![BIGFOOT THE FOUR LEVELS OFCONTACT By Todd Michael Copyright 2012 - photo 1](/uploads/posts/book/414547/tmp_60dac8530587a02113991b169fcd8ac9_ju9jRX_html_1f982c7c.jpg)
By Todd Michael
Copyright 2012
Smashwords Edition, License Notes
This eBook is licensed for your personalenjoyment only. This eBook may not be re-sold or given away toother people. If you would like to share this book with anotherperson, please purchase an additional copy for each person. Ifyoure reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was notpurchased for your use only, then please return to Smashwords.comand purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard workof this author.
ISBN: 9781301332809
About the Cover : Todd snapped this shot from his tent while camping in themountains of Montana. It was the scene of a tree-fell behind histent and other forms of contact. See the Contact Cases chapter for more details!
Discover other titles by Todd Michaelatwww.Smashwords.com
Alien Contact: FormerArizona Tour Guide Tells All
Into The Wild:Relationships With Nature & Extraterrestrials
Bigfoot: The Four Levels of Contact
Alien Contact: 2012Special-Edition (aka, Book 1Photo-Edition)
Into The Wild: 2012Special-Edition (aka, Book 2Photo-Edition)
Bigfoot: 2012Special-Edition (aka, Book 3 Photo-Edition)
This book is dedicated to those individuals whofind the courage to look beyond conditional beliefs and openthemselves to new and exciting possibilities.
This book is also dedicatedto all beings, whether seen or unseen, who graciously reach out inresponse to the curious Human in an effort to make contact andforge wonderful and loving relationships with us.
This is the final book of athree-part contact trilogy. As such, the book continues where priorbooks left off. If you have conceptual questions, please referencethe authors first two books of this series for clarification notprovided here.
Bigfoot is a term used whenspeaking in general terms of the encounter. If the being isbelieved to be a Sasquatch or Ancient One, then it will be stated.For example, if a sagittal crest was observed or if the being haddog or gorilla-appearing facial features, then Sasquatch would beused. If the being had more human features, such as a round head,then Ancient One would be used.
To find a new mate, you have to get out of thecave and back into the jungle. - Unknown
If you are looking forBigfoot you have to get out there or doyou? What if Bigfoot came to you, at home,where you live? Is it possible? Some people say it is, including meand yes, we are all speaking from experience!
This wasnt always thecase, at least not for white man. In more recent times, we cansee a clear evolution in communications between the mysterious andelusive creature and those in search of him. It has taken manyyears for immigrants to the Americas to even consider putting downtheir guns when venturing into the forest. It appears thatsomeones noticed!
Today we hear personalaccounts from people who claim to knock a stick against a tree andhear something similar in response. We have also learned ofeveryday people who have these creatures living in their backyardsand routinely interact with them. Others are sharing personalstories of Bigfoot families who have found refuge living in theirbarn; and who more or less provide room and board for these forestpeople. Still others have chosen to put aside the five physicalsenses and turn to a more evolutionary set of communication toolswhen interacting with these creatures. The reward is a whole newlevel of experience unlike anything imagined!
It is in this way andalong with my own personal experiences which are similar in manyrespects, I noticed a pattern of similarity in the way we humanslive and how these forest giants live and interact with us. Thesehave been organized into levels of contact in a social sense ofthe phrase. In other words, in order to better understand them, wesimply need to take an honest look at ourselves.
When compared to ETcontacts, Bigfoot experiences are to me more profoundlylife-changing - forever altering the way one views the outsideworld and communicates with others. This could be due to oursociety being drip-fed images and ideas of ET over the years ascompared to very little about Bigfoots true nature. Therefore, Iwant to stress the importance of progressing at your own speed andwhen ready. Having reality flip upside down and without afriend-base or support network handy can be devastating. So muchso, when this happens people may feel victimized and that thingsare out of their control. This is why I wrote this book. The fourlevels of Bigfoot contact, as organized and described in this book,will help prepare the curious Human for the road ahead if they choose to travel it .
This is the third book ofmy contact series and I am proud to say that nearly all of thecontent in this series has up to this point been unique andfirst-hand, as experienced independently or with group participantsand friends during one of my contact outings. This book, however,is a little different.
While putting mymanuscript together, I was by way of synchronicity introduced tothree authors whose work complimented my own Bigfoot experiences.Therefore, I have included references to their books in order toreinforce my own material and to encourage you to look them up whenyou can. My own personal contact accounts are reserved for thechapter titled, ContactCases.
In a time and space whenmost of the Bigfoot material we come across is little more thanre-hashed second and third-hand fodder from years gone by, the workof these three authors is consequently groundbreaking andrefreshing, but also largely ignored in mainstream research becauseit lacks the intense tones of helplessness and fear which modernclassics seem to rely upon. These authors are Christopher Noel,Kewaunee Lapseritis, and Robert Schmalzbach (aka JavaBob). And forfans of the Bradshaw Ranch outside Sedona, Arizona, you will findmore pertaining to Linda Bradshaws Big Girl.
In my second book, Into The Wild: Relationships With Nature& ET, I reintroduced one or morecontact cases from book one, AlienContact: Former Arizona Tour Guide Tells All . I did this so readers would see an alternate ending toeach of those contact cases. If afterwards someones paradigmchanged about making contact with ETs, then learning how Naturealso communicates in a form of cooperation is another leap for thehuman mind. Likewise, and in light of certain Bigfoot contactlevels, I will reintroduce several experiences from Alien Contact here tohelp expand the readers awareness and to challenge previousconclusions that those contacts were quite possibly not ET orGhostly in origin, but rather from Bigfoot.
To a growing number ofpeople the world in which we live and play is nothing more than aco-creative drama, held in place by the Creators love by way ofsynchronicity. When we stop to get out of the way and let go ofeverything which worries us, we begin to see things a littledifferently. This subtlety can make all the difference when we arelooking for answers. Like the angels and ascended masters who arebelieved by many to look over and protect us in times of need,maybe consider adding Bigfoot to the list of beings willing andable to help us and even teachus!
You will also seethroughout this book repeated references to the term or ideaof Cognitive Dissonance . This, I believe, is one of the leading challengesresearchers, historians, and skeptics face when evidence ispresented to argue the case for Bigfoot and/or ET/UFO existence. Itis not that the evidence is anecdotal that they werent there todocument it or give it their almighty blessing of authenticity.Instead, the reason is something more deep and elusive, pertainingto emotional wounding and fear of being wrong. In other words,there oftentimes appears a need to be right.
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