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Strebor Books
P.O. Box 6505
Largo, MD 20792
This book is a work of nonfiction.
2014 by Marion Barry, Jr. and Omar Tyree
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means whatsoever. For information address Strebor Books, P.O. Box 6505, Largo, MD 20792.
ISBN 978-1-59309-505-5
ISBN 978-1-4767-3056-1 (ebook)
LCCN 2013933645
First Strebor Books hard cover edition June 2014
Cover design:
Cover photograph: Keith Saunders Photos
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This memoir is dedicated to my one and only son, Marion Christopher Barrythe hallmark of my lifeand all of the many friends and supporters who have been with me through the best of times and the worst of times. Its been an incredible journey, and I never could have done it without you. Thank you for everything! I love you all!!
Over the years, I figured there was so such written about me that I started thinking about writing a book to tell my own story and without pretense. Im tired of other people in the media trying to tell my story. So I started thinking that it was time for me to tell it myself and the way I want to tell it.
And finally, were here. There are so many, many people who I want to thank for touching my life. Unfortunately, Im not afforded the time, nor space, to thank you all, but just know that you will always be embedded in my heart, and thats what matters most.
First, I want to begin by thanking God, for without his grace and mercy, none of this would have been possible. Never in a million years could I have imagined the life that God had in store for me when I was picking cotton in Itta Bena, Mississippi, once again proving that with God, anything is possible.
I want to thank my mother, the late Mattie Cummings. My mother was the first person who taught me courage. It was courage that helped me fight through the Civil Rights Movement. It was courage that helped me change the face of the nations capital. It was courage that led me to create opportunities that ultimately changed the lives of thousands of men, women and youth. Thank you, Mama, for the greatest life lesson ever.
The late Effi Barry, my wife, friend, and mother of my only child, you changed my life in ways you will never imagine. When you entered my life, it changed forever. And when God called you home, it changed my life forever. You were a heaven-sent angel.
I want to thank my dear friend Greg Holloway for introducing me to my publisher, Zane, and for your many years of friendship.
To Zane, thank you for believing in this project and bringing my life to bookshelves all across the country. Because of you, generations will learn the real story of Marion Barry, Jr.
I also want to thank Charmaine Roberts Parker of Strebor Books. You had your work cut out for you, and you rose to the occasion. Thank you for the many, many hours that you devoted to making this book a success.
To my coauthor, New York Times Bestselling Author Omar Tyree. Who would have thought that many years later, after interviewing me for The Capitol Spotlight newspaper when I first returned to Washington, D.C. politics in 1992 that you would receive the opportunity of a lifetime? After a year of arguing back and forth over all of the details of my life, inside and outside of politics, and how to tell it, we finally got it done. You told my story well, Omar. Thank you for all of those trips back and forth from North Carolina to Washington, D.C. It was a labor of love, and we knocked the ball out of the park. And for the record, Im not doing a second or a third book, buddy! LOL!!
I had no idea that writing a book would be such a long and challenging process. I want to thank LaToya Foster, my spokeswoman and Director of Communications, for the nights, weekends, and many long hours of assistance. I dont think Omar or I could have finished this book without her. In fact, I know we couldnt have. LaToya was inseparable from the process, and she showed great patience, reserve, tolerance and professionalism to deal with both of us. So I want to thank her and Omar from the bottom of my heart, for pushing me so effectively to get this book done.
To Cora Masters Barrymy wife and friend of forty-five years. What would I have done without you?! Youve been a supportive friend during the mountain highs and valley lows of my life. Thank you for everything.
To my legal advisers, Fred Cooke and David Wilmotthe legal dynamic duo. You are amazing. Thank you so very much for your friendship and legal counsel over the years.
To Sandy Bellamy, my special companion. Youve been an amazing asset in my life. I love you dearly.
To my Council staff (Joyce Clements-Smith, Mary Thompson, Chan Tei Durant, Charles Lindsay and Danielle Greenfield), thank you so very much for all your hard work.
I also want to thank my cabinet during my sixteen years as mayor of the District. We worked hard, and look at what we accomplished.
To my dear friend Kim Dickens. Your kindness demonstrates the epitome of true friendship. You sacrificed a kidney so I could have life. I cant even find a word that describes how eternally grateful I am for you. I love you much!
I want to give a very special thanks to the late Herbert O. Reid for his tremendous legal work, and Dr. Robert Williams, M.D., for keeping me healthy while I ran the city government.
I also want to thank my good friend Ivanhoe Donaldson, my very first campaign manager. Together, we made a spectacular difference.
To Elijah Rogers, Carol Thompson, Tom Downs, and Michael Rogersmy four City Administrators. Thank you for your contributions to the city.
I want to give special thanks to Maudine Cooper, who served as my Chief of Staff during one of the most difficult moments of my life. I also want to acknowledge the late Barry Campbell, who also served as my Chief of Staff.
I also want to express a very special thanks to Reverend Jesse Jackson, my good friend who I nominated for President of the United States.
I also want to acknowledge Reverend Willie Wilson, my pastor and political supporter of Union Temple Baptist Church, as well as Bishop Glen Staples, my pastor at Temple of Praise Church.
David Eaton, you were one of the early visionaries of my political career. Thank you for your support.
To Carlise Davenport, owner of TOTS Education Center. Thank you for the wonderful care that you gave to Christopher, and your friendship to the Barry family.
Raymone Bain, my longtime friend, former press secretary and publicist. Thank you for your many years of friendship, and your invaluable expertise.
To Rock Newman. Thank you for your many years of friendship.
I can never forget my good friend Cathy Hughes, CEO of Radio One, Inc. I am so proud of you. Thank you for giving me a voice on your airwaves during one of the most challenging moments in my life.
Special thanks to Mayor Vincent Gray, the Council of the District of Columbia, and all of the extraordinary political minds that Ive worked with over the years.
And last, but certainly not least, I want to extend a very special thanks to all of the many people who supported me over the years. I am so grateful to the thousands of Washingtonians and all of the many people across the country whove been with me through the best of times and worst of times. I could have NEVER done this alone. I can never thank you enough. I love you all!!!!!