JOAN BEAUMONT is Professor Emerita, Strategic and Defence Studies Centre, Coral Bell School of Asia Pacific Affairs, at the Australian National University. Her publications include the critically acclaimed and multiple award-winning Broken Nation: Australians in the Great War (2013); with Aaron Pegram and Lachlan Grant, Beyond Surrender: Australian Prisoners of War in the Twentieth Century (2015); (ed.) Australias War, 193945 (1996); Gull Force: Survival and Leadership in Captivity, 19411945 (1988); and Comrades in Arms: British Aid to Russia, 19411945 (1980). In 201113 she led the research team for the Department of Veterans Affairs commemorative website, The Thai-Burma Railway and Hellfire Pass.
ALLISON CADZOW is a Research Associate at the Australian National University. She co-authored Rivers and Resilience: Aboriginal people on Sydneys Georges River (2009) with Heather Goodall (shortlisted for the 2010 NSW Premiers History Awards). She has also co-edited Nelson Aboriginal Studies (2012) for HSC Aboriginal Studies teachers and students in NSW with John Maynard, and Brokers and Boundaries: Colonial Exploration in Indigenous Territory with Tiffany Shellam, Maria Nugent and Shino Konishi (2016). She has developed community history exhibitions and websites and has also worked at the National Museum of Australia. Her other areas of interest and publication include migrancy and environmental history, as well as womens and gender histories.
This book is dedicated to the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander men and women who have served in the national defence forces, in the past and present, and the families of those service people who have told and shared their histories.
![Serving Our Country Indigenous Australians War Defence and Citizenship - image 1](/uploads/posts/book/257706/Images/logo.jpg)
A NewSouth book
Published by
NewSouth Publishing
University of New South Wales Press Ltd
University of New South Wales
Sydney NSW 2052
Joan Beaumont and Allison Cadzow 2018
First published 2018
This book is copyright. Apart from any fair dealing for the purpose of private study, research, criticism or review, as permitted under the Copyright Act , no part of this book may be reproduced by any process without written permission. Inquiries should be addressed to the publisher.
ISBN: 9781742235394 (paperback)
9781742244174 (ebook)
9781742248592 (ePDF)
![Serving Our Country Indigenous Australians War Defence and Citizenship - image 2](/uploads/posts/book/257706/Images/image4_c149.jpg)
A catalogue record for this book is available from the National Library of Australia
Design Josephine Pajor-Markus
Cover design Peter Long
Cover images Arthur Murdoch, one of the Barambah Boys who fought in the First World War. Cherbourg Museum.
All reasonable efforts were taken to obtain permission to use copyright material reproduced in this book, but in some cases copyright could not be traced. The editors welcome information in this regard.
This book is printed on paper using fibre supplied from plantation or sustainably managed forests.
![Serving Our Country Indigenous Australians War Defence and Citizenship - image 3](/uploads/posts/book/257706/Images/image4_c150.jpg)
AAA | Australian Aboriginal Association |
AACAP | ATSIC/Army Community Assistance Program |
AAL | Australian Aborigines League |
AAPA | Australian Aboriginal Progressive Association |
ABC | Australian Broadcasting Corporation |
ADF | Australian Defence Force |
AIATSIS | Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies |
AIF | Australian Imperial Force |
AMF | Australian Military Forces |
AMR&O | Australian Military Regulation and Order |
ANU | Australian National University |
ANZAC | Australian and New Zealand Army Corps |
APA | Aborigines Progressive Association |
APB | Aborigines Protection Board |
APS | Australian Public Service |
ATSIC | Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission |
ATSIVSA | Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Veterans and Services Association |
AWAS | Australian Womens Army Service |
AWOL | Absent Without Leave |
AWLA | Australian Womens Land Army |
AWM | Australian War Memorial |
BCOF | British Commonwealth Occupation Force |
CMF | Citizen Military Forces |
CWA | Country Womens Association |
DAA | Department of Aboriginal Affairs |
DIA | Directorate of Indigenous Affairs |
DIDP | Defence Indigenous Development Program |
DVA | Department of Veterans Affairs |
EP | Elkin papers, University of Sydney Archive |
FCAATSI | Federal Council for the Advancement of Aborigines and Torres Strait Islanders |
FNQR | Far North Queensland Regiment |
INTERFET | International Force for East Timor |
IPRC | Indigenous Pre-Recruitment Course |
IWM | Imperial War Museum |
NAA | National Archives of Australia |
NACC | National Aboriginal Consultative Committee |
NAIDOC | National Aborigines and Islanders Day Observance Committee |
NAOU | North Australian Observer Unit |
NCIS | National Centre for Indigenous Studies |
NCO | Non-commissioned Officer |
NGO | Non-government Organisation |
NLA | National Library of Australia |
NORFORCE | North-West Mobile Force |
NTER | Northern Territory National Emergency Response |
NTSRU | Northern Territory Special Reconnaissance Unit |
OPAL | One People of Australia League |
PIB | Papuan Infantry Battalion |
PIR | Pacific Islands Regiment |
PROV | Public Record Office Victoria |
PTSD | Post Traumatic Stress Disorder |
QCAATSI | Queensland Council for the Advancement of Aborigines and Torres Strait Islanders |
RAAF | Royal Australian Air Force |
RAANC | Royal Australian Army Nursing Corps |
RAE | Royal Australian Engineers |
RAN | Royal Australian Navy |
RAP | Reconciliation Action Plan |
RAR | Royal Australian Regiment |
RFSU | Regional Force Surveillance Unit |
RSL | Returned and Services League of Australia |
RSSILA | Returned Sailors and Soldiers Imperial League of Australia |
SAS | Special Air Service Regiment |
SLSA | State Library of South Australia |
SOC | Serving Our Country project |
SROWA | State Records Office of Western Australia |
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