Power, Politics, and the Political Spectrum
Dan Hale
Copyright 2018 Dan Hale
All rights reserved
First Edition
Page Publishing, Inc
New York, NY
First originally published by Page Publishing, Inc 2018
ISBN 978-1-64298-734-8 (Paperback)
ISBN 978-1-64298-733-1 (Digital)
Printed in the United States of America
Table of Contents
This is an attempt at addressing some of the political events that we have recently experienced with the people and our government. We are in the enviable position of living in the modern age of a free republic that has been the pinnacle of society in all of history. Those of us who are lucky enough to live in the United States of America have had opportunities not afforded the remaining population of this world. We have been fortunate enough to have been sheltered from the other governments, that we have a perspective different from everyone else; hence, it is this perspective that makes us who we are.
How did we get here, and what makes this country great? This will be a pragmatic exercise in comparing our government today with history from the past. To recognize that history must be compared to us so that we may better measure ourselves. To do so is to have a better understanding as to where we have come from and where we are going. Our future is not assured, and this political experiment of freedom has no guarantees as the goal of many is to remove American exceptionalism and enter the world of globalization on the heels of Europe.
The political parties discussed in these chapters are an attempt to explain why they are as they are. It is not a direct attack on either Democrat or Republican Parties, but rather examining their fringe groups that have so recently played a larger role as to their influence in the politics of today. Additionally, it must be understood that both parties are necessary part of this government, and to have one party disappear by the results of the opposing party may have negative repercussions on our republic. It is the discourse between the parties that make the system work. To remove either party is to invite tyranny, however, to allow the more radical elements of any party to take hold may also result in the same.
I am a registered Republican and make no apologies for any of my positions, nor do I expect anyone with opposing views to agree with me. This is the way it is supposed to be as we should not expect everyone to accept all of our political or personal views in life. That said, we should expect them to listen to our position(s) without the fear of reprisal or distain, and it is assured that we will reciprocate in the same. Those with the ability to listen to understand, rather than listen to respond, will always get more out of life. This is a free country that offers us a free exchange of ideas and opinions. Political discourse should be expected and welcomed.
To my Democrat friends, of which I have many, it will frequently be suggested that the radical liberal element(s) of your party is moving in a dangerous direction and that the concerns raised is to assure that both parties have a future. The discourse of having two parties assures we have a government representative of all the people, which should be the ultimate goal of good government. However, when a more radical element attempts to disrupt the system for the sake of advantage. When contrived ideas such as the good of the collective take precedence over the constitutional rights of an individual, the very foundation on which our country was founded is threatened. It should be the responsibility of those in society to address this problem head-on.
The preservation of the republic and its ideals must be tantamount.
Power, Politics, and the Political Spectrum
The capacity or ability to direct or influence the behavior of others or the course of events.
The idea that a person should have power over another person.
Direct the Behavior of Others
To direct someone to do something implies you have a power over them. This power might be voluntary or involuntary.
Voluntary control might be a prearranged agreement such as a contract fulfillment. If one enlists in the Army, then they are subject to the will of that agreement, thus allowing one to have power over another (voluntarily). This would be voluntary hard power.
Involuntary control would be an arrangement where no agreement has been made by the subject person; however, control is mandated over them. If one enters an institution such as a prison system, they are subject to the will of those persons in charge of that institution. This would be an example of involuntary hard power. There are other forms of involuntary hard power over others such as parents over their children or a school system over children. This, too, would be a form of involuntary hard power as children, given the option, would prefer not to be controlled.
Influence the Behavior of Others
To influence the behavior of others is a more benign form of power ( soft power ). It implies that the person has a choice as to whether they wish to participate or not. The person wishing to influence others has to make a case in which the person being influenced must choose to accept or reject any given proposal. It is the responsibility of those attempting to influence others to best represent their position by attempting to control the language. How one organizes and phrases a statement may influence the listener to accept or reject any given proposal. This is typically done in dialogue, meaning both parties might participate in an exchange, or it can be done in a speech in which the person wishing to influence has the floor. The end result is that the person who is being influenced has a choice; hence, both parties act as equals. This form of power lasts only as long as the act itself. You might inspire those to behave in a special way, but when it is over, those you inspired are no longer influenced after the act. In fact, they may attempt to influence you on another matter because soft power is reciprocal.
Power and the Political Spectrum
The political spectrum of governments should be directly related to the power arrangement previously discussed. In fact, how a government directs or is directed by the behavior of others defines that government. The political spectrum goes from far left to far right.
Far left is tyranny where a government is in total control of the people. The government owns all assets, properties, and even you. You have no say in government, let alone yourself. Additionally, you are viewed as property of the state. The government has all power; hence, it typically uses involuntary hard power to get things done. The use of this kind of hard power does not require the government to be concerned with its subjects as opposed to soft power because you are not viewed as an equal.
Far right is anarchy where there is no government. The control is by each individual person. Individuals own what is their property. They are responsible for using it wisely and protecting it from others. In short, they govern themselves. Because each individual represents themselves, they can only influence others via soft power during the process of transactions. Many might call this mob rule, but this offers each individual the option of controlling the language; thus, soft power is the norm.
It is this far left and far right and those areas in between these opposing factions that determine what form of government is involved. The political spectrum is viewed differently by different people. For the sake of understanding, the principles of power via the political spectrum. It would be best understood by using a linear model.