During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act.
Single acts of tyranny may be ascribed to the accidental opinion of the day; but a series of oppressions, begun at a distinguished period, and pursued unalterably through every change of ministers too plainly proves a deliberate, systematic plan of reducing us to slavery.
T ODAY J EFFERSONS WORDS MIGHT read, An occasional act of tyranny may be excused as a momentary lapse of judgment by officials, but a continuous series of such acts pursued through both Democratic and Republican administrations clearly proves there is a deliberate and systematic plan to reduce once-free Americans to slavery.
To be a zombie is to exist under the most onerous bonds of slaverybonds that allow for no thought to ones action. Zombies are controlled both mentally and physically by some outside force, whether through a virus causing them to seek blood, or voodoo magic. A zombie is neither dead nor alive and usually under the control of someone else, as in the old Hollywood films. Zombies stumble about, largely unaware of the world around them, intent on purposes that others have created for them through alchemy or electromagnetism. In old horror movies, actors Bela Lugosi and John Carradine controlled zombies, causing them to commit acts that ran against human nature.
And now zombies are everywhere. Theyre highly popular grists for movies, books, comics, and computer games. Is it just a coincidence that zombies are so popular, or is it possible that Americans like zombies because they offer us a reflection of how we perceive ourselvesas barely alive and living mindlessly?
Many individuals today stumble through their daily chores without caring or knowing why they do so. These people might be numbed by drugs or the incessant bombardment by the broadcast media, but whatever the case, many Americans seem like zombies in so many ways.
The term zombie is being applied to more and more aspects of life in modern America. Adderall is one of the most popular of the faddish new psychiatric drugs to combat attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). This drug consists of equal amounts of the stimulants amphetamine and dextroamphetamine. In fact, ADHDTreatment.org describes a side effect of Adderall as zombie demeanor.
The word zombie has so pervaded our society that it has worked its way into the scientific communitys lexicon. In mid-May 2009, researchers at the University of Texas and Texas A&Ms AgriLife Extension Service in east Texas reported that they had found a way to control the states fire ant infestation. They discovered that the tiny phorid fly, a native of the South American region where the fire ants in Texas originated, could dive-bomb the ants and lay eggs on them. The eggs would hatch inside the ants and eat away their brains, turning them into what scientists called zombie ants. The ants would wander aimlessly for about two weeks until their heads fell off.
Not only does the word describe how we view our own existence, but it hasand can still beapplied to the dissolution of the pillars of our society, most notably our banks. During the recent financial fiasco, the banks whose liabilities exceeded their assets were called zombie banks. As author Bill Sardi, a regular contributor to LewRockwell.com, explained, Zombie banks are defined as a financial institution with an economic net worth that is less than zero, but which continues to operate because its ability to repay its debts is shored up by implicit or explicit government credit support. In a sense, they were dead but still going through the motions of life.
America is now confronted with an economic situation that is being compared to the Great Depression, and the only solutions seem to lie in aggregating debt, deflating the value of the dollar, and moving riches around. Not only that, but the scale of our economic problems has vastly increased. On October 1, 2008, the national debt was $10 trillion, but during 2009 it climbed to nearly $12 trillion, the single largest increase in a year. If every American man, woman, and child were to liquidate every asset he or she owns, the total could not equal this debt.
The term trillion is bandied about lightly by the mass media. Yet most people cannot truly conceive of the significance of such a number. A trillion square miles would encompass 3.7 million states the size of Texas (which covers approximately 270,000 square miles). A trillion dollarson the other handcould be made of one-dollar bills stretching all the way to our sun and back. If banking institutions that operate at a deficit are called zombie banks, then couldnt we call a country whose debts exceed its assets a zombie nation? And perhaps this epithet also could be applied to its citizens?
In 2008, many saw the nation turn from National Socialism to Marxist Socialism when the totalitarian Bush administration turned over power to the Obama administrationan administration that favors socialist Medicare policies and redistributions of wealth. Americas zombies now face a further loss of individual freedoms due to corrupt politics, corporate malfeasance, and legislation that continues to curtail individual freedom. As readers of Rule by Secrecy and The Rise of the Fourth Reich will understand, the global financiersthe global plutocrats of Wall Street, London, and Switzerlandhave manipulated Western history for at least the past century, first by creating the Federal Reserve in America by deceitful political machinations, then communism in Russia by funding the Bolsheviks rather than the White Russians, and followed by financing National Socialism (Nazis) in Germany. Now these global financiers have taken control of the United States and are changing it in such ways that we now live in a society unimaginable to citizens of just two decades ago.
For instance, in the 1950s, Ronald Reagan publicly warned against socialized medicine. Today, the argument is just how socialized it will be. The information highway is a traffic jam of hype, misinformation, disinformation, distractions, and propaganda. New attempts to transform technology, health care, education, and the political system are being reported every day.
More and more Americans have been forced to focus on the dark side of contemporary life. Now, we live under the tyranny of a New World Ordera world that has been reordered by a small group of wealthy financiers and industrialists centered within secret societies such as the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission, and the Bilderberg group. Also, one must consider how this new world has become more and more a surveillance society and police state existing under a financially unstable infrastructure and fed by corporations that hold monopolies on food, water, and drugs. Are we living under a fascistic government? Possibly. The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language defines fascism as a philosophy or system of government that advocates or exercises a dictatorship of the extreme right, typically through the merging of state and business leadership together with an ideology of belligerent nationalism. Today, of course, the dictatorship would be of the extreme left, but nevertheless would include the power of both the government and the corporations that have their hands in public affairs.
Many people today believe the United States is going to hell in a hand-basketthat the United States is no longer a vibrant republic based on constitutional law but rather a brain-dead and decaying empire being taken over by an entrenched financial elite who seek a worldwide socialist order to dominate. This belief grows among Americans as they read the daily headlines and listen to the electronic mass media. People are seeking true change, not mere political rhetoric, but they feel befuddled as they cant understand who precisely has hijacked their country.