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James Wight - The Real James Herriot: A Memoir of My Father

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James Wight The Real James Herriot: A Memoir of My Father
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    The Real James Herriot: A Memoir of My Father
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No one is better poised to write the biography of James Herriot than the son who worked alongside him in the Yorkshire veterinary practice when Herriot became an internationally bestselling author. Now, in this warm and poignant memoir, Jim Wight talks about his father--the beloved veterinarian whom his family had to share with half the world.
Alf Wight (aka James Herriot) grew up in Glasgow, where he lived during a happy rough-and-tumble childhood and then through the challenging years of training at the Glasgow Veterinary College. The story of how the young vet later traveled to the small Yorkshire town of Thirsk, aka Darrowby, to take the job of assistant vet is one that is well known through James Herriots internationally celebrated books and the popular All Creatures Great and Small television series.
But Jim Wights biography ventures beyond the trials and tribulations of his fathers life as a veterinarian to reveal the man behind the stories--the private individual who refused to allow fame and wealth to interfere with his practice or his family. With access to all of his fathers papers, correspondence, manuscripts, and photographs--and intimate remembrances of all the farmers, locals, and friends who populate the James Herriot books--only Jim Wight could write this definitive biography of the man who was not only his father but his best friend.

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Many people have helped me with the writing of this book. Two I wish to thank especially; they have shown great patience and understanding in enduring the company of an inexperienced and mono-focused author: my wife Gill, and my editor Jenny Dereham. I also wish to express particular thanks to my agent Jacqueline Korn, at David Higham Associates, whose persuasion it was that I should and could write this biography.

I am deeply grateful to my mother, and to my sister Rosie, who have not only supplied so much vital information but have been very cooperative and unselfish in agreeing to my sharing so many details of my fathers life with his myriad fans.

Two important people who have been a tremendous source of essential material must be especially thanked: my late Grandmother Wight for saving so many letters and other memorabilia of her son, and Alex Taylor, my fathers oldest friend, for his informative and entertaining memories of the countless happy hours spent in my fathers company.

I am also particularly grateful to Professor Norman Wright, the Dean of the University of Glasgow Veterinary School and his staff; also Ken Cunningham, Head Master of Hillhead High School and his staff: from these I received invaluable help and vital information.

Many others, among them relatives, friends and colleagues of my father, have provided me with anecdotes, photographs and other such important pieces of information that went to make up the final accurate picture of his life. In particular, I would like to thank: Fred Banks, George Bell, Bertram Bosomworth, Jim Chadwick, John Crooks, Arthur Dand, The Lady Dean of Harptree, Piers Dudgeon, Marjorie Eves, Alan Goldsborough, Janet Grey, Ellen Grout, Audrey Hancock, Robert Hardy, Dr Ken Hibbitt, Professor Peter Holmes, Ken Kilvington, R. M. Major, Martha Nettleton, Eve Pette, Dr Alistair Porter, Ossy Sandy, Peter Shaw, Anthea Sinclair, Bob Smith, Joan Snelling, Jimmy Steele, Eddie Straiton, Chris Timothy, Juliana Wadham.

Without the help and willing cooperation of all these people, the completion of this book would not have been possible.

Photographic credit

The author would like to thank his family and friends for providing many of the photographs which appear in this book. In addition, the author acknowledges the following for permission to reproduce photographs. Every effort has been made to contact all copyright holders: the publishers will be glad to make good in future editions any errors or omissions brought to their attention.

Life Magazine 25, 33, 39; Daily Express 26 and 31; Sunday Express 32; Desmond ONeill Features 34; Barratts Photo Press 40; Ian Cook/People Weekly 41; Evening Press (York) 43

Hannah Bell, Alfs mother

James Henry Wight Alfs father The formal family photograph following the - photo 1

James Henry Wight, Alfs father

The formal family photograph following the wedding of Hannah and James Wight - photo 2

The formal family photograph following the wedding of Hannah and James Wight, July 1915. The two young men in uniform in the front row are, left, Alfred Wight, after whom Alf was named and, right, Stan Bell, Hannahs brother; between them are Pops two sisters, Jennie and Ella. Bob and Matt Wight are on either end of the back row; below Bob is Auntie Jinny and her husband, George Wilkins.

Alf on holiday with his parents at Inverbeg by Loch Lomond one hopes they did - photo 3

Alf on holiday with his parents at Inverbeg by Loch Lomond: one hopes they did not have far to walk.

Alf between Auntie Jinny and his mother and behind George Nan and Stan - photo 4

Alf between Auntie Jinny and his mother and, behind, George, Nan and Stan Wilkins

Alf with Stan Wilkins and hairy friend With Don as a young puppy The - photo 5

Alf with Stan Wilkins and hairy friend

With Don as a young puppy The Glasgow Veterinary College football team Alf - photo 6

With Don as a young puppy

The Glasgow Veterinary College football team Alf is in the centre row on the - photo 7

The Glasgow Veterinary College football team. Alf is in the centre row on the left with Bob Smith in fifth position and Eddie Straiton third from right. Aubrey Melville is in the front row, on the far left, predictably with a girl next to him.

The Boys Brigade relaxing on the beach at North Berwick From left to right - photo 8

The Boys Brigade relaxing on the beach at North Berwick. From left to right: Alf, Eddie Hutchinson, Pete Shaw and Alex Taylor

With his mother in Llandudno c 1937 Alf while he was at Hillhead School - photo 9

With his mother in Llandudno, c. 1937

Alf while he was at Hillhead School Alf with Donald Sinclair and Eric - photo 10

. Alf while he was at Hillhead School

Alf with Donald Sinclair and Eric Parker in the garden at 23 Kirkgate In - photo 11

Alf with Donald Sinclair and Eric Parker, in the garden at 23 Kirkgate

In the vegetable garden at 23 Kirkgate TB Testing in the Yorkshire Dales - photo 12

In the vegetable garden at 23 Kirkgate

TB Testing in the Yorkshire Dales A postcard of Kirkgate in Thirsk looking - photo 13

TB Testing in the Yorkshire Dales

A postcard of Kirkgate in Thirsk looking up to the parish churchand by - photo 14

A postcard of Kirkgate in Thirsk, looking up to the parish churchand, by coincidence, Alfs car outside the surgery

Alf in RAF uniform with his newborn son February 13 1943 Joan on the - photo 15

Alf, in RAF uniform, with his newborn son: February 13, 1943

Joan on the beach at Llandudno 1951 Pop and Alf with Rosie and Jimmy in the - photo 16

Joan on the beach at Llandudno, 1951

Pop and Alf with Rosie and Jimmy in the garden at 23 Kirkgate Alf and Jimmy - photo 17

Pop and Alf with Rosie and Jimmy in the garden at 23 Kirkgate

Alf and Jimmy Youth-Hostelling near Reeth in the Dales 1957 Alf with Jimmy - photo 18

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