Sample Reviews
As a constitutional attorney,I thought I understood the Electoral College pretty well. But intheir excellent book The Evolutionand Destruction of the Original ElectoralCollege, Gary and Carolyn Alder have given me a thorougheducation. Our Founding Fathers created a constitutional republicin which the States, and the people only indirectly, choose thePresident. But through a series of amendments and implementinglegislation, the Framers' intent is being undermined and theconstitutional republic they designed is being transmuted into apeople's democracy in which the national government is supreme andthe states are merely administrative subdivisions. In The Evolution and Destruction of theOriginal Electoral College, the Alders have sounded acall to arms and have provided an arsenal of information that givespatriots the ammunition they need to reverse this trend and restoreour republic. Must reading for defenders of ourConstitution.
John A.Eidsmoe , Colonel, Alabama State DefenseForce, Professor at Oak Brook College of Law & GovernmentPolicy, Senior Counsel & Scholar-in-Residence, Foundation forMoral Law
What is the Electoral Collegeand what has happened to it? The Evolutionand Destruction of the Original Electoral College is an elaboration of what the Electoral Collegeis, its purpose, and how its spirit has been corrupted in themodern day by political parties throughout history. A worthwhileread that describes the electoral process as a whole and what needsto be known about the problems that we face today, The Evolution and Destruction of the OriginalElectoral College is a worthy read forthose seeking political understanding in today's world.
James A. Cox, Editor-in-Chief, MidwestBook Review
I was intrigued by your management of thetopic and set all other reading aside to study the content. I haveseen nothing like it. This work on the Electoral College will fillan important void and aid many people to overcome the region ofignorance in which we all seem to wallow to some degree. Also Irejoice in your steady commitment in promoting the cause ofliberty. There seems to be an awakening interest in the topic.
Stephen Pratt, Constitutional Scholar and Lecturer, Founderof Know Your Liberty
The Evolution and Destruction
of the
Original ElectoralCollege
Including an examination of Federalist No. 68
(Alexander Hamilton Defends the Electoral College)
Smashwords Edition June 2013
![Gary and Carolyn Alder Freedom Coaches This work is an in-depth analysis of - photo 1](/uploads/posts/book/369710/tmp_dbe736c45c71e006cc6608e5001aa045_mRWlIH_html_m7f01975e.jpg)
Gary and Carolyn Alder
Freedom Coaches
This work is an in-depth analysis of theingenious system the Framers designed to identify the best possiblepresidential candidates.
* * *
Unfortunately the system has been destroyed by the machinations ofparty politics. All patriots interested in restoring the Framersoriginal plan will recognize the need to understand this uniqueprocess
The Evolution and Destruction of the
Original Electoral College
Smashwords Edition 2013 -ISBN-978-130138-573-7
Copyright 2010 Gary & Carolyn Alder
USA Best Books 2011 Award Winner -category Government/Political Science
Print edition 2013 -ISBN-13:978-0-9828237-2-9
Published by Advance Freedom, LLC
P.O. Box 306
Cokeville, WY 83114
ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No part of this bookmay be reproduced in any manner whatsoever without writtenpermission of the publisher, except for brief quotations inarticles and reviews.
This ebook is licensed for your personalstudy only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to otherpeople. If you would like to share this book, please purchase anadditional copy for each recipient. Thank you.
This work is created on the premise that theFramers of the Constitution were designing a system to establishthe freedoms and rights described in the
Declaration of Independence.
For an in-depth study of the United StatesConstitution, the paradigm of the Founders, and the principles offreedom in the religious, economic, and political realms visit theauthors' website: http://
Table of Contents
By Michael A. Peroutka Esq.
Constitution Party Presidential Candidate, 2004
Co-Founder of Institute on theConstitution
Martin Luther once made the point that ifhis preaching and teaching were addressing everything but where, atthe moment, the world and the Devil were attacking, he would be afailure: If I profess with loudest voice and clearest expositionevery portion of the truth of God except that little point whichthe world and the Devil are at that moment attacking, I am notconfessing Christ, however boldly I may be professing Christ. Wherethe battle rages, there the loyalty of the soldier is proved, andto be steady on all the battlefield besides, is mere flight anddisgrace if he flinches at that point.
And that is what is so important about thebooklet in your hand by Gary and Carolyn Alder. It gives youammunition to fight on the right side in an important politicalbattle now ragingthe fight to radically alter the form ofgovernment given us by our Founders (a Constitutionalrepresentative Republic) and change it to a pure democracy. In thisbattle, the Alders have not flinched.
In this well-researched booklet, the Aldersmake us aware of what the original Electoral College was. Theybelieve it should be restored. They believe such a restorationwould play a key role in reinstituting our original AmericanRepublic.
I strongly agree with the Alders that theoriginal system our Founders gave us for electingPresidents/statesmen has, indeed, been perverted, subverted,obscured, ignored and then discarded by the machinations of partypolitics. And one of the most insidious, pernicious attemptedsubversions of our political system is to try to change it to apure democracy.
For example, a New York Times editorialheadlined Making Votes Count: Abolish The Electoral College(8/29/2004) says, ignorantly, that the Electoral College is aridiculous setup, which thwarts the will of the majority...[and]shocks people in other nations who have been taught to look uponthe United States as the worlds oldest democracy.
Well, now. I have no doubt people in othernations and, alas, most people in our own country have been taughtthat the United States is a democracy. But, our Founders gave usa Constitutional representative Republic. They did not give us ademocracy! In fact, our Founders hated and feared democracy.They often referred to such a system as mobocracy.
James Madison, the Fatherof our Constitution, said, regarding pure democracy that suchdemocracies have ever been spectacles of turbulence and contention;have ever been found incompatible with personal security or therights of property; and have in general been as short in theirlives as they have been violent in their deaths. Theoreticpoliticians, who have patronized this species of government, haveerroneously supposed that by reducing mankind to a perfect equalityin their political rights, they would, at the same time, beperfectly equalized and assimilated in their possessions, theiropinions, and their passions.
Alexis de Tocqueville said: It cannot bedenied that democratic institutions strongly tend to promote thefeeling of envy in the human heart; not so much because they affordto everyone the means of rising to the same level with others asbecause those means perpetually disappoint the persons who employthem. Democratic institutions awaken and foster a passion forequality which they can never entirely satisfy. This completeequality eludes the grasp of the people at the very moment whenthey think they have grasped it...
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