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Jones - Crusaders: the epic history of the wars for the holy lands

Here you can read online Jones - Crusaders: the epic history of the wars for the holy lands full text of the book (entire story) in english for free. Download pdf and epub, get meaning, cover and reviews about this ebook. City: Islamic Empire, year: 2019, publisher: Penguin Publishing Group;Viking, genre: Non-fiction. Description of the work, (preface) as well as reviews are available. Best literature library LitArk.com created for fans of good reading and offers a wide selection of genres:

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Jones Crusaders: the epic history of the wars for the holy lands
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    Crusaders: the epic history of the wars for the holy lands
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    Islamic Empire
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Crusaders: the epic history of the wars for the holy lands: summary, description and annotation

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The count and the imam -- Poets and party kings -- Empire under siege -- Deus vult! -- The preachers tale -- March of the princes -- The longest winter -- Jerusalem -- Dividing the spoils -- Sigurd Jerusalemfarer -- Fields of blood -- A new knighthood -- Melisende the Magnificent -- The swords of our fathers -- Converted or deleted -- History repeating -- The race for Egypt -- Because of our sins -- Lionesses and Lionhearts -- Consumed by fire -- Enemies within -- The river of paradise -- Immutator mundi -- Khans and kings -- The enemy from hell -- Fragments and dreams -- Brave new worlds -- Epilogue: Crusaders 2.0.;For more than one thousand years, Christians and Muslims lived side by side, sometimes at peace and sometimes at war. When Christian armies seized Jerusalem in 1099, they began the most notorious period of conflict between the two religions. Depending on who you ask, the fall of the holy city was either an inspiring legend or the greatest of horrors. In Crusaders, Dan Jones interrogates the many sides of the larger story, charting a deeply human and avowedly pluralist path through the crusading era. Expanding the usual timeframe, Jones looks to the roots of Christian-Muslim relations in the eighth century and tracks the influence of crusading to present day. He widens the geographical focus to far-flung regions home to so-called enemies of the Church, including Spain, North Africa, southern France, and the Baltic states. By telling intimate stories of individual journeys, Jones illuminates these centuries of war not only from the perspective of popes and kings, but from Arab-Sicilian poets, Byzantine princesses, Sunni scholars, Shiite viziers, Mamluk slave soldiers, Mongol chieftains, and barefoot friars. Crusading remains a rallying call to this day, but its role in the popular imagination ignores the cooperation and complicated coexistence that were just as much a feature of the period as warfare. The age-old relationships between faith, conquest, wealth, power, and trade meant that crusading was not only about fighting for the glory of God, but also, among other earthly reasons, about gold. In this richly dramatic narrative that gives voice to sources usually pushed to the margins, Dan Jones has written an authoritative survey of the holy wars with global scope and human focus--

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ALSO BY DAN JONES The Templars The Rise and Spectacular Fall of Gods Holy - photo 1

The Templars: The Rise and Spectacular Fall of Gods Holy Warriors

The Plantagenets: The Warrior Kings and Queens Who Made England

The War of the Roses: The Fall of the Plantagenets and the Rise of the Tudors

Magna Carta: The Birth of Liberty

Summer of Blood: Englands First Revolution

VIKING An imprint of Penguin Random House LLC penguinrandomhousecom First - photo 2


An imprint of Penguin Random House LLC


First published in hardcover in Great Britain by Head of Zeus, Ltd London, in 2019

Copyright 2019 by Daniel Jones

Penguin supports copyright. Copyright fuels creativity, encourages diverse voices, promotes free speech, and creates a vibrant culture. Thank you for buying an authorized edition of this book and for complying with copyright laws by not reproducing, scanning, or distributing any part of it in any form without permission. You are supporting writers and allowing Penguin to continue to publish books for every reader.

constitutes an extension to this copyright page.


Names: Jones, Dan, 1981 author.

Title: Crusaders : an epic history of the wars for the holy lands / Dan Jones.

Identifiers: LCCN 2019017922 (print) | LCCN 2019980552 (ebook) | ISBN 9780525428312 (hardcover) | ISBN 9780698186446 (ebook)

Subjects: LCSH: Crusades.

Classification: LCC D157 .J64 2019 (print) | LCC D157 (ebook) | DDC 909.07dc23

LC record available at https://lccn.loc.gov/2019017922

LC ebook record available at https://lccn.loc.gov/2019980552

Maps by Jamie Whyte

Cover design: theBookDesigners

Cover images: (top sword handle) Sergey Klopotov / Shutterstock; (top sword blade) Peter Lorimer / Shutterstock; (bottom sword) iStock / Getty Images Plus; (backgrounds) Shutterstock


For Walter

In those days men cared as much for furs as they did for their immortal souls.



LIST OF MAPS Europe and the Holy Land after the First Crusade c 1099 The - photo 3


Europe and the Holy Land after the First Crusade, c. 1099

The Crusader States in the Twelfth Century

Progress of the Reconquista

The First Crusaders March from Constantinople, 109799

The Siege of Antioch, 109798

The Siege of Jerusalem, JuneJuly 1099

The Second Crusade, 114749

The Nile Delta During the Fifth Crusade, 121721

Pagan Tribes of the Baltic, c. 1100

Mongols and Mamluks, c. 1260



Roger I of Sicily

(d. 1101)

First Norman count of Sicily, brother of Roger Guiscard and father of the first Sicilian king, Roger II. Credited with first suggesting Christian conquest of Jerusalem in a colorful (if muddled) anecdote related by Ibn al-Athir.

Robert Guiscard

(d. 1085)

Norman adventurer, conquered parts of southern Italy and attacked Byzantine territory in the Balkans. Father of the First Crusade leader Bohemond I, Prince of Antioch.

Ibn al-Athir


Iraqi scholar and historian, and author of one of the most famous and detailed Islamic chronicles of the crusades, The Perfect Work of History (Al-Kamil fil Tarikh).

Ibn Hamdis

(d. 1133)

Arab Sicilian poet. Fled Sicily following the Norman conquest and took up a position at the court of the Sevillan taifa king al-Mutamid. Fled Seville following the Almoravid invasion and died in Majorca.


(d. 1095)

Third and last taifa king of Seville. Wrote poetry and embraced sensory pleasures at his court. Defeated by Alfonso VI of Castile and Len, he invited the Almoravids of Morocco into his kingdom, who deposed him.

Alfonso VI El Bravo

(d. 1109)

Christian king of Len, Castile and Galicia; waged war on Muslim taifa kingdoms early in the Reconquista and claimed the title of Emperor of the Two Religions.

Anna Komnene


Author of the great Byzantine history the Alexiad, an exculpatory account of her fathers, Alexios I Komnenoss, reign as emperor. Fierce critic of the Franks and particularly of Bohemond of Taranto.

Alexios I Komnenos


Byzantine emperor whose long reign saw assaults on the empire by Seljuq Turks in Asia Minor and Normans, including Robert Guiscard, in the Balkans. His appeal to Western rulers for military assistance was a major factor in the launch of the First Crusade.

Pope Urban II

(d. 1099)

Born Odo of Lagery, a monk at the Abbey of Cluny and follower of the reforming Pope Gregory VII. Launched the First Crusade at Clermont in November 1095, but died before the fall of Jerusalem was known in the West.

Adhmar, bishop of Le Puy


One of the first men to take the cross at Clermont. Represented Urban II as papal legate during the First Crusade.

Raymond IV, Count of Toulouse

(d. 1105)

Southern French lord also known as Raymond of Saint-Gilles. Took the cross at Clermont. Prominent leader of the First Crusade and subsequently the first Count of Tripoli.

Peter the Hermit

(d. 1115)

Charismatic preacher from Amiens in northern France. Raised the doomed, early populist contingent of the First Crusade (the Peoples Crusade) and remained a member of the leadership group thereafter.

Bohemond of Taranto

(d. 1111)

Norman leader of the First Crusade who became the first Latin Prince of Antioch and pursued a lifelong feud with the Byzantine emperor Alexios Komnenos.

Robert, Duke of Normandy

(d. 1134)

One of the princely leaders of the First Crusade. Son of the Norman king of England William the Conqueror. His absence on crusade meant he missed his chance to claim his fathers throne. Nicknamed Robert Curthose.

Tancred of Hauteville

(d. 1112)

Bohemond of Tarantos nephew and fellow princely leader of the First Crusade. Regent of the principality of Antioch during Bohemonds absence/imprisonment. Ralph of Caens Gesta Tancredi describes his crusading deeds.

Godfrey of Bouillon


Duke of Lower Lorraine and prominent leader of the First Crusade. Elected first ruler of the Latin kingdom of Jerusalem but refused the title of king. Succeeded by his brother Baldwin.

Baldwin of Boulogne

(d. 1118)

Princely leader of the First Crusade, along with his brother Godfrey. Established the county of Edessa in 1098. Subsequently became first crowned king of Jerusalem, as Baldwin I.

Stephen, Count of Blois

(d. 1102)

Prominent leader of the First Crusade. Wrote vivid letters from Syria to his wife, Adela. Scorned for abandoning the crusade at Antioch; returned to the East on further campaigns before his death.

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