Series Editors
Sahra Gibbon, UCL Anthropology
Jennie Gamlin, UCL Institute for Global Health
This series charts diverse anthropological engagements with the changing dynamics of health and wellbeing in local and global contexts. It includes ethnographic and theoretical works that explore the different ways in which inequalities pervade our bodies. The series offers novel contributions often neglected by classical and contemporary publications that draw on public, applied, activist, cross-disciplinary and engaged anthropological methods, as well as in-depth writings from the field. It specifically seeks to showcase new and emerging health issues that are the products of unequal global development.
Managing Chronicity in Unequal States
Ethnographic perspectives on caring
Edited by
Laura Montesi and Melania Calestani
First published in 2021 by
UCL Press
University College London
Gower Street
London WC1E 6BT
Available to download free: www.uclpress.co.uk
Collection Editors, 2021
Text Contributors, 2021
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Montesi, L. and Calestani, M. (eds). 2021. Managing Chronicity in Unequal States: Ethnographic perspectives on caring. London: UCL Press. https://doi.org/10.14324/111.9781800080287
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ISBN: 978-1-80008-030-0 (Hbk.)
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ISBN: 978-1-80008-032-4 (mobi)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.14324/111.9781800080287
Emily Yates-Doerr
Laura Montesi and Melania Calestani
Lisa Ballesteros
Devin Flaherty
Erika Takahashi
Lilian Kennedy
Giorgio Brocco
Chiara Bresciani
Sudarshan R. Kottai and Shubha Ranganathan
Rossio Motta-Ochoa and Nelson Arruda
Maria LaRusso and Csar Abada-Barrero
Marcos Freire de Andrade Neves
Ciara Kierans
Laura Montesi is a CONACyT (National Council of Science and Technology) researcher and lecturer at the Centre for Research and Advanced Studies in Social Anthropology (CIESAS) in the city of Oaxaca, Mexico. Her work focuses on the lived experiences and social representations of diabetes and other chronic conditions in Mexico. She has carried out field research in rural Indigenous Mexico and, more recently, in urban health centres with mutual-aid groups for chronic patients. She combines experience-near accounts of what it means to live with chronic conditions with larger, political economy analysis; she has explored the intersections of diabetes and gendered violence, syndemics of alcohol abuse and diabetes, and diabetes and healthy eating. She is involved in civil society organisations working on gender equality, environmental sustainability, and food and energy sovereignty.
Melania Calestani is a senior lecturer at Kingston University and St Georges, University of London, UK. She has mainly carried out fieldwork in Andean Bolivia and in the UK. In Bolivia, she focused on individual and collective definitions of the good life, exploring religious and medical pluralism among Aymara people. In the UK, she carried out research on processes of decision making and patient-centred care in the NHS, from the perspectives of both patients and health-care professionals. Most recently, she has conducted critical ethnographic research in hospitals, examining how practices of prayer can be transgressive, affecting power relations and experiences of inclusion/exclusion. Her research interests also include critical understandings of race and ethnicity, health inequalities and perspectives from critical medical anthropology.
Csar Abada-Barrero, DMD, DMSc, associate professor of anthropology and human rights at the University of Connecticut, USA, is a medical anthropologist whose research has demonstrated how for-profit interests transform access, continuity and quality of health care. He has conducted action-oriented ethnographic and mixed-method research on health-care policies and programmes, human rights judicialisation and advocacy, and social movements in health in Brazil and Colombia. Currently, Dr Abada-Barrero is examining the environmental, cultural, economic and political aspects of an intercultural proposal to replace environmental degradation with buen vivir (good living) in post-peace accord Colombia. In another project in the US, he is studying the role of capitalism in dysregulating childrens bodies and harming their health and development. He is the author of I Have AIDS but I am Happy: Childrens subjectivities, AIDS, and social responses in Brazil (2011) and Health in Ruins: The capitalist destruction of medical care (forthcoming).
Nelson Arruda completed his masters degree in anthropology at the Universit de Montral, Canada. His research interests are situated at the intersections of addictions, cultures of drug use, opioid crises, care practices, biomedical interventions, public health polices and structural inequalities. He has extensive ethnographic fieldwork experience with persons who use drugs in Downtown Montreal. He has also been working in multidisciplinary research teams constituted of physicians, epidemiologists, health providers and stakeholders, in academic and governmental institutions. Currently, Nelson Arruda is a research agent at the Public Health Department of Montreal (CIUSSS du Centre-Sud-de-lle-de-Montral Direction rgionale de sant publique), where his overall role is to bring a critical perspective in the analysis of practices of drug use among persons who live in vulnerable conditions, as well as in the development of harm reduction policies.
Lisa Ballesteros studied modern languages as an undergraduate, after which she spent eight years travelling the world. She returned to the UK and completed a masters degree in the anthropology of development before conducting anthropological fieldwork with migrants in London for her doctorate in social anthropology. Her research interests include the third sector, care, wellbeing, austerity, post-colonialism and migration. She is based in the UK.