A Darker View
Books by Jeffrey Meyers
A Fever at the Core: The Idealist in Politics
Married to Genius
Katherine Mansfield
The Enemy: A Biography of Wyndham Lewis
Manic Power: Robert Lowell and His Circle
D. H. Lawrence
Joseph Conrad
Edgar Allan Poe: His Life and Legacy
Scott Fitzgerald
Edmund Wilson
Robert Frost
Bogart: A Life in Hollywood
Gary Cooper: American Hero
Privileged Moments: Encounters with Writers
Orwell: Wintry Conscience of a Generation
Fiction and the Colonial Experience
The Wounded Spirit: T. E. Lawrences Seven Pillars of Wisdom
A Readers Guide to George Orwell
Painting and the Novel
Homosexuality and Literature
D. H. Lawrence and the Experience of Italy
Disease and the Novel
The Spirit of Biography
T. E. Lawrence: A Bibliography
Catalogue of the Library of the Late Siegfried Sassoon
George Orwell: An Annotated Bibliography of Criticism
George Orwell: The Critical Heritage
Robert Lowell: Interviews and Memoirs
Hemingway: Life into Art
Wyndham Lewis by Roy Campbell
Wyndham Lewis: A Revaluation
D. H. Lawrence and Tradition
The Legacy of D. H. Lawrence
The Craft of Literary Biography
The Biographers Art
T. E. Lawrence: Soldier, Writer, Legend
Graham Greene: A Revaluation
A Darker View
With a New Introduction
![First Cooper Square Press Edition 2002 This Cooper Square Press paperback - photo 1](/uploads/posts/book/395430/images/pub.jpg)
First Cooper Square Press Edition 2002
This Cooper Square Press paperback edition of Katherine Mansfield is an unabridged republication of the edition first published in 1978 in London, with the addition of a new introduction. It is reprinted by arrangement with the author.
Copyright 1978 by Jeffrey Meyers
New introduction copyright 2002 by Jeffrey Meyers
All rights reserved.
No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the publisher, except by a reviewer who may quote passages in a review.
Published by Cooper Square Press
An Imprint of the Rowman & Littlefield Publishing Group
150 Fifth Avenue, Suite 817
New York, New York 10011
Distributed by National Book Network
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Available
ISBN: 978-0-8154-1197-0
The paper used in this publication meets the minimum requirements of American National Standard for Information SciencesPermanence of Paper for Printed Library Materials, ANSI/NISO Z39.481992. Manufactured in the United States of America.
For Val, again
(Alexander Turnbull Library, Wellington, New Zealand) |
(Alexander Turnbull Library, Wellington, New Zealand) |
(Alexander Turnbull Library, Wellington, New Zealand) |
(Courtesy of Stephanie Fierz) |
(Courtesy of Oliver Trowell) |
(Courtesy of Oliver Trowell) |
(Alexander Turnbull Library, Wellington, New Zealand) |
(Courtesy of Mrs G. Bowden) |
(Anselm Adams) |
(Smith College Archives) |
(Courtesy of David Drey) |
(Courtesy of Mrs Mary Church) |
(Courtesy of Mrs Barbara Barr) |
(David Garnett) |
(Courtesy of The Hon. M. M. Michael Campbell) |
(Alexander Turnbull Library, Wellington, New Zealand) |
(Alexander Turnbull Library, Wellington, New Zealand) |
(The Hogarth Press) |
(Courtesy of Mrs Julian Vinogradoff) |
(National Art Gallery, Wellington, New Zealand) |
(Alexander Turnbull Library, Wellington, New Zealand) |
(Laing Art Gallery, Newcastle, and Tyne and Wear County Council Museums) |
(Alexander Turnbull Library, Wellington, New Zealand) |
(Alexander Turnbull Library, Wellington, New Zealand) |
(Courtesy of Mrs Wyndham Lewis and the Tate Gallery) |
(Courtesy of Mrs I. Collis) |
(Ida Baker Collection, Alexander Turnbull Library, Wellington, New Zealand) |
Every effort has been made to trace the copyright holders of the illustrations used. Should there be any omissions in this respect, we apologise and shall be pleased to make the appropriate acknowledgments in future editions.
It is a pleasure to acknowledge the generous assistance I received while writing this book. The University of Colorado provided two grants for research in New Zealand and in England. Margaret Scott, who is editing Katherine Mansfields letters, allowed me to read copies of all the correspondence she had collected. My friends helped me in important ways. I am grateful to Dr Sheldon Cooperman for expert advice in medical matters; to Werner and Elisabeth Alferink for valuable information about Wrishofen; to Ron Billingsley for photographs; to Felipe Orlando for addresses in Spain; and to Freddie and Naomi Earlle for splendid hospitality while I was working in London.
For personal interviews and letters I would like to thank William Craddock Barclay, Edith Bendall, Gerald Brenan, Dorothy Brett, David Drey, A. S. Frere, David Garnett, Ruth Herrick, Enid Hilton, Lady Juliette Huxley, Christopher Isherwood, Patrick Lawlor, Frank Lea, John Manchester, Colin Murry, who spoke to me for twelve hours, Mary Murry, Richard Murry, Dorothy Richards, Frank Swinnerton, Oliver Trowell, Julian Vinogradoff, Montague Weekly, and Dame Rebecca West.
For letters about Katherine I am grateful to Enid Bagnold, Ida Baker, Barbara Barr, Anne Bennett, Sylvia Berkman, Jean Bickler, Sharon Clark, Adam Curle, Georgina DAngelo, Robert G. Davis, William Gerhardie, Ian Gordon, Anne Hardham, Tara Heinemann, Alfred Knopf, Gerald Lacy, Dan Laurence, Wallace Martin, Lucy OBrien, Jeanne Renshaw, Elinor Short, Catherine Stoye, William Targ, E. W. Tedlock, Douglas Trowell, Craig Wallace, Sylvia Townsend Warner, John Waterlow, Seymour Weiner, Celeste Wright and George Zytaruk.
Mary Dalton of the University of Windsor, Ontario, kindly sent me copies of Katherines letters to Garnet Trowell; and I also received useful information from Donald Eddy of Cornell University, Joseph McCarthy of Fordham University, P. J. Croft of Kings College, Cambridge, Mary Trott of Smith College, David Farmer of the University of Texas, Helen Slotkin of the University of Cincinnati, Thomas Whitehead of Temple University, P. B. Freshwater of Birmingham University, John Isard of the Guildhall School of Music, Francis Puslowski of the Polish Institute of Arts and Sciences, and Stefan Traugott of the Instytut Badan Literakich in Warsaw. Florence Schwartz did research for me in the New York Public Library. My wife provided rigorous scrutiny and critical insight. Aladeen Smith was a superb editor and typist.
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