Feminists in Development Organizations
This eBook is licensed to stacey.davies05@googlemail.com, Stacey Davies
Praise for this book
Feminists in Development Organizations is groundbreaking. It illuminates with rich theoretical insight, passion and creativity the hidden life and strategic dilemmas of feminists working in and through international and national bureaucracies to try and effect transformational change. Researchers rarely gain access to the quotidian workings of powerful organizations. The book builds upon innovative collaborative action research whereby practitioners reflect critically on their own practice as institutional entrepreneurs and tempered radicals. Through a combination of first-person insider testimonies and Eybens creative reimagining of conversations amongst feminist bureaucrats the book creates a complex and gripping narrative. Eyben and Turquet, and their contributors, take forward our theoretical and practical understanding of the dynamics of political change. The collection demonstrates the strategic agency exercised by feminist bureaucrats, often working below the radar, and at the margins, to bridge the divide between the inside and outside, reframe organizational and political discourse, and exploit bureaucratic contradictions in order to progress a social change agenda. It will be essential reading for academics and practitioners alike.
Professor Fiona Mackay, Professor of Politics, University of Edinburgh, founder and co-director, Feminism and Institutionalism International Network
The book provides a timely and much-needed antidote to the simplistic optimism of earlier reflections on gender mainstreaming and dismissive attitudes and generalizations related to femocrats. It provides a rich, nuanced, compelling and context-specific analysis of the political process of everyday bureaucratic life. We are provided fresh insights on the many pitfalls, strategic opportunities, trade-offs and strategies used by feminist bureaucrats working politically to transform bureaucracies. Among the numerous and valuable insights offered by the book two points come through with striking clarity. First is the insistence on multiple feminist identities and thus debunking of a single notion of feminism. Second is the sober recognition of the non-transformative context of international development bureaucracies while underscoring the importance of small wins that accumulatively and over time have the potential to reduce inequity and promote social justice.
Zenebework Tadesse, long-term activist in the global womens movement, and board member of DAWN
This is a brave and much-needed book. Ros Eyben and Laura Turquet have assembled an all-star cast of writers and activists who cast their critical eyes over the future of feminism and development. Nothing could be more important.
Michael Edwards, Distinguished Senior Fellow, Demos, New York, and editor of Transformation
Seldom can outsiders understand the challenges of life-on-the edge within bureaucracies that are ambivalent about employing you for what you believe in and stand for. This volume is a unique and valuable eye opener about how feminists do more than cope with such a tricky position by creatively pursuing their convictions with positive effect. Its practical stories and experiences should convince those who doubt the efficacy of swimming against male-engendered bureaucratic cultures to do just that.
Alan Fowler, Emeritus Professor of Civil Society in International Development, International Institute of Social Studies, Erasmus University, South Africa
While possibly the most transformative and radical of all social justice struggles, feminism and feminists are invariably unwelcome and marginalized actors in almost every mainstream institutional context. But the most unsung heroines of all are feminists working within large development organizations and aid bureaucracies, treated as suspect both by their own hierarchies as well as their sisters in womens movements and organizations. This book makes a huge contribution by shedding light on the largely unknown struggles and poignant dilemmas of these femocrats, and helps us appreciate the value of their impact within these often hostile or resistant institutional settings. The innovative and even subversive strategies these feminist pioneers have deployed to make these institutions more accountable to women is a revelation, with useful insights even for those of us situated in more congenial organizational and movement locations. I applaud Eyben and Turquet for taking us on this unusual journey into these less-travelled frontiers of institutional patriarchy.
Srilatha Batliwala, Scholar Associate, Association for Womens Rights in Development (AWID)
A wonderfully insightful book written by feminist champions for change within the system. The book is important not only for what it says, but how it says it modelling honest and critical reflection by leading practitioners in the field as another way of knowing.
John Gaventa, Director, Coady International Institute
This eBook is licensed to stacey.davies05@googlemail.com, Stacey Davies
Practical Action Publishing Ltd
The Schumacher Centre
Bourton on Dunsmore, Rugby,
Warwickshire CV23 9QZ, UK
Copyright Practical Action Publishing, 2013
ISBN 978-1-85339-804-9 Hardback
ISBN 978-1-85339-805-6 Paperback
ISBN 978-1-78044-804-6 Library Ebook
ISBN 978-1-78044-805-3 Ebook
Book DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3362/9781780448046
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A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library.
The contributors have asserted their rights under the Copyright Designs and Patents Act 1988 to be identified as authors of their respective contributions.
Eyben, R. and Turquet, L. (eds) (2013) Feminists in Development Organizations: Change from the Margins, Rugby, UK: Practical Action Publishing.
Since 1974, Practical Action Publishing has published and disseminated books and information in support of international development work throughout the world. Practical Action Publishing is a trading name of Practical Action Publishing Ltd (Company Reg. No. 1159018), the wholly owned publishing company of Practical Action. Practical Action Publishing trades only in support of its parent charity objectives and any profits are covenanted back to Practical Action (Charity Reg. No. 247257, Group VAT Registration No. 880 9924 76).
Cover photo: Mika Mansukhani
Cover design: Mercer Design
Indexed by Liz Fawcett, Harrogate
Typeset by Bookcraft Ltd, Stroud, Gloucestershire
This eBook is licensed to stacey.davies05@googlemail.com, Stacey Davies