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This book was first published in 2014 in Russian, at the Russian University of Trade and Economy , Omsk, Siberia .
Cover picture: from Mark Blaug and Peter Lloyd,Famous Figures and Diagrams in Economics
Rangendingen, May 2016
by LIBERTAS - Europisches Institut GmbH
LIBERTAS Europisches Institut GmbH (LIBERTAS Press + Publications)
Lindenweg 37, 72414 Rangendingen, Germany
Tel. +49/7471/984996-0, Fax +49/7471/984996-19
ISBN 978-3-946119-84-5 (Print Edition)
ISBN 978-3-946119-81-4 (PDF)
ISBN 978-3-946119-82-1 (epub)
ISBN 978-3-946119- 83-8 (MobiPocket)
Table of Contents
This monograph is devoted to the theoretical and methodological fundamentals and practical issues of economic security in the Russian Federation (RF) and its regions. Primarily economic security is represented as a notion of economics and a national security component. The authors review threats and measures to ensure economic security, deliver analysis tech nique for revealing propensity for corruption in the regulations and management decisions. The authors examine the strategy of economic security of Russia, some indicators that characterize the economic security of the state, the conception of region al economic se curity as a component of Russia s economic security, external and internal threats to the economic security of the region and economic security as a comprehensive evaluation of socio-economic development of the region.
Particular attention is paid to identification of the ways ensuring the economic security of the Russian Federation at the federal and regional levels. Priorities of the economic security of Russia are thoroughly considered, including the monitoring of economic security and measure s to ensure the economic securi ty of the regions (Omsk region as an example).
The monograph is essential for specialists in the field of national, economic and other types of security, state - owned and municipal governance, management of corporations an d enter prises, economists, sociologists and marketing experts. It can also be used for educational purposes when teaching relevant disciplines in higher education institutions, as well as in lifelong training and retraining centres.
S.E.Metelev &V.V.Lizunov
As a rule, economic security is defined as a protection of th e vital interests of an individ ual, the society and the state in the economic sphere from internal and external threats, thus, to ensure sustained economic development of the state and society.
The concept of economic security is inextricably linked to the concept of national secur ity. The term national securi ty has ingrained in the modern society becoming a part of domestic and foreign policies of many countries. Since economic, social, environmental, informational and other aspects are vital activity areas for an individual, the society and the state; the national security cannot be ensured without economic, social, environmental, information and other types of security.
Increased attention from the state and the society to ensuring national security became a characteristic feature of Russia in the early XXI century. It resulted in the need to develop a scientific approach to the study of this phenomenon, both in theory and in practice. The national security of the state and society are to be ensured, especially when the transformation and reform of the economic an d legal foundations of the func tioning of the Russian Federation are still going on.
The problem of the national security of the Russian Federation in modern conditions is also increasing due to the glob alization of the world economy and the integration of Russia into the international economic system. External economic factors of the national security take priority in terms of ensuring economic security of Russia because it is the level of economic development of the country that largely determines its potentially possible ways of protection against external and internal threats.
Economic security of the country is in many respects caused by the level of development of the national economy and its competitiveness in the world market. As shown in the foreign practice, economic security guarantees economic independence of the state, contributing to the socio-economic well-being of the society, diminishing social contradictions and raising the welfare of its citizens. In this regard, the economic security of Russia is considered among the most important national priorities in the development of the Russian state and society.
Traditionally, the economic security is treated as a fundamentally important qualitative parameter of economic system, defined by its feasibility and ability for the normal func tioning and development of the national economy through sustainable resourcing, support of decent standards of living of the population and systematic implementation of its national interests. The economic security of Russia consists of the economic security of its regions.
In modern scientific literature, the basic concepts of economic security of Russia have been formulated. However, the issues of the regional economic security have been poorly examined due to a number of reasons. Firstly, it is due to the individual characteristics of the regional economic development of the entities of the Russian Federation. These features have a certain effect on the demands for economic security in each region individually and for the transformation of the system of evaluation criteria to such a specificity. Secondly, there is no single universal methodological approach to the study of issues of the economic security at the regional level. And thirdly, there are certain (objective and subjective) difficulties in the process of assessing the economic security of the RF entities in terms of the unification of the statistical data.
These factors greatly impede the formation of single, unified standards of economic security assessment at the level of the entity of the Russian Fed eration, as well as the develop ment of strategic and operational economic security plans, which, in their turn, make an essential impact on the objectives, procedures and measures, implemented by the state and regional authorities.
Thus, the study of the content and how to ensure the economic security of Russia and its regions is extremely timeliness and important for regions and Russia as a whole, as well as it is essential to develop specific practical recommendations for the improvement of the economi c security level by means of es tablishing control mechanisms which ensure and maintain an objectively necessary level of economic security.
Whilst working on the monograph, we used some statistical data, legal documents, electronic resources, the studies of such authors as Anischenko A.A., Antropov T.G., Bogomolov V.A., Vershinin A.V., Davydenko I.V., Edelev A.L., Efimov V.V., Isayev L.A., Kozitsyn A.A., Kremlev N.D., Kuznetsova E.I., Latypov V.F., Metelev S.E., Morunov V.V., Nazarov A.Y., Puzov E.N., Safonov O.A., Seletkov S.N., Firyulina N.V., Yashin S.N., etc.
The research was based on the empirical data of the Federal Service of State Statistics, the information and statistical materials of the Ministry of Economic Development, the materials of law enforcement and regulatory authorities, the results of scientific studies, tested and published in the contemporary scientific literature.