The above reward will be given if taken 20 miles from this town and secured in gaol, or Five Dollars, if taken in town and secured so that the owner may get him again. Robert Allison. May 1.
Twenty Dollars Reward. Ran Away from the subscriber, on Saturday the 25th of last month, negro Charles (a cooper by trade) he is about five feet ten inches high, a thin spare made man, has a long narrow visage, large eyes, a short thick grumbling way of speaking and has a scar on his forehead; he was wounded in the thumb of his right hand (a few days before he absconded) by the bite of a hog, and great part of the flesh under the nail torn off -Had on when he went away, a drab coloured cloth jacket and overalls, oznabrigs shirt, old shoes and socks and an old hat, all his working cloaths are much worn and patched; he had also a snuff-coloured cloth coat, a brown cloth vest and breeches, and sundry other articles, which he has probably taken with him. Whoever takes him up and brings him home (if he is taken up either in the county of Fairfax or the ten miles square) shall receive Five Dollars, and if taken up out of the above limits, and brought home, or secured so that I get him again, shall receive Twenty Dollars, and be paid all reasonable expenses. All masters of vessels and others, are hereby forewarned, taking him out of the District of Columbia at their peril. Phil. Rd. Fendall. May 8.
Sixteen Dollars Reward. Ran Away from the subscriber, on the 20th of April, 1801, a Negro man, named James, he has a dark complexion, about 33 years of age, 5 feet 8 or 9 inches high; he has a thin visage, a big mouth, thick lips and a small beard. I have some reason to believe he has forged a pass. He had on, and took with him, a new white Welch plains close bodied coat and trowsers, one pair blue cloth trowsers, one country cloth short coat, one dark coloured great coat half-worn, two oznaburgs shirts, a new hat and other clothes, one old pair of velvet breeches, with a piece of brown cloth in the seat, the white coat has some (if not all) very large old yellow gilt buttons. It is very likely he may change his name and endeavor to pass as a freeman. Whoever takes up said fellow and secures him in any jail, so that I get him again, shall receive 8 dollars if under 10 miles from home, and if over 10 miles the above reward, and all reasonable charges paid if brought home, including what the law allows. Wm. Townshend, Prince George's County, near Piscataway, Maryland. May 26.
Ten Dollars Reward. Ran Away from the subscriber, on the 27th inst. about one mile from Alexandria, a Negro woman named Sally; about 30 years of age, dark complexion, has a small mole on each side of her chin had on, when she went off, a bluejacket and striped homespun petticoat -1 believe she is aiming to get to a widow Deal's who lives in Alexandria, near Conway's wharf. I bought said Negro of Col. Gordon she came from Northumberland county. The above reward will be given to any person who may apprehend and secure said Negro so that I get her again. Ben. W. Breedlove, Living at Renno's Tavern. May 28.
Twenty Dollars Reward. Ran away on Tuesday the 7th instant, from the subscriber living 10 miles above Montgomery Court House, a Negro man named Andrew, 21 or 22 years of age, 5 feet 3 or 4 inches high; he is of a tolerable black complexion, with short hair growing low on his forehead; has a wide mouth ' thick lips; it is likely he has changed his name, and as to his cloathing I cannot describe them; he is submissive and not very artful. His father, who calls himself John Blocker, lives in George-Town, and it is probable he is either there, or in the City of Washington or Bladensburg. The above reward will be given for securing him so that I get him again, and reasonable charges paid if brought home. Masters of vessels and others are forbid from taking him off or harboring him. Wm. Smith, June 11.