How To Request a UFOPresence
Firstpublished in Great Britain in 2015 Wisdom Books
Thisedition published 2015
Copyrightc2015 Nigel Mortimer
Themoral right of the author has been asserted
Allrights reserved.
ISBN-13: 978-1517358983
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Picture/Photo Credits: Nigel & Helen Mortimer
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Tableof Contents
Who Are You?
Who Are They?
The Fool On The Hill
Truth Matters
Clean Up Our Act
Creating The Channel
A New Relationship
Worksheetsincluded at the end of the book
maybe reproduced, copied and duplicated.
Afterwordby Nigel Mortimer
T heopening question you should be asking yourself is what motivates youto want to make contact with anyone? And by anyone, I include alllife forms from places outside most people's imagination.
Thereis an underlying reason why we as human beings want to explore anddiscover new things and I will explain this later, but for now weshould think about how amazing it would be to actually realise thatwe are not alone in the vastness of a reality (which includes ouruniverse and galaxies and everything else in it) and that beings nottoo dissimilar to ourselves await our contact.
Thereare a number of good and sensible reasons as to why someone wouldchoose to search for a way to make contact. You might be one of thosewho have seen something unusual and want to find out what it was yousaw? You might have had a closer encounter with something that youdeem as not of this world and want to try discover where it camefrom? Or you might have had a visitation by something or someone whoyou regard as not of this world and want to reconnect again? Thereasons are many and most of them are personal to whoever has hadsuch an experience. There is also the academic approach to beconsidered. Some people simply want to find out the truth as towhether aliens and UFOs exist by testing the theory.
Thereare others too, who would promote the idea of making contact asfoolhardy at best and dangerous at worst. The idea that we should tryto communicate with something that we do not understand is bound tobring disastrous consequences to humanity in their view and theyoften quote sci-fi scenarios like the War of the Worlds book andfilms to justify their argument.
So,which school of thought do you find yourself in? Do you really wantto develop ways to better understanding the unknown or are you justhappy to test the waters by tipping a toe into them to see what laysbeyond? As said previously, every person living on this planet isdifferent and will have their own viewpoints and perspectives aboutthe type or types of phenomena that they 'believe' is at the heart ofthe UFO mystery.
Ihave met many people who say that they would love to be able to makecontact with E.T's or maybe inter-dimensional beings, without givinga second thought as to why or what they would do if that becamepossible. Some of these people have told me that they would askimportant questions like 'is God real' and 'do we live on afterdeath'? Others have told me that they would make sure they had a gunhandy in case they needed to send any abducting attempting Grey intooblivion! Then we have what some call the love and light'rs. Theylong to be blessed by the illuminating presence of Light Beings andangelic hordes that assist those who have reached a certain spirituallevel of understanding. The reasons for attempting contact is manyfold but certainly seems to be instigated by previous events personalto the person who has their own appreciation of what they 'believe'the phenomenon to represent.
Iwould suppose that at least eighty percent of the people reading thisbook will have bought it because of its title and wish to explore thepossibility of making contact themselves. They will form thoughtsfairly early on about this and this will become their intention. Butwhat are intentions? Neale Donald Walsh, the author of a series ofbooks 'Conversations with God' once said,
'Lifeproceeds out of yourintentionsfor it. When you areaware of this, you can live your life deliberately.'
Anintention is a motivating purpose which identify and motivate theactions we choose to take. An intention is something else too. It isan energising force that carries us to the results that we wish toachieve. These are usually ultimate goals and the intention describesthem. What we do along the way to reach the goal of our intention iskept moving forwards by our desires (for whatever reasons) and aims.The more aware and clear you are about your intentions the morelikely you will succeed in gaining them.
So,if you are crystal clear in your intentions that you really do wantto send out a request to our UFO friends to make contact with them,then the energy of this will allow you to be well on the way tounderstanding how this is surely possible. We all know beinghalf-hearted about anything only brings about delays andfrustrations. We need to keep up the motivation and in doing so, weproject an energy of success along the way.
Intentionsdo come with their own pitfalls though which can lead to stress andfeeling driven. This comes about when the goals of the intention arenot realistic. We have a major problem here then, I hear you all sayin unison., 'Howmuch more unrealistic can the goal ofmakingcontactwithUFOs and the beingswho control them really be'!
Wellfor this very fact, it is why we have to develop a series ofintermediate goals in order to reaffirm to ourselves who we are,where we are going with this and what actually are our intentions.This is what this book is about; it is a journey (in each chapter) ofself exploration mainly to help you to realise that the act of makingcontact is something that is achievable for most people as long asyou understand the process along the way. I know this works as itworked for me and continues to do so.
Bystaying positive while reading this book and keeping in mind that Ihave written it with the sincere intention myself of helping you totake in the 'how to' part of it alongside my advice as to how to actupon actual contact, you will reach your goal. There is no time limiton this. It might take you days, years or a lifetime to get there. Iam certain there will be good reasons however long it takes, most ofthem not obvious at the time.
Youmight think that I have written this book from my own ego and biasself-belief and I can understand that assumption especially when Isate that this method of requesting contact works. Nothing could befurther from the truth. I have been thinking about writing this or asimilar book for over 30 years and have never felt the time wasright. It seems that obstacles were often put in my way to stop thishappening and my 'intentions' were put on hold.However, I am stating the truth when I say that this book was writtenand completed within 7 days from start to end. I know it is not amajor novel with hundreds of pages, but I even shocked myself at howthe information and how it was to be set out came to me with suchease. I did no research, I found that scenarios were being thrown upout of nowhere to illustrate points in it and even the illustrativephotographs were readily available for inclusion from my own contactswith E.T.'s last year! The intention that I would like to share theknowledge of this book has been spinning around the cosmos for quitesome time, but almost out of the blue, here it is. I have no doubtthat this book was partly written by those who I hope you will beable to meet someday soon like I have. Send out your intentions andthey will be listening.
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