Years will pass before all the facts about the Day of Atonement will be known. And even then the truth will be only one side of coin. The other side can be exposed only when the Arabs choose to open their files. No account of the war can, therefore, be complete.
The problem is made more complex since leaders and generals are cadi presenting their own truths. Some now claim that they saw shape of things to come. Others have armed themselves with the wisdom of hindsight, which must be at the expense of fellow actors in the drama. The shock of war often prevented the keeping of accurate command diaries. Therefore, when I began to collect the facts and the details, I was faced with irreconcilable contradictions an Israeli Rashomon played out by senior officers.
Nevertheless, I do not believe that journalists have the right to the men appointed to conduct Israels wars. The Press, with few exceptions, spoke the same language as the Israel Defense Forces and the Defense Ministry. Up to the summer of 1972, I felt that another war between Israel and her neighbors was inevitable. But, in 1973, following Sadats postponement of war and the Russian exodus from Egypt, I was infected by the optimism prevalent in the IDF. The bug stayed with me until the Defense Ministers declaration, in summer 1973, that no major war was to be expected m the coming decade, and Israels borders would stay unchanged Airing that period. I then wrote: Anyone who believes that the present stalemate will long continue is both mistaken and Misleading. In the present situation of military and diplomatic stalemate, it seems that a new war is inevitable.
I have, as much as possible, avoided judging and awarding grades That duty must be left to the historians. They will be able evaluate the facts in a wider context, free of personal emotions. I tried in so far as it was possible to base myself on authentic material; recordings of command discussions during the battles, and documents. Some of these details are published here for the first time. Many others served as background, but could not be published far obvious security reasons.
Earthquake in October does not have any star heroes. Through the men mentioned by name in this book, I have attempted to present the items that seem important to me. What happened to them, on the battlefield, in the quartermasters stores, in the command postshappened to many others. In collecting the facts, I was assisted by cabinet ministers, senior officers and soldiers. I am grateful to all of them.
The daily diary does not pretend to tell all that happened. On each day, I have chosen the events that I saw as most important. Wars and battles do not stop at midnight, to begin again one minute later and so, I have allowed actions to cross the calendar barrier rather than interrupt continuity for the reader.
One last word for the English-language reader: The war of October 1973 has been variously called The Day of Judgment, The Day of Atonement, Yom Kippur, Ramadan and simply The October War. I have elected not to inflict my choice on history, and so the titles that appear in these pages are governed solely by the needs of the text.
Zeev Schiff
ZeeTel Aviv, September 1974.