Heal The
Who is Healing Whom?
Heal the world . Three little words, with enormous implications.
In fact they tell only part of the story. Heal yourself, heal the world would be more accurate; and heal yourself, heal the world and let the world heal you , would be even more so.
For nothing happens in isolation. There are no islands set apart. I am you and you are me. We are all part of One Consciousness, One Mind, that is Creation. It is the amalgamation of all thought, experience, understanding and wisdom we know as God or, as I prefer, the Infinite Mind.
You are God. I am God. We are all God. So when we say heal the world , it is not a one-way process. It is not a case of one person or group of people appearing over the horizon like some spiritual cavalry to save the planet. Yes, we can help to heal this glorious expression of life called Planet Earth, but the Earth can heal us, also. We are part of her and she is part of us. We are all the same consciousness at different levels of evolution and understanding.
If we dont heal our own wounds we cannot heal the planet. Physician, heal thyself .
Love Yourself, Love the World
I have seen, in the light of extreme experience, how people constantly project out into the world what they think of themselves. I have observed outwardly aggressive people venting their inner hatred of themselves on others around them. Their victims are merely mirrors for them to thrash out in anger and frustration at their dislike, even contempt, for all that they are and have been. This is the real motivator behind so much violence, crime, and negative behaviour of all kinds.
People were persuaded by the media at one stage that I was mentally ill because of the information I was presenting. As a result, many people came along to ridicule and laugh when I spoke at universities and public meetings. They did not realise that in doing so they were making a mighty statement about themselves, not me. How sobering it would have been had they asked themselves what imbalance must exist within for them to have gleaned pleasure and enjoyment from ridiculing someone they believed to be mad. When you do not respect others you are merely saying you have no respect for yourself.
How often have you noticed how people get angry and upset with those who act in ways that they themselves also act? How often have we said of such people: Its okay when they do so and so, but when someone else does it they go crazy? What we are seeing is that person reacting against someone who mirrors back at them the character traits they dislike in themselves. On a couple of occasions when people have laughed at me in the street, I and my family have stopped and laughed back at them, mirroring their behaviour, to see what happened. The reaction was extraordinary. They became very angry, even outraged, as they came face to face with their own behaviour. When we see others expressing what we dont like about ourselves we feel very uncomfortable, and that can manifest in outward anger and condemnation. We appear to be angry with another, but really we are angry with ourselves.
Humanitys problem in general, if not in every individual, is that far from respecting itself, liking itself, loving itself, it hates itself. Humanity is awash with guilt, fear, and lack of self-esteem, and this goes back through scores of previous physical lifetimes as well as this one. It is this guilt, fear, and self-hatred that is expressed through division, war, conflict on all levels, and in the belief that somehow material success can compensate for the spiritual and emotional black hole that grows like a cancer within so many.
And by spiritual I do not mean religious. The two are constantly confused. Spiritual for me means a reconnection with the One Consciousness, an understanding of our part in the eternal scheme of things and our infinite potential for love and creation. Religion has hijacked spirituality and largely abused its name to build empires of myth and power, engineered and perpetuated by the manipulation of fear and guilt. Spirituality is the answer while, in stark contrast, religion is part of the problem.
I talk of the need for self-respect and self-love, and yet religion constantly tells us we have sinned and must feel guilty about all that we are. I heard a lady brought up in a Roman Catholic convent say how she was forced to recite every morning that she was unworthy. The whole religious, economic and social system is designed to make us feel either guilty, fearful, unworthy, dissatisfied or envious indeed often all of them, and more, at the same time. This is terribly destructive both for people and the planet.
Self-love and self-respect are crucial to the future well-being of the earth because the extreme negative energies we have created and continue to create by the way we feel about ourselves, and therefore others, have taken this planet to the brink of non-existence. We are going to reverse this process and to do that we need to understand the structure within which we all live and evolve. We need to appreciate how we are affecting the balance of the earth and each other with every thought.
![The Seven Chakras The Real Us The physical body is a vehicle for the mind - photo 1](/uploads/posts/book/104801/images/00008.jpg)
The Seven Chakras
The Real Us
The physical body is a vehicle for the mind, our consciousness, to experience this physical level. The real thinking, feeling, eternal us is not the body, but a series of energy-fields working as one. I call this the mind to avoid the religious connections associated with the word soul.
Joining these fields together are seven main vortex points known as chakras . These are at the top of the head (crown chakra), the forehead (brow chakra), the throat (throat chakra), the centre of the chest (heart chakra), the solar plexus (solar plexus chakra), the navel (sacral chakra) and in the area of the sexual organs (base chakra). There are others, but these are the major ones.
Each chakra has a different role to play. The solar plexus chakra, for instance, works with the emotional level, and this is why we feel our emotions in that area. Ive got butterflies in my stomach as many people say to describe nervous moments. The heart chakra is the point of balance in the chakra system and also the point from which the energy called love is expressed.
Your mind, everything that is the real you, has worked through endless physical bodies in endless situations over incomprehensible amounts of time. What you are experiencing now is simply the latest of them, although potentially the most important. I see the physical body as a genetic spacesuit. Just as we need a spacesuit to exist on the moon, so the mind, which is an amalgamation of non-physical energy-fields, needs a physical vehicle, the body, through which to experience this physical world.
The colour or design of your spacesuit is irrelevant, except as another form of experience. Those who condemn black people should know that they have almost certainly been a black person themselves in a past life, or they will be in the future to balance out their eternal experience. The divisions of colour, sex, ethnic background, countries and religion, which cause so much pain and conflict, are the manifestations of human misunderstanding. No matter what the design or colour of the genetic spacesuit, we are all still of the One Consciousness. Any apparent division is an illusion in the collective mind of the human race.
Our consciousness has re-incarnated on its journey of experience into physical bodies that were black, white, red, yellow, male, female, and into life situations that made us rich, poor, Protestant, Catholic, Muslim, etc. The fact is that someone born in the United States is not more special than someone born in Mexico; nor is someone born in England more special than someone born in Peru; nor someone who is white than someone who is black. Go down to the seashore, hold a droplet of water in your hand, and tell me how that droplet can possibly be any more or less special than the billions of droplets you see before you in the ocean.
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