The Elephant in the Countrys Living Room Prevails
Martin M. Shinedling, Ph.D., L.P.
Page 3 Preface 1
Page 5 Preface 2
Page 11 the Tea Party and the American Dream
Page 25 Independent Parties and Their Fate
Page 29 the Q Factor
Page 33 the Only Thing You can be certain of is that you are being lied to Every Day
Page 35 Trump Strengthens the Q Factor
Page 40 Middle Class and the Tea Party
Page 46 Government
Page 49 Nothing Gets Done
Page 53 Trump and Crime
Page 56 War and Its Manifestations (1)
Page 66 What Ho, the Middle Class
Page 67 Bringing Jobs Back Home
Page 70 Ethics of Deceit
Page 75 Q Factor Strategy April 6, 2016
Page 79 Wall Street Side Note
Page 82 Global Warming and Group Think
Page 89 the Failure of the Failed Elites
Page 91 Hows that Working for You
Page 95 Can Mexico Stop aliens invading the United States Borders
Page 97 Impeach Trump or Vote for Clinton
Page 105 The Unstoppable Trump
Page 106 Enough with the Hilary Cult
Page 112 War and Its Manifestations (2)
Page 115 Genetic Predispositions of Americans
These comments and thoughts are presented by a seasoned psychologist (a politically correct way of saying old).
Psychologists come in many different stripes my own include clinical psychology, medical psychology and political psychology and the government. It also includes being in academia and clinical practice for over 45 years. Needless to say I am definitely old and seasoned.
My experience includes being an associate professor of psychology, a staff psychologist for the C.I.A., a consultant for a regional trauma hospital, writer and self-publisher for books in the area of political psychology and Christian Fantasy and finally neuropsychologist and therapist.
Of all my 45 years of experience, this is the most fun I have had as I follow the 2016 election and the controversies that the issue of Trumpism and being a Trumpster have surfaced.
I first tackled the subject of the inevitable demise of the Republican and Democratic Parties in a book I published in the year 2000. I saw the writing on the wall for both parties because both had abandoned the lower middle class and the working class and African Americans as well as multi-generational Latinos. They just didnt tell the working class and the African Americans and Latinos that they were being ignored and discounted. (Although recently, April 4, 2016, Rush Limbaugh quoted a conservative columnist who has been unable to persuade Trump supporters to abandon Trump who said that the people who support Trump are failures and deserve to be destroyed).
But Americans are not fools. Eventually they discovered the truth on their own and many abandoned the elites in Washington as they woke up to the awful truth that the elites view them as an unnecessary fact of life in the United States.
This small book is an update and revision of the book I wrote in 2000 to wit:
MIDDLE CLASH: Issues which will create a third party in the 21 st century.
I wrote a book in 1999 and published it in 2000. At that time, I predicted that a third party would surface in America. And now the year is 2016 and the party is struggling and not yet ready to be born but the campaign of Donald Trump will I believe result in the birth of a viable third Party.
Having predicted its rise, I would like to have you review with me how I came to this conclusion several years before the Tea Party surfaced. How did I know that its rise was inevitable and why the Democratic Party and the Republican Party would be consigned to the dust bin of detritus was obvious to me as a political and clinical psychologist working and teaching in the Tri City area of central Michigan?
My wife and I had opened a small outpatient psychiatric clinic in the outskirts of Bay City which had been a ship building town and North of Saginaw which held Saginaw Steering Gear and East of Midland the home of Dow Chemical. Needless to say, we served patients from all three communities. It was the 80's and early 90's and vast changes were taking place. People were losing their jobs at an alarming rate.
Saginaw Steering Gear which made drive trains for the General Motors cars and truck and other car companies reduced its work force from 6 to 7 thousand workers to less than two thousand. Dow was rapidly shifting part of its work force to India and other countries. And Bay City simply closed its ship building and other non profitable ventures.
What was happening to cause this? I finally after talking to many workers, union leaders and management came to understand what was happening. It was relatively simple, obvious and ignored by communication specialists. TV announcers and news programs weren't talking about it and news magazines and news papers seemed blind to it. Talk radio which was beginning to surface as an alternative powerful medium didn't seem to understand or pay attention to what was really happening.
I use the term really happening because there is a huge smoke screen coming out of Washington D.C. that tries to confuse and divert the middle class from understanding what is really happening.
Consider the current campaign in 2016. Donald Trump is being attacked because he is not a 'real conservative', or that he is as pompous braggart, or that he shouldn't be nominated because he can't beat Hilary Clinton in a general election. But what is going on behind the scenes? What is the real reason that Washington is in a panic? Is it Trump or is it something else? What is Trump espousing that frightens them or incurs their wrath?
Trump's major complaints are that he wants to bring jobs back to America, close the borders to illegal immigration and do something about our terrible infrastructure and wasteful international spending. He also wants to re-examine all the unneeded regulations that are destroying the American economy.
Why should that frighten Washington, D.C.?
Now think about it! The movers and shakers in Washington, D.C. have their own agendas which does not care a fig about the American economy or the American middle class.
What is their agenda? It's simple and not complicated it's called Follow the Money and it's younger and powerful brother - Follow the Power .
I believe that the Democratic Party and the Republican Party have struck an unholy alliance to destroy the middle class in pursuit of wealth and power. The Big Boys and Girls have discovered that they can make millions, tens of millions, hundreds of millions and billions by exporting American high paid jobs to low wage countries under the guise of FREE TRADE.
They also have developed the fiction that when factories close due to being unable to compete with low wage countries they will provide some re-education and training for workers whose jobs have been displaced. This is a total lie as they train workers for jobs that don't exist or are not available. As an example one educator convinced the local government to sponsor training their workers as phlebotomists - so one hundred workers were trained for two positions that paid half as much as they had been earning in a factory.
Americans are not stupid - as soon as they understood the real situation they quit and so what did the local government do - it blamed them for their unwillingness to be trained - not themselves for the stupidity of what they were doing.
So to return to the movers and shakers in Washington, D.C., they stand to make untold worth moving $70,000.00 a year jobs to $25,000.00 a year countries. They also stand to make money in other ways. They can drive down wages in America by letting in millions of undocumented workers cross America's borders and compete for jobs.
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