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Christian J Gilliland [Gilliland - Inception

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Christian J Gilliland [Gilliland Inception

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Book Two of THE BLACK KNIGH T Series

Written by Christian J. Gilliland

2019 Mountaindale Press. All rights reserved. No portion of this book may be reproduced in any form without permission from the publisher, except as permitted by US copyright law.

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the products of the authors imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, businesses, companies, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

Table of Contents Acknowledgments For my girls Brielle Penelope and - photo 1

Table of Contents


For my girls: Brielle, Penelope, and Everly.

Everything I do, I do for you.

For Atley and Shelley. Thank you for always supporting me.

For Shawn and Tyler.


21st of Ramlia 346AG

09:00 Black Knight Base 21

The sky was gray and overcast over the Calduur Mountains of northern Canrom. The wind blew lightly over the land and rustled the lush trees and vegetation that filled the area. Small flowers had bloomed in the grass and trees for the month of Ramlia, the summer month, had come and was already three weeks in. While the world was bustling with life around them, the inhabitants of Black Knight Base 21 had taken the day to mourn the loss of two of their own. Jeph Scaven and Crinnan Jamiso.

He was a good soldier," captain Bran, the hulking white-haired and single-eyed Gaian announced to the crowd of mourners that stood before him. His voice rang out over the silence like thunder over the sea. Crinnan was young quiet he was strong. The boy had his life ahead of him. It is truly a shame that we lost him the way we did,"

Behind Bran was a stone altar with a flame burning on top of it. Crinnans sword and chest piece rested at the foot of the altar; his sword had been found in the Weald, his armor had been left behind in the Izla'Axi caverns. The mourners looked on with faces that were mostly devoid of emotion. They had all grown accustomed to death, numb to it only those that were close to Crinnan showed visible signs of pain.

I wish there was more we could have done," Bran reflected as he lowered his head. I wish he couldve continued the fight with us I suppose the reality now is that he has given us another reason to fight the reason being that his fight was never in vain. That his memory will live on,"

A middle-aged male Humaan and dark-haired she-Elf stood behind the towering Gaian Captain. The man, Commander Crinnan Jamiso Sr., had his arm wrapped around his wifes shoulders. She stood silently with her arms crossed and head lowered; a furious look was painted onto her face.

Lord Crinnan, would you like to say a few words?" Bran asked, turning to the two. Commander Crinnan looked at his wife and squeezed her shoulder. He let go and stepped forward.

Bran looked at Commander Crinnan who stood a foot and a half below his eye level and placed his massive hand on Crinnans back. Im sorry old friend," Crinnan nodded at him, and Bran stepped back and stood next to Crinnans wife.

Commander Crinnan stood for a moment and stared at the ground before him in silent deliberation. He looked at the mourners before him, and they waited patiently as he gathered his thoughts. Finally, he sighed and spoke.

What does a man say" commander Crinnan asked, his voice aged but smooth. What does a man say at his sons funeral?" he bit his lip and nodded his head again.

As many of you know, Crinnan is not the first child I have lost. My first daughter and eldest son both went missing long ago. Ladia and I pray that they still breathe. While we may hold on to even the slightest shred of hope for them, I fear that my son Crinnans fate is decided," he wiped a tear away from his eye and cleared his throat. Crinnan is was very much like his mother," he said with a chuckle. Kind of an asshole."

The mourners laughed, for many of them knew of the younger Crinnans reputation. He did not like to be looked at, touched, or spoken to, and he always had a sharp word or balled fist for most who tried. He always preferred to be left alone.

Commander Crinnan looked back at his wife and saw that however faint, a half smile had momentarily formed on her face. He knew she would probably rip his ear off later for his comment, but making her smile was worth the lashing he would undoubtedly receive...

I remember when he was young," commander Crinnan continued, He was a little fireball. He would always get into fights with his elder siblings. Nobody was too big for him" Crinnan laughed as a memory popped in his mind. Why, I remember one time I took his toy sword away. He punched me square in the dick," the mourners laughed again and so did Crinnan.

God, I loved that kid," Crinnan's face briefly wrinkled up with sadness. I will always love that kid you see, behind that hard exterior, behind those walls that he built for himself was the most beautiful heart. He felt so much harder and deeper than any of my other children he experienced the world differently than the rest of us. He protected animals from his brother Kiersen, protected his twin brother from his brother Kiersen He would always snuggle up in my or Ladias arms at the end of the day. When we would kiss the top of that thick-haired head, he would try to burrow deeper. My son loved being loved. He hated showing love though but that is something I can forgive," Crinnan sighed deeply, and looked out at everyone.

"While I have done my best, I have not always been there for my children," the commander admitted with sorrow in his voice. "I wish... things could have been different. Had I been able to be there to protect them, Sayraa, Kiersen... Had I been there with Crinnan I would have given every breath I had to protect him," he sighed, and tears fell down his face.

"It is why I fight this damned war. To make a better world for my children. It is why I cannot stop!" anger spread across his face for a moment, and he paused to compose himself.

Another day, another death, right? he seethed, digging deep within himself to find the kind of words a leader needed to say. This time it was my son so what must a man do? Do I lay down? Submit? Do I give up?" commander Crinnan trembled with fury and passion. His eyes were ablaze with fervor, and he swept his gaze over the assembled soldiers in front of him. As his lip curled into a snarl, he took a mighty step forward and pounded his fist against his chest.

Fuck no!" he began to speak faster and more furiously, The battle isnt any less won or any more lost with the death of my son or Jeph Scaven we now have an even deeper responsibility to keep fighting, to win! We fight for true freedom. For those that hate us we fight. For those who think they are already free, we fight We fight for our sons, for our daughters and grandchildren, our husbands and wives We fight for those fighting next to us. We must never stop, even when not if, we lose something or someone we love. My son died, yes, and I will never forget that boy... and I will make damn sure that my sword cuts down a hundred other fathers sons if thats what it takes to free this world from Govias grasp!

The mourners nodded, and some clapped or cheered. Commander Crinnan turned to his wife and looked at her for a moment and then back to the crowd.

"Today, we remember Jeph and my son and all the others who have fallen to protect our way of life! Today we mourn. Tomorrow, we pick up our swords and we shove them through the hearts of all who will stand in our way. We will cut down every Govian who would ever dare think of getting in our way!"

Captain Bran stepped forward and pumped his massive fist into the air. For Crinnan!" he bellowed, returning his thunderclap of a voice for all to hear. The mourners returned his shout with their own.

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