Fire in the Streets
How You Can Confidently Respond to Incendiary Cultural Topics
Douglas R. Groothuis
First, they told us CRT was a white supremacist dog whistle. Then they said it was only taught in law schools. Now they tell us CRT in schools is a necessary component of teaching Americas true history. Fire in the Streets pulls back the veil and exposes CRT for what it is. More importantly, Doug Groothuis helps us see CRTs threat not only to the Gospel but also to the very fabric of American culture. This timely book is winsome, honest, thorough, and fearless. Groothuis has made an invaluable contribution to the current cultural debate.
Voddie Baucham, dean of Theological Education at African Christian University in Lusaka, Zambia, and bestselling author of Fault Lines: The Social Justice Movement and Evangelicalisms Looming Catastrophe
For all who know that shallow thinking will win no arguments, and witty put-downs and hard-hitting one-liners will change no minds, Groothuis has given us a deep dive into the ideas behind the radical left. Clear, comprehensive, and cogent, Fire in the Streets is for all who care about the American experiment and who wish to respond to the present crisis constructively.
Os Guinness, author of The Magna Carta of Humanity
In this wise and winsome book, Doug Groothuis gives us a brief history and summary of Critical Race Theory, a response to its accusations, a defense of America that recognizes both its genuine failings and the essential goodness of its ideals, and a way forward in our highly polarized times. This is a book that should be read by all who are concerned about the direction America is going or who want a well-documented summary and assessment of CRT.
Glenn Sunshine, professor emeritus of history at Central Connecticut State University and author of Slaying Leviathan
My good friend Douglas Groothuis is a person of rigorous intellectual depth, integrity, and character forged on the anvil of suffering and Christlike courage to speak truth when it is not popular to do so. Fire in the Streets brings all these things together. The result is a careful, intellectually informed, heartfelt, and bold treatment of a range of social, ethical, and political topics that constitute todays chaotic culture. When you read this book, be prepared for hard-hitting straight talk backed up with carefully crafted arguments. If you dont agree with his claims, then provide reasons why he is wrong.
J. P. Moreland, professor of philosophy at Biola University and contributor to Dissident Philosophers: Voices against the Political Current of the Academy
Fire in the Streets is a timely and eye-opening book. Groothuis offers a biblical and philosophical critique of Critical Race Theory that Christianswhether they agree with his assessment or notneed to take seriously. This book deserves to be read, analyzed, and discussed widely.
Sean McDowell, professor of apologetics at Biola University, speaker, and author
Fire in the Streets is wise Christian counsel to Americans who are concerned about the rise of Critical Race Theory and its equally destructive kindred ideologies. CRT, the fire that is currently burning in our streets, has been subject to many other critiques, but Groothuis brings something new to the table. He seeks to fight that destructive cultural fire with the good fire of well-reasoned, knowledgeable, and humble conviction that the American creed is worth reaffirming and living. His argument is meticulous, respectful, and frequently eloquent.
Peter W. Wood, president of the National Association of Scholars and author of 1620: A Critical Response to the 1619 Project
What are Christians to do in our present American age? Too many Christians are not equipped by their churches to properly engage the most pressing issues of our time. How does the Bible guide us in the public square? Dr. Doug Groothuis brilliantly explores these issues with a foundation on Christs mandate to serve each other with the love of God. Grace and Truth are critical for America to continue. This is must-read for every Christian.
Jeff Hunt, director of Centennial Institute at Colorado Christian University
Copyright 2022 by Douglas R. Groothuis
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Unless otherwise marked, all Scriptures are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version, NIV. Copyright 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc. Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved worldwide. The NIV and New International Version are trademarks registered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office by Biblica, Inc.
Scriptures marked The Message are taken from THE MESSAGE. Copyright 1993, 2002, 2018 by Eugene Peterson. Used by permission of NavPress, represented by Tyndale House Publishers. All rights reserved.
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ISBN: 978-1-68451-308-6
eISBN: 978-1-68451-317-8
Library of Congress Control Number: 2022937279
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Cover design by John Caruso
Author photo by Cameron Bertuzzi
To Dr. Thomas Sowell, preeminent and courageous social scientist, and intellectual inspiration to me for forty years
W hile I am constrained to write this book, I realize that any such effort is faced with multiple challenges. It is a weighty task, and risky. First, given the welter of often-conflicting accounts on our cultural and political situation, finding reliable sources is not simple. I hope to avoid unreliable sources and root my analysis in credible ones. Second, one needs to develop a biblical view of race and justice to bring to bear on our vexed situation. Third is the need to understand Critical Race Theory (CRT) in its several forms aright. Fourth, one must have an accurate understanding of the history of race and gender in Americano small task. Finally, some adviceI wont say a solutionshould be given that is biblical, hopeful, and realistic.
In attempting these four tasks, I hope to avoid mere talking points, factoids, clichs, and ideological shibboleths. Nevertheless, my political views will emerge in the chapters that follow. I will argue for them while anticipating criticisms and will advance credible viewpoints whether these are acceptable to those on the right, the left, or the middle politically. My theological commitments are to historic Christian orthodoxy. My social and political views are largely informed by the tradition of classical liberalism, which is not to be confused with contemporary liberalism or leftism. This view is often called