A Message from the Confederation ofPlanets
About Planetary Transformation
Gina Lake
This book and others by Gina Lake are alsoavailable in paperback.
Copyright 1996 Gina Lake
Cover photo: m-gucci |
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Whats an Extraterrestrial?Two Varieties ofExtraterrestrialStar People and Walk-insFourth-DensityBeingsFifth-Density BeingsSixth-Density BeingsWhos BeenHere
Healing and TeachingGuidingTheAbductionsHybridizationPeaceEcologyNegativeExtraterrestrials
Star People in EducationStar People inPoliticsStar People in the Creative ArtsStar People in theMediaStar People in Science and MedicineStar People as Healers,Psychics, and Telepaths
Famine, Pestilence, and DiseaseClimateChangesGeological ChangesPole ShiftCoping With Change
Building a New World TogetherLife withETsThe Challenges of Integrating ETs into Your WorldThe Impact ofETs on Your WorldThe World of the Future
What You Can Do to Help YourselfWhat You CanDo to Help the PlanetWhat You Can Do to Help Us
What Is Ascension?Preparing forAscension
Note from the author, August 2011:Ive decided to republish this book, which went out of print in1999, and make it more widely available. Although this informationis very different from what Im writing about currently, Ive heardfrom many that it has been useful and interesting, so Im offeringit once again.
The Confederation of Planets contacted me inJuly of 1996 and asked me to take down this message for them. Theyare preparing Earth for the changes ahead and for their own role inthese changes. Soon, we will accept their presence, and this bookis one way they are preparing the way. It may comfort you to knowthat I have my doubts concerning the existence ofextraterrestrials. My experience of extraterrestrials thus far hasonly been telepathic. I hear them clearly in my head. I dont needto be in a deep trance or meditative state for this communicationto take place. It is a simple process of listening to them speak tome and responding to them mentally with questions when theyarise.
This process is not new to me, butcommunication with the Confederation of Planets is. Although I hadheard of them before we met, I had no idea I would be chosen forthis work. They told me that I agreed to work with them before Icame into this life, but I was unaware of their presence beforethey contacted me. Apparently, there is a time for everything, andthe time for this book and this message has arrived.
I still find it hard to believe that Ivewritten two books on extraterrestrials. I had no interest in thissubject before. It was with reluctance that I wrote my first bookon this subject, The Extraterrestrial Vision. Despite mydoubts, I find my path irresistible and ultimately rewarding. Myinteractions with beings in other dimensions has enriched my lifeimmensely, and I hope that sharing this message with you willenrich yours as well! Peace to you!
Gina Lake, July 1996
We of the Confederation of Planets, alsoknown by other names, such as the Federation, are transmitting thismessage to you, the people of Earth, through this author. We wishto greet you and tell you of our activities and plans. We wish toexplain what we are doing here and how we can be of help to you. Wecome to you in service and in the Light of the Creator. Ours is amission of service to you, for in serving you we also serveourselves.
We are deeply grateful for this opportunityto communicate with you and for your willingness to read ourmessage. We know how strange our words may sound to you, and yet inpicking up this book, you are showing an openness to us and ourmessage. We therefore write this message for those who are openenough to receive it. To you it is given. We are not here toconvince you that we exist. You have only our words and theirmeaning by which to judge us. Many of you, though, will be able tofeel us through these words, which act as carriers of ourvibration. Those of you who resonate with this vibration will notfind our message hard to believe. Those who do not will probablynot even pick up this book.
The Confederation of Planets is made up of agroup of extraterrestrials from various planets and dimensions inyour quadrant of the universe. We are both self-selected andelected to our positions as overseers of this part of the universe,which includes your beloved planet. We are monitoring Earth out oflove and a deep commitment to help her in her evolution and theevolution of all her life forms.
We have been with Earth in this capacity foreons, although those holding the various posts in the Federationhave changed from time to time. For eons, we have watched as youdeveloped your civilizations. We have watched and sometimesinvolved ourselves in your affairs. Early on, we watched as variousothers landed and populated your planet. Some of those who watchtoday were involved in the early experiments that created the humanrace. Some are even serving you today to pay off debts incurredthen. So you see, our motives for being here run deep.
We have learned much through our involvementand observations. We have studied the evolution of planets and theevolution of humanoids on other planets in order to understand howbest to interact with you and guide you, for that is our task. We,too, once evolved in third density, the vibration in which youexist. Then, others watched over and guided us. Now it is time forus to repay this help through service to you. Someday you will playyour part in the nurturing of planets and civilizations.
We come in peace, for primarily that is ourhope for you. We live peaceably now among ourselves. We learnedthis through our many lifetimes of experience, just as you arelearning this. We can help you become more peaceable by helping youto understand yourselves and by helping you prosper so that thereis no need for conflict and strife. We have come to help usher in aGolden Age on your planet. This will not be for a while, but theseeds are being planted today for a much brighter tomorrow.
Truly, we have seeded the planet with whatyou need for this Golden Age. We have seeded the planet with manyof a high level of development, who will help you solve yourproblems. These people have been called by many Star People,Starseeds, Lightworkers, and Wanderers. They are highly evolvedbeings who have chosen to incarnate on Earth now to bring forth newideas and a new spirit. They are here to spread peace, love, andunderstanding by teaching and healing. They also are here to easethe suffering on Earth by introducing new inventions and advancesin science and medicine, which will make it easier for your heartsto fill with love and gratitude for life and for each other.
We work closely with these Star People. Theyare like us, except they chose to take on a human body to serveyou. You see, there is much we cannot do because we are not of yourdimension and much we are forbidden to do because of the Law ofNoninterference. But Star People can do what we cannot. They areour hands, feet, and mouths, although they have free will and donot always choose to follow our suggestions. They are more able tohear us and intuit our guidance than the ordinary individual,however, and more responsive to us than most. We depend on themgreatly.
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