Witnessing Bigfoot
Flesh and Blood,
Native American Legend,
or the Devil Himself?
Glen S Boulier
Pine Winds Press
Pine Winds Press
An imprint of Idyll Arbor, Inc.
39129 264th Ave SE, Enumclaw, WA 98022
Cover Design: Curt Pliler
Pine Winds Press Editor: Autumn Conley
Photographs: Glen Boulier, except where credited onthe photograph
Bigfoot cast on the cover from Christopher L.Murphy
2017 Idyll Arbor, Inc.
International copyright protection is reserved underUniversal Copyright Convention and bilateral copyright relations ofthe USA. All rights reserved, which includes the right to reproducethis book or any portions thereof in any form whatsoever except asprovided by the relevant copyright laws.
paper ISBN 9780937663288
e-book ISBN 9780937663295
Published by Idyll Arbor at Smashwords.
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-PublicationData
Boulier, Glen S.
Witnessing bigfoot : flesh and blood, Native Americanlegend, or the devil himself? / Glen S Boulier.
pages cm
Includes bibliographical references.
ISBN 978-0-937663-28-8 -- ISBN 978-0-937663-29-5(ebook)
1. Sasquatch. I. Title.
QL89.2.S2B69 2015
I believe there is something tangible to themystery
its what a Sasquatch is that plays with mybeliefs.
Roman Forczek (The Bigfoot Forums)
I would like tothank the following authors, magazines, website owners, andpublishers for their generosity and permission to use thefollowing copyrighted material. Copyright in all material remainswith the original owner.
* Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization (BFRO).www.BFRO.net [BFRO1], [BFRO2], [BFRO3], [BFRO4]
* Bowman, Matthew. 2007. Journal of MormonHistory, Volume 33. [MB1], [MB2]
* Clark, Ella E. 2003. Indian Legends of thePacific Northwest. University of California Press. [EEC1]
* Clark, Jerome. 1990. UFOs: in the 1980s. TheUFO Encyclopedia, Vol. I. Apogee Books. [JC1]
* Coleman, Loren. John A. Keel Has Died.Cryptomundo. http://www.cryptomundo.com/cryptozoo-news/keel-obit[LCJK1]
* Crowe, Ray. The International Bigfoot Society.http://bigfootology.com/?page_id=811 [RC1]
* Currie, Laurie. 1970. Sasquatch on Film Here.The Similkameen Spotlight.[LC1]
* Darwin, Charles. 1872. The Expression of theEmotions in Man and Animals. John Murray (publisher). [CD1]
* Fattig, Paul. 2006. Bigfoot Beware, MailTribune Southern Oregons News Source. [PF1]
* Franzoni, Henry J. 2009. In the Spirit ofSeatco. Ste Ye Hah Publishing. [HJF1]
* Green, John. 1992. John Green Interview with BobGimlin. Bigfoot Encounters. http://www.bigfootencounters.com.[JG4]
* Green, John. Reward Article. Bigfoot Encounters.http://www.bigfootencounters.com [JG3]
* Green, John. Sasquatch Database.http://www.sasquatchdatabase.com [JG1] [JG2]
* Highpine, Gayle. 1992. The Track Record#18. [GH1]
* Keel, John A. 1970. UFOs: Operation TrojanHorse. Putnam. [JAK1]
* Kroeber, Alfred L. 1925. Handbook of theIndians of California. Washington, DC: Bureau of AmericanEthnology Bulletin No. 78. [ALK1]
* Mallery, Garrick. 1886. Pictographs of theNorth American Indians: A Preliminary Paper. U.S. Gov PrintingOffice. [GM1]
* Marcot, Bruce G. around the world, they callit Sasquatch, Forest Man, Yeti, Bigfoot, Matdngdng. [BGM1]
* Martin, Rick and Cortright, Gail. 2000. TheSpectrum Magazine. March 2000. [RM1]
* Matthews, Gerry and Kristian, Ken. West CoastSasquatch. http://www.westcoast-sasquatch.com [GMKK1] [GMKK2][GMKK3]
* Morgan, Robert W. 2008. Bigfoot ObserversField Manual. Pine Winds Press. [RWM1]
* Palmroth, Bill. 1992. See No Sasquatch. OregonFish & Wildlife Journal. Winter 1992 Edition. [BP1]
* Powell, Thom. Review of In the Spirit ofSeatco. Bigfoot Encounters. http://www.bigfootencounters.com.[TP1]
* Pyle, Robert Michael. 1997. Where BigfootWalks: Crossing the Dark Divide. Houghton MifflinHarcourt.[RMP1], [RMP2]
* Short, Bobbie. Bigfoot Encounters.http://www.bigfootencounters.com. [BS1]
* Wilson, Lycurgus A. 1900. The Life of David W.Patten. Salt Lake City: Desert News. [LAW1]
* Yellow Bird, Dorreen. 2004. Big Foot in NorthDakota? Maybe, Just Maybe. The Grand Forks Herald.[DYB1]
* Yellow Bird, Dorreen. 2004. Tales of SightingsLend Credence to Bigfoot Myth. The Grand Forks Herald.[DYB2] [DYB3]
Its all beensaid many times before: A race of hairy giants roam the wild landsand woodlands of North America, creatures of a strange origin seenperiodically and by thousands of witnesses. These patterns continuetoday, with these undiscovered beings seemingly out of the reach ofman.
We have looked into the dark, piercing eyes ofsomething that most say does not exist: an evasive, self-seeking,shy creature that quickly moves away with cunning and craftiness,its unsuspected intelligence leading it along. There are manychasing the Mystery, the Mountain Devil, as it has beencalled, one of the many names associated with this two-legged,upright-walking being. Expeditions of varying sizes, comprised ofindividuals from all walks of life, have tried to gather criticalevidence to demonstrate the existence of these forest giants, andthe search for a Sasquatch-type living and breathing humanoid isnot limited to any one country.
In the 1970s and 1980s, in the small, quaint loggingand mining town of Princeton, British Columbia, my two brothers andI played witness to the supposedly impossible encountering thespecter coming from the wilderness. Back in 1970, our mother mayhave sighted a similar creature when a mysterious forest dwellerterrified her in the night.
From a witnesss standpoint, I will try and explainthe supposed reality of this legend and what else may be lurkingwithin the shadows of this phenomenon. Through nothing more thanbasically dumb, blind luck, this ghostly myth of apparent fleshshowed itself to us, though it has eluded mankind in general surprisingly for generations. And strangely enough, the phenomenonmay have shown itself yet again, possibly visiting the rental towerof a Lincoln County, Montana, fire lookout in the early summer of2005. My wife and our youngest boy were present that fateful night,and our strange visitor(s) left no tracks or traces of theirpresence.
This is the story of the Sasquatch, the wanderings ofa legendary needle in a haystack an explanation of a growingdilemma that continues to challenge mans mind and abilities.
Because of the high degree of controversy involvedwith this subject, I have written this book about the many caringindividuals who were kind enough to share their ideas, knowledge,and beliefs. This is all a part of the Sasquatch mystery at thispresent time. To all of them, I am extremely thankful.
For those new to the phenomenon, welcome to the worldof Bigfoot! And for those who have been searching as long and hardas I have for answers, tighten your seatbelts! Were all riding inthe same bus together on this journey, and were in for quite aride.
Authors Disclaimer
I believe the creature I saw in 1974 and again in1985 was flesh and blood, an undiscovered race of bipedal giantsstill roaming the forests of North America, and there is evidenceto support this belief.
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