Praise for James H. Lowrys CHANGE AGENT:
A Life Dedicated to Creating Wealth for Minorities
Jim Lowry has lived one of the most interesting lives of any person I know. Hes traveled the world. Hes consulted with heads of state and heads of the largest companies in the world. Hes been a pioneer and a catalyst for major changes in massive organizations. He has been a friend and mentor to me and many others. His story is inspiring. His insights have been developed through years of illuminating study and work. Ive known him for 20 years, but what I knew about him only scratched the surface of the life full of amazing stories contained in this book. Im excited for the world to know more about this dynamic man I love and respect.
John Legend, Founder FREEAMERICA Singer, songwriter, producer and activist
If there is a book that should be on your 2020 reading list, it must be Change Agent: A Life Dedicated to Creating Wealth for Minorities, written by one of the most profound and knowledgeable black business experts and advisors on black wealth that I know, James Lowry. I am proud to say that long before he wrote this information-filled and intellectually-grounded book, James has been a friend and advisor to me throughout my business career. I credit him with a lot that my companies, over the years, have accomplished and I invite anyonewhether you are an entrepreneur, CEO or just a person seeking smart business ideas, to read Change Agent.
Bob Johnson, Founder of Black Entertainment TV (BET) and The RLJ Companies
A must read for African American success in the 21 st century and beyond. With an analytical, historical lens and his years of training as a management consultant, James Lowry adeptly outlines what is needed and what has not worked and why. As the late Ossie Davis said, It is the plan, not the man. Strategically coming together as a community with a business mindset is what will take the African American community forward.
Julieanna L. Richardson, Founder & President, The History Makers
Jim generously shares his life lessons honed as not only a trailblazing corporate pioneer and leader but as an African-American on the bleeding edge of change. His nearly 50-year track record is a blueprint for those looking to become change agents that transform business as usual.
Jerri DeVard, EVP, Chief Customer Officer at Office Depot
Change Agent A Life Dedicated to Creating Wealth for Minorities is indeed the 21 st Centurys North Star for Black America. His chronicle of his personal and professional life experiences allows his words to clearly amplify what needs to be done to ensure Black economic success in the fourth industrial revolution of the Gig Economy. Truly, a Must Read!
Ronald C. Parker, Former President/CEO, The Executive Leadership Council & SVP, Human Resources, PepsiCo
Too often in our lives, we become burdened by limitations imposed by ourselves. This book shows you how to take control of your own financial destiny and prosper with confidence. Jim Lowry has been a champion for wealth creation within the minority community for years. I am so happy that he is sharing his passion for all of us to benefit from.
Michael Hyter, Managing Partner, Korn Ferry International
Change Agent A Life Dedicated to Creating Wealth for Minorities is destined to become an iconic business book because Jim Lowry is a business icon. The book acknowledges the laudable progress we have made in the minority business community and is also a call to action for the important work that remains to be done. Thank you, Jim, for sparking much-needed dialogue and much-needed action at a much-needed time!
Dr. Randal Pinkett, Chairman and CEO of BCT Partners, Winner of The Apprentice
I was blown away by the extraordinary story of how a young man from Chicago with a passion for economic development became a civic leader, an entrepreneur, a trusted advisor to corporate titans and political leaders and a business legend who mentored hundreds of business leaders and helped to design, and develop programs that drove well over $5 Billion of revenue to black and minority business enterprises.
Shawn D Rochester, author of The Black Tax: The Cost of Being Black in America
CEO of Good Steward LLC, Founder of PHD Enterprises & The IDEA Institute
Jim Lowry is a pioneer and visionary. In this timely book he chronicles how the gains made in the Civil Rights Movement need equivalent progress in economic inclusion so that America can achieve its full potential as a nation.
Leonard Greenhalgh, PhD, Professor Emeritus, Tuck Diversity Programs Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth
With his lifelong efforts to promote and increase investment in minority communities, Jim Lowry has been a pioneer and trailblazer for African Americans. Thanks to Jim, today many corporations across a wide range of industries are more accountable and engaged in efforts to promote diversity and inclusion.
John W. Rogers, Jr., Chairman, Co-CEO & Chief Investment Officer Ariel Investments
I was so pleased to learn more about the man I have known and admired for my entire life. As a Chicagoan, his insights and reflections on our city resonate for all of us, shed light on our city and its history and provide lessons on where we are today.
Gigi Pritzker, CEO Madison Wells Media
A Life Dedicated to Creating Wealth for Minorities
Copyright 2020 James H. Lowry.
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or by any information storage retrieval system without the written permission of the author except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.
This book is a work of non-fiction. Unless otherwise noted, the author and the publisher make no explicit guarantees as to the accuracy of the information contained in this book and in some cases, names of people and places have been altered to protect their privacy.
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Cover image - Victor Powell
Cover design - Michele Lomax & PMM Agency
ISBN: 978-1-4808-8724-4 (sc)
ISBN: 978-1-4808-8723-7 (hc)
ISBN: 978-1-4808-8725-1 (e)
Library of Congress Control Number: 2020901478
Archway Publishing rev. date: 03/06/2020
Nettie Camille, Camille Aisha, and Camille Lowry.
Id like to dedicate this book to the three Camilles in
my life. My mother, Camille Lowry, who inspired me to
be the man I am today. My former wife Nettie Camille
Anthony who supported me in my early career and in
raising our beautiful daughter. And finally, my daughter,
Camille Aisha Lowry, who since the day she was born has
brought me joy and the motivation to be a change agent.
JHLA Growth through
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