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John H. Monnett - Massacre at Cheyenne Hole: Lieutenant Austin Henely and the Sappa Creek controversy

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In Massacre at Cheyenne Hole, John H Monnett sifts through the various interpretations of the event over the years and places them into proper historical perspective. Initially, Lieutenant Austin Henely was viewed as a hero, and his H Company men were awarded eight Medals of Honour for their bravery in the skirmish. However, later intimations surfaced that the Sappa Creek fight was a massacre of the Cheyennes under Little Bull, who attempted to surrender. Tales of innocent non-combatants being murdered in the destruction of the camp following the battle were common by the early twentieth century.

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title Massacre At Cheyenne Hole Lieutenant Austin Henely and the Sappa - photo 1

title:Massacre At Cheyenne Hole : Lieutenant Austin Henely and the Sappa Creek Controversy
author:Monnett, John H.
publisher:University Press of Colorado
isbn10 | asin:087081527X
print isbn13:9780870815270
ebook isbn13:9780585060569
subjectHenely, Austin, Sappa Creek (Kan. and Neb.), Battle of, 1875, Cheyenne Indians--Wars, Cheyenne Indians--Government relations, Massacres--Kansas--Rawlins County--History--19th century, Henely, Austin, United States.--Army.--Cavalry, 6th--History.
publication date:1999
lcc:E83.875.M66 1999eb
subject:Henely, Austin, Sappa Creek (Kan. and Neb.), Battle of, 1875, Cheyenne Indians--Wars, Cheyenne Indians--Government relations, Massacres--Kansas--Rawlins County--History--19th century, Henely, Austin, United States.--Army.--Cavalry, 6th--History.
Massacre at Cheyenne Hole
Cadet Austin Henely is seated here for his class-album portrait at West Point - photo 2
Cadet Austin Henely is seated here for his class-album portrait at West Point in 1872. This is
the only known photograph of the officer who, three years later, led the attack on a band of
Southern Cheyennes that came to be known as the Sappa Creek Massacre. Courtesy, Kansas
State Historical Society.
Massacre at Cheyenne Hole
Lieutenant Austin Henely and the Sappa Creek Controversy
John H. Monnett
Massacre at Cheyenne Hole Lieutenant Austin Henely and the Sappa Creek controversy - image 3
The University Press of Colorado
Copyright 1999 by the University Press of Colorado
International Standard Book Number 0-87081-527-X
Published by the University Press of Colorado
P.O. Box 849
Niwot, Colorado 80544
All rights reserved.
Printed in the United States of America.
The University Press of Colorado is a cooperative publishing enterprise supported, in part, by Adams State College, Colorado State University, Fort Lewis College, Mesa State College, Metropolitan State College of Denver, University of Colorado, University of Northern Colorado, University of Southern Colorado, and Western State College of Colorado.
The paper used in this publication meets the minimum requirements of the American National Standard for Information SciencesPermanence of Paper for Printed Library Materials. ANSI Z39.48-1984
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Monnett, John H.
Massacre at Cheyenne Hole : Lieutenant Austin Henely and the Sappa
Creek controversy / by John H. Monnett.
p. cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 0-87081-527-X (hc. : alk. paper)
1. Henely, Austin. 2. Sappa Creek (Kan. and Neb.), Battle of,
1875. 3. Cheyenne IndiansWars. 4. Cheyenne IndiansGovernment
relations. 5. MassacresKansasRawlins CountyHistory19th
century. 6. Henely, Austin. 7. United States. Army. Cavalry,
"6thHistory. I. Title.
E83.875.M66 1999
973.8'2dc21 99-10853
08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00 99 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
For Dad
I Background: The Buffalo War
II Prelude: Adobe Walls and After
III The Promised Land
IV Austin Henely
V The Battle of Sappa Creek
VI The Sappa Creek Massacre: Commentary and Conclusions
VII Epilogue
Appendix: Henely's Official Report of the Battle of Sappa Creek

Page ix
On the morning of April 23, 1875, H Company, 6th U.S. Cavalry attacked and destroyed a temporary Indian camp located on the Middle Fork of Sappa Creek, a tributary of the Republican River in what is today Rawlins County, Kansas, southeast of the modern town of Atwood.* The ensuing engagement was the last important military action fought on the central plains between an element of the regular U.S. Army and an independent band of Indians composed principally of Southern Cheyennes.
Commanding H Company in the field during the fight at Sappa Creek was Second Lieutenant Austin Henely, West Point class of 1872. At twenty-six, the handsome, articulate Irish immigrant had served as an officer of the 6th Cavalry on the Kansas frontier since 1872.1 During that period,
Picture 4Picture 5
* On old section maps, the battleground is located on the southwest corner of the northwest quarter and the northwest corner of the southwest quarter, Section 14, township 5 south, range 33 west, in Clinton Township, Rawlins County, about thirty rods east of the west line of the section. The camp and battlefield covered about forty acres. The remains of the ghost town of Achilles, Kansas, is very near the actual site of the fighting. See
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