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Jim DeMint - Saving America from Socialism: How to Stop Progressive Attacks on Freedom

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Jim DeMint Saving America from Socialism: How to Stop Progressive Attacks on Freedom
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    Saving America from Socialism: How to Stop Progressive Attacks on Freedom
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When Jim DeMint wrote Saving Freedom: We Can Stop Americas Slide into Socialism in 2009, he believed an energized and informed America could put the brakes on the progressive bus driven by big government backers. What couldnt be foreseen was the devastating effect Barack Obama would have on our Constitutional Republic in eight years. Since then, an embedded force of anti-Constitutionalists in every branch of the federal government have worked virulently to crush any attempt to reorient the United States to its founding principles.

In Saving America from Socialism, the facts about socialism are the same, but after eight years of President Obama and high-profile socialists leading the Democratic Party, we now have a clearer picture of how socialism will impact our prosperity, freedoms, and rights. America has never been more divided about what it means to be an American, and this division is a key goal straight from the Socialist playbook. We must have a new strategy for uniting and rescuing our nation from the inevitable decline from Socialist policies. This book is your playbook to save America from socialism. Thankfully, Obamas replacementDonald Trumphas provided a clear contrast between the results of socialism versus freedom.

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Praise for Jim DeMints work toward Saving America Saving American from - photo 1

Praise for Jim DeMints work
toward Saving America

Saving American from Socialism is a new Declaration of Independence, a call for the American people to reclaim America. Jim DeMints passion for the cause of individual liberty and personal responsibility is evident in this manifesto. It needs to be readand acted uponby every citizen of this republic.

Newt Gingrich , former speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives

Once again, as we did in 1776, Americans must choose between freedom and oppression. In Saving American from Socialism , Jim DeMint describes the clear and present danger posed by big governmentand what we must do to preserve individual liberty and personal responsibility. Every American needs to read this book.

Sean Hannity , host of The Sean Hannity Radio Show and Hannitys America on FOX News

Its comforting to know that someone like Jim DeMint is standing in the gap as we see so many of our nations founding principles eroding. I view Saving American from Socialism as a blueprint for the effort that all concerned Americans must join to restore and protect the freedoms we depend on.

Steve Forbes , president and chief executive officer of Forbes and editor-in-chief of Forbes magazine

In a book rich with details and examples, Jim DeMint has captured Americas disturbing transformation from a nation built on individual freedom to one ruled by the kind of unchecked government against which our fathers and our fathers fathers valiantly fought. His practical advice for taking action should be of interest to all Americans concerned about reversing this trend.

William J. Bennett , Washington fellow, The Claremont Institute

Conservatism comes in many flavors, but few of them are as tangy as Jim DeMints, as readers will discover in this mince-no-words manifesto.

George F. Will

Jim DeMint has delivered a how-to plan for avoiding a future that we neither want nor deserve. For those of us who want to keep America the land of the free and the home of the brave, Saving American from Socialism is a must-read !

Lieutenant Colonel Oliver L. North , U.S. Marine Corps (retired) and New York Times bestselling author of American Heroes

Senator DeMint and his ideas represent a fresh new spark that is the understanding of the origins of truth and freedom. It is my hope that with Gods help, a wildfire will burn in the hearts of young Americans to be part of this still great nations thriving future and the preservation of its bright shining liberty.

Stephen Baldwin , actor and New York Times bestselling author of The Unusual Suspect

Senator Jim DeMint has done all freedom-loving Americans a great service by writing Saving American from Socialism . In addition to providing a devastating critique of socialism and big government, Senator DeMint explains the role Christian principles have played in the birth and the flourishing of our freedoms in America. Not content to just curse the darkness, Senator DeMint concludes Saving American from Socialism with action plans citizens can embrace to join the struggle to restore and maintain our God-given liberties in America.

Doctor Richard Land , president, the Southern Baptist Conventions Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission

Jim DeMint has been an effective and outspoken leader for free markets and conservative values on the floor of the Senate since his election in 2004 and before that in the House of Representatives. Now Senator DeMint lays out the bedrock principles that define conservatism in our time while sounding a crucial set of alarms about the direction of the new Congress and President Obama. In sharply written and completely documented chapters, Senator DeMint lays out why the slide toward statism has to be stopped and how to do it. Buy the book for yourself and a copy for a friend or relative who needs both a primer and a guide forward. This powerful book is part of the solution to what ails our economy and country, so spread it around.

Hugh Hewitt , nationally syndicated talk radio host

Jim DeMints new book, Saving American from Socialism , is a disturbing work. It is tough on both Republicans and Democrats. It tells the truth, frightening though it may be, and calls all Americans to account for the loss of freedom in our country. This hard-hitting expos is a must read and will challenge all to a recognition of what is truly happening in America. While DeMint is an optimist and feels there is hope, I truly hope that the impact this book can make is not too late.

Doctor Frank S. Page , president of the Southern Baptist Convention from 2006 to 2008

With an engaging mix of facts, faith, wit, and wisdom, Jim DeMints Saving American from Socialism serves as a crucial handbook for the everyday American tired of encroaching big government and ready to do something about it.

John Nolte , editor-in-chief, Big Hollywood

Freedom matters and you can make a difference. This is the message that resonates from Saving American from Socialism by Senator Jim DeMint. Read it and be challenged. Read it and be prepared to do something !

Daniel Akin , president, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary

Jim DeMint has been a courageous voice in the U.S. Congress. In Saving American from Socialism he shows that he is wise as well. Saving American from Socialism is a wake-up call for Americans. It lays out a clear and persuasive case that the greatest threat Americans face today is socialist collectivism. Senator DeMints book could not have come at a better or more urgent time.

David Horowitz

Saving American from Socialism is a powerful book which should be read by all Americans regardless of political affiliation. Senator DeMint, in an easy-to-read primer on our history and our legacy, explains why we need to return to constitutional principles if the United States is to continue to be that light on the hill.

Bob Hamer , author of The Last Undercover

Also by Jim DeMint

Conservative: Knowing What to Keep

A FIDELIS BOOKS BOOK An Imprint of Post Hill Press ISBN 978-1-64293-280-5 ISBN - photo 2


An Imprint of Post Hill Press

ISBN: 978-1-64293-280-5

ISBN (eBook): 978-1-64293-281-2

Saving America from Socialism:

How to Stop Progressive Attacks on Freedom

2020 by Jim DeMint

All Rights Reserved

Cover Design by Cody Corcoran

Unless otherwise noted, all Scripture quotations are taken from the Holman Christian Standard Bible, Copyright 1999, 2000, 2002, 2003, 2009 by Holman Bible Publishers. Used by permission. Holman Christian Standard Bible, Holman CSB, and HCSB are federally registered trademarks of Holman Bible Publishers.

No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means without the written permission of the author and publisher.

Post Hill Press New York Nashville posthillpresscom Published in the United - photo 3

Post Hill Press

New York Nashville


Published in the United States of America

Dedicated to my grandchildren,
Jimbo, Clark, Annie, Ashley, Jack,
and all their future brothers, sisters, cousins,
and fellow Americans of the next generation.


This book was first published under the title Saving Freedom, when I was a U.S. senator, in 2009. The subtitle was We Can Stop Americas Slide Into Socialism . The book reached the New York Times bestseller list, but overall sales indicated only a relatively small group of Americans believed freedom was in jeopardy or socialism was a major threat. In fact, I discovered my use of the word socialism was considered by many to be hyperboleexaggerated fear-mongering.

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