To my wife, Sue, our daughter, Emma, and my stepdaughters, Jane and Clare, who have all brought me down to earth during my hectic life.
First printed in hardback format in 2013.
First published in ebook format 2019 by Veloce Publishing Limited, Veloce House, Parkway Farm Business Park, Middle Farm Way, Poundbury, Dorchester, Dorset, DT1 3AR, England Fax 01305 250479 e-mail .
Ebook edition ISBN: 978-1-787116-24-5
Hardback edition ISBN: 978-1-845844-39-4
Tony Mason and Veloce Publishing 2019. All rights reserved. With the exception of quoting brief passages for the purpose of review, no part of this publication may be recorded, reproduced or transmitted by any means, including photocopying, without the written permission of Veloce Publishing Ltd. Throughout this book logos, model names and designations, etc, have been used for the purposes of identification, illustration and decoration. Such names are the property of the trademark holder as this is not an official publication.
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What they say about Tony ...
I have always said that 'Movement is tranquillity!' Well, Tony has certainly had plenty of movement over the years, but not a lot of tranquillity. I've known him more years than I care to remember and I know you'll enjoy this book.
Tony Mason sometimes accused of being my brother more often my elderly uncle! He's an even worse drummer than I am, although much better at rallying and presenting motoring programmes on TV. His book should probably be nearly as good as mine!
Tony is good fun and a great guy.
Tony has come a long way in his career; usually because he was lost! Hes given us some great moments on Top Gear and other television programmes, and often reminded me of Wilfrid from the Bash Street Kids in the Beano comic.
Tony is one of the rare breed of men that can sit next to an out-of-control driver for several days and participate for a lifetime with that same passion, and laugh about it.
Tony has played a big and hilarious role in British motorsport over the past four decades. This book is proof of that not to mention the enormous amount of fun he has obviously had putting this book together.
Tony is one of those enthusiastic characters that you enjoy meeting. Last time he put a microphone in my face I was climbing out of a rally car after an outrageously fast ride through the trees of Goodwood's rally stage. Tony used to do this full time, so I can confirm that he must be slightly mad!
I first met Tony many years ago before I could speak or understand any English. He still made me laugh! He has amazing stories to tell, including those about when he co-drove for me in New Zealand on his last rally.
Thanks a million!
Because of my hatred of computers and inability to Google or send e-mails, I have had to rely on very many organisations, friends and acquaintances to help me put this book together. Everyone has been so supportive and I must have driven half of them mad when I showed my ignorance of modern technology. Despite all this immense help, I have to say that writing my autobiography is the hardest thing I have ever done. I hope you think its worth it.
My very grateful thanks go to the following who have all helped. Some have supplied facts and figures, or memories, and others just great encouragement and enthusiastic support. Compiling this list makes me think this has every chance of being one of the longest chapters in the book.
My special thanks go to the following seven people from the worlds of motorsport, television and writing who have helped me enormously:
Mike Cable
Neil Henderson
Mike Preston
Bob Redhead
Graham Robson
Tom Ross
Stuart Turner
I am also indebted to the following who have helped in so many ways:
Louise Aitken-Walker
Carl & Conny Bailey
Don Barrow
John Bayliss
Fred Bent
Jon Bentley
Sam Berry
Jon Blackburn
Tom Blinkhorn
Mike Broad
John Brown
Stephanie Browne
Ken Bruce
Cindy Butler
Sam Childs
John Clegg
Paul Colbert
Jilly Cooper
Jenny Cornell
John Couzens
Ian Crammond
John Davenport
Ken Dodd
Ross & Lisa Dunkerton
Fred Gallagher
Jane Gladstone
Rod Grainger
Mark Griffin
Mike Griffiths
Mavis Hampshire-Fair
Dave Hill
Martin Holmes
Henry Hope-Frost
Alan Jolley
Pushpa Kasinather
Chris Knowles-Fitton
Karen Lamb
Justin & Bronni Le Fevre
Martin Leonard
Helen Loggin
Stephen Loh
Jonathan Lord
Sue Mason
Yvonne Mehta
Tiff Needell
Roger Oakley
Richard Pearson
David Penny
John & Gloria Penny
Richard Phillips
Lino & Peter Pires
Jim Porter
Vic Preston Jnr
Jemma Rapson
Harry Rhodes
Chris Sclater
Paul Slater
Tina Summerfield
Dave V Thomas
Lorraine Thornton
Sue Viggers
Mike Wood
Philip Young
I hope I have not forgotten anyone, but, if I have, my profuse apologies.
I acknowledge the help of the following who have sourced and, in most cases, taken the photographs used in this book. All have kindly given permission for their inclusion in this book. Every reasonable effort has been made to establish and contact the copyright holders of all photographs. Any errors or omissions are inadvertent, and anyone who has not been contacted is invited to write to the publisher so that an acknowledgement can be included in any subsequent edition of this book:
Airston Photographic
Belinda McDougall
Bev Canning
David Skeffington
Derek Soden/
Esler Crawford
Ford Motor Company Ltd
Goodwood Road Racing Company Ltd
Jack Wilson
Jeff Garnett
John Wolsoncroft
Jonathan Eales
Maurice Selden
National Rally Productions
Neil Prunell
Speedsports Photography
Tony Large
Tony North
Tudor Photography
Xavier McCartan
I know youll find this hard to believe but Ive been involved in motorsport for over 50 years. Mind you, I was still wearing short trousers when I did my first rally.
Ive had an interesting and varied life but it never occurred to me to write about it until now. Being a jack of all trades (and master of none, of course!), I thought of my life as a bit of a hotch-potch of various activities.
I suppose Ive had two or three careers running simultaneously at times, ranging from stand-up comedy to world rallying, which has led to a busy life. Ive created a motor accessory business and taken to the road as a salesman, but I suspect Im best known for waddling about on TV screens for twenty years and, as Terry Wogan said, making a career out of falling about in the mud! Mind you, Jeremy Clarkson said I had made a career out of winning one little rally!