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Ian David Fong - My Memoirs, My Life: An autobiography of a boy aged 12 who left his village in China to travel to Fiji in 1950.

Here you can read online Ian David Fong - My Memoirs, My Life: An autobiography of a boy aged 12 who left his village in China to travel to Fiji in 1950. full text of the book (entire story) in english for free. Download pdf and epub, get meaning, cover and reviews about this ebook. year: 2020, publisher: Balboa Press AU, genre: Non-fiction. Description of the work, (preface) as well as reviews are available. Best literature library LitArk.com created for fans of good reading and offers a wide selection of genres:

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Ian David Fong My Memoirs, My Life: An autobiography of a boy aged 12 who left his village in China to travel to Fiji in 1950.
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    My Memoirs, My Life: An autobiography of a boy aged 12 who left his village in China to travel to Fiji in 1950.
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My Memoirs, My Life: An autobiography of a boy aged 12 who left his village in China to travel to Fiji in 1950.: summary, description and annotation

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Ian David Fong recalls an action-packed life that began in China and brought him to Fiji, New Zealand, and Australia in this book. Born 3 June 1938, in a three-bedroom house in Duntou Village, now part of the Sha Kai district, Zhongshan, Guangdong, China, he and his family escaped to Hong Kong in early 1941 ? and then went back to China just before Hong Kong surrendered to the Japanese army during World War II. He recalls what it was like growing up during the war, what village life was like in China, his interest in Cantonese opera, his robust family life, and his many adventures at school. He also chronicles his thirty-three years in Fiji, three years in New Zealand, more than thirty years in Australia, his enthusiasm for athletics, and a fateful day in 1961 when he met his loving wife, Frances, while boarding at a house in Fiji. Join the author as he looks back at a life well lived in My Memoirs, My Life.

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Copyright 2020 Ian David Fong.

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ISBN: 978-1-5043-2178-5 (sc)

ISBN: 978-1-5043-2177-8 (e)

Balboa Press rev. date: 01/07/2021

I dedicate this book MY MEMOIRS MY LIFE to my wonderful wife Frances She - photo 1

I dedicate this book MY MEMOIRS, MY LIFE to my wonderful wife Frances.

She spent countless hours helping to edit the 108 chapters that I wrote.

I am forever grateful to her unending support.

Ian David Fong

By Anne King Master in Health Science Developmental Delay University of - photo 2

By Anne King

Master in Health Science (Developmental Delay), University of Sydney

Work history is broadly Community Services with a focus on child protection.

M any Australians have a rich and fascinating history Ian David Fong is one - photo 3

M any Australians have a rich and fascinating history. Ian David Fong is one such person. Ian started writing his memoirs on Facebook and I was captivated by the stories and his vivid memories of his childhood and life as a young adult.

I anticipated with enthusiasm and genuine interest what the next chapter of Ians life would present.

Ian shares his deep knowledge of culture through stories that are fascinating and entertaining at the same time.

Living across a number of countries, Ians appreciation and respect for all cultures is evident. It is very clear that Ian has taken his learnings with him throughout life, he is wise, insightful and generous in sharing with us not only his success but also some of his lessons learnt.

Ians family and the world have the benefit of first person accounts vividly recalled and shared of life from China to Australia and in-between. There is so much to learn and enjoy on this journey.


Ian David Fong, your stories are incredible. They represent historical accounts that only someone who was present can share. Thank you. Your memories are incredible and valuable. Your first person accounts will surely help future historians understand the joys and struggles of immigration and immigration policy and its application in the past.

I heard similar stories from my father-in-law, as Ian mentioned his name as I know it is David King.

I understood so much more about my father and mother-in-law from Ians stories, the history, the shared challenges of immigration and the hope that life in Australia might offer their children.

So much resonates with me as the wife of a second generation Australian. Im lucky to have people like Ian in my life to help me understand and respect the different cultural influences for our children and their children in the future.

Ian, you cover so much of Chinese history and philosophy, so much to learn from.

Enjoy the read everyone and thank you Ian for being so proactive in sharing your life and learning with us.


Anne is the daughter-in-law of my long-time friend and Marist Brothers High School classmate in Suva, Fiji, David King, to whom I had included chapter 106 in my book. I am grateful to her for writing the foreword of my book.

Ian David Fong


F or some years till now, my beloved wife Frances has been urging me to write my memoirs, so that my children and their descendants will know their origin.

I recollected late in June 2017, I complimented Norman Yees book (Catching the Wind) on Facebook. I have read most of its contents and have found them very entertaining. He hinted that I should write a book.

I gave him the same answer as I had given to my wife, that I am no writer, and I wouldnt know where to start, and what to write.

A week later, I suddenly remembered there would be lots of things to write.

On 1 July 2017, I started writing my memoirs on my 12 years in China, 33 years in Fiji, 3 years in New Zealand, 33+ years in Australia.

I chose to post my episodes on my Facebook timeline, so that some of my classmates/school mates of the Marist Brothers High School, Suva, Fiji, who are in Facebook, will view and like/comment on them.

Also mentioned are the former President and Prime Minister of Fiji, Ratu Sir Kamisese Mara, the former Governor General of New Zealand, Sir Anand Satyanand (son of Fiji migrants) and Sean Fitzpatrick, former All Black and Captain. These three and I were old boys of Sacred Heart College, Auckland, New Zealand. Ratu Mara and the present Prime Minister of Fiji Frank Bainimarama, and I were old boys of the Marist Brothers High School, Suva, Fiji.

At Sacred Heart College, Auckland, New Zealand, I represented the college in Athletics and Rugby Union.

In the 1956 Auckland Inter-Secondary School Athletic Championship, I ran in the Relay Team against Peter Snell of Mt Albert Grammar School, who later became the world record holder (for some time) of the 800 metres and 1,500 metres.

In Rugby, our first fifteen played against Tony Davies of Kings College, Mack Herewini and Waka Nathan of Otahuhu College. These three became famous All Blacks.

I have now finished writing 108 chapters of stories.

The title of my book will be My Memoirs, My Life.

I hope that you will enjoy it.

Ian David Fong

O n 3 June 1938 Chinese Calendar I was born on 3 June 1938 Chinese - photo 4

O n 3 June 1938 (Chinese Calendar), I was born on 3 June 1938 (Chinese calendar) in my fathers house. It was a three-bedroom made of bricks, situated in the Duntou Village, now grouped as part of Sha Kai district, Zhongshan, Guangdong, China. The house had a natural well from which we drew water for washing purposes. Drinking water was drawn from the public well about 500 metres away from my home.

At that time, my father Willie Fong War Sut was in Fiji, thus the male responsibility fell upon my grandfathers hands.

Before I came out to this world, grandpa was very excited. While waiting for my arrival, I was told he paced nervously around our house compound until the village midwife delivered me safely.

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