- I. Is the Bible a Womans E nemy?
- II. Can the Black Man Rule Him self?
- III. Ghana: A Time to Heal and Renew the Na tion
- IV. Moral Lessons in African Folktales Vol.1 {Family Edi tion}
- V. Moral Lessons in African Folktales Vol. 2 {Family Edi tion}
- VI. Moral Lessons in African Folktales Vol. 3 {Family Edi tion}
- VII. The African Meets the Black American with Roxanna Pearson Insa idoo
- VIII. Ghana: An Incomplete Independence or a Dysfunctional Democ racy?
- IX. A. Child From the Broken Marriage; The travails of an abused stepchild from a remote village in Africa to the streets of Ame rica.
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Published by AuthorHouse 04/21/2016
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Table of Contents
Chinese generally look condescendingly on the humanity of black Africans, but over the past decades there has been a huge influx of Chinese on the African continent. What is driving the Chinese to the African continent? Are the Chinese in Africa to help Africa develop in their so-called win-win, or south-south development method? Or are the Chinese in Africa to exploit the huge super abundant raw materials and mineral resources to fuel their expanding industries?It is true that the Chinese are currently building monumental stadiums, presidential palaces, conference halls, but as much as Africans are grateful for these they do not represent economic progress for Af rica.
What we see though is Chinese offering huge loans to African nations in return for their raw materials. Ironically, most of the loans end up in the hands of Chinese contractors undertaking the construction projects, Chinese labor working in the projects, and Chinese materials and products used in the projects. In the end African governments are left holding the bag of huge repayments back to China. Moreover, some, if not, many of the infrastructure are often shoddy as the case of Angolan hospital, and many roads in Africa have demonstr ated.
Additionally, Chinese also support African dictators like Mugabe of Zimbabwe, Omar Bashir of Sudan, Santos of Angola and many others with deadly weaponry to oppress African citi zens.
Finally the Beijing Consensus though has helped lift many Chinese out of poverty cannot be replicated in Africa, because of its authoritarian na ture.
But economic relationships cant simply be about building other countries infrastructure with foreign labor or extracting Africas natural resou rces.
Real economic partnerships have to be a good deal for Africa-they have to create jobs and capacity for Afri cans.
President Barack Obama addressing the African Union in Addis Abba July 28, 2015
Is China a malign force-a modern colonial colossus intent on stripping Africa of its wealth without leaving behind sustainable struct ures?
At present, there is little technology transfer, little capacity building, and little attention given to good governance and effective institut ions.
Robert I Rot berg.
Chinas quest for resources, opportunities and influence in Af rica.
This book is dedicated to the untold African workers who have endured horrible sufferings at the hands of Chinese imperialists operating in Af rica.
I particularly dedicate this work to the memory of my lovely and hard working mother Margaret Yaa Dufie, popularly known as Yaa Nyame who suddenly passed away from this life on April 3, 2016. May we never forget her, and may her soul rest in perfect p eace.
One of the most prolific philosophers of the 20 th century George Santayana prophetically warned, Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it. We Africans in our newfound love for China and everything Chinese must pause a little to reflect on what happened to our great grandparents in their encounters and interactions with new foreigners who ventured into our shores and our societies in the past. We must collectively pay attention to the prophetic warnings of George Santayana and remember our past horrible history with foreigners who ventured into our shores so we do not repeat the horrible and unpardonable mistakes of our ances tors.
Chancellor Williams in his powerful book, The Destruction of Black Civilizations highlights the inherent good qualities of the Africans: God-fearing, loving, embracive, warm, open, friendly and quick to accept all kinds of foreigners and naively believe that all human beings share his good natured quali ties.
The African is therefore quick to accept foreigners into his midst without questioning the motives of these foreigners. These admirable qualities of the African have been his undoing and are responsible for the multitude of calamities and historical tragedies that have befallen the African. Indeed the African good-naturedness and his welcoming hospitality are too good for his own survival in this wicked world, and he risks annihilation and utter extermination from this wicked world if he does not change his nave and happy go-lucky ways and begin to emulate the cold and calculating nature of other r aces.
Chancellor Williams further reminds us that the African had built empires from Ethiopia to Egypt, erected the huge monumental pyramids, and made Egypt into the breadbasket of the then world, a fact which the so-called Father of History, Herodotus atteste d to.
The good natured, warm and embracive African was quick to uncritically accept the multitude of the hungry Arabians from the scorching inhospitable deserts from whence they came seeking solace in the developed societies of the African people. The former desert dwellers who settled in Egypt became the dominant tribe all over North Africa fought and drove the Africans out of the entire Northern African nat ions.
The African with his good-naturedness was forced to migrate to his present-day so-called Sub-Saharan Africa. Though these former desert Arabians live in African soil today they still consider themselves as Middle Easterners and have more in common with their Arabian brothers and sisters than the black African has they share the same continent with.
These Arabs look at the black Africans with condescension and disdain and refer to them as infidels. If you will, look at what is happening in the Sudan today, and you see the same hostile Arab attack on the African playing itself out as the infantile barbaric and savage Janjaweed and hosts of Arabs kill, maim, rape black African girls, and destroy their homes in their forward march to occupy African l ands.
History reminds us also that the Arabs perpetrated the heinous barbaric East African Slave Trade where black Africans were captured and sold as slaves to Arabia, the various plantations, and other lands in the pacific. Well, so much for the African good natured, God-fearing, embracing hospitality, and naively trusting foreigners without studying them, questioning their motives and knowing who they are before welcoming them into their midst or socie ties.
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