

Our Mission: Called to bring the supernatural power of God to this generation.
Daily Encounters with God
First Edition October, 2016
ISBN: 978-1-59272-603-5
All rights reserved by Ministerio Internacional El Rey Jesus (King Jesus International Ministry).This publication may not be reproduced, altered (in whole or part), archived in any electronicsystem nor transmitted by any electronic, mechanical (including photocopying or recordingdevices) or stored in any information storage retrieval system, or in any other manner, without
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Unless otherwise indicated, all Scripture quotations are taken from the New King James Versionof the Bible.
Project Director:Spanish Editor:English Translation:Cover Design: Interior Design:Andrs BrizuelaJos M. Anhuaman
Henrry BecerraACVDO&Co.
Jos M. Anhuaman
Category: Prayer / Spiritual Growth
Published by ERJ Publicaciones
King Jesus International Ministry14100 SW 144th Ave. Miami, FL 33186Tel: (305) 382-3171 Fax: (305) 675-5770Printed in the United States of America
1.Your needs begin when yourrelationship with God is broken. 112.In the realm of the spirit, sin isconsidered Spiritual Gravity. 133.Surrendering in the Spirit isallowing God to be God. 154.We enter greater dimensions offaith through trust. 17
5.When God calls someone for anunusual purpose, He takes themout of their usual environment. 19
6.Jesus redeemed us to expressHimself through us. 21
7.Supernatural grace begins wherehuman strength ends. 23
8.The first step to following Jesus asHis disciple is to deny your ego. 25
9.Jesus conformed to our image sowe could be transformed in Hislikeness. 27
10. What changes a person is nottheir time in church, but theirtime spent in the presence ofGod. 29
11.Christ is only Lord in the areasyou surrender to Him. 31
12. The more of myself I give to God,the more I have of Him. 3313. The uncrucified flesh is always anopen door to demons. 35
14. Grieving the Holy Spirit dealswith character; quenching theHoly Spirit deals with power. 37
15. A generation will not go beyondits life of prayer and fasting. 39
16. Worship causes God to revealHimself and manifest Hispresence. 41
17.Faith was given to us so we couldaccess eternity. 43
18. Faith and fear cannot flow outof our heart at the same time,because fear blocks faith, and viceversa. 45
19.What you conform to will defineyour way of thinking and living. 4720. The only ability God seeks in usis availability. 49
21.If you dont submit, God wontcommit. 51
22. When you stop worshiping God,you also stop knowing Him. 5323. The evil you tolerate is the evilthat destroys you. 55
24. There is no relationship withoutan open heart. 57
25. The supernatural was designedto be experienced first and thenunderstood. 59
26. When there is no knowledge orrevelation of God, the enemybuilds a stronghold. 61
27.The flesh is anything not underthe Holy Spirits influence. 63
28. Someone with an experience is nolonger at the mercy of someonewith an opinion. 65
29. The cross is the base for Godsabsolute provision. 67
30. Jesus did not send out His
disciples without first givingthem power and authority to castout demons. 69
31.No transformation is permanentuntil we renew our mind. 7132. Jesus had to die to the fact that Hewas God Almighty. 73
33. We cannot see the manifestedpresence of God if we dont seekHim. 75
34. Spend hours with God andminutes with man. 77
35. Demons enter a person whentheir spiritual walls of protectionare down. 79
36. God does not manifest wheretheres no need of Him. 81
37.The future is the eternal presentpostponed. 83
38. Jesus carried our shame so we canshare in His glory. 85
39. We are an extension of Christ,and He uses our body to reachthe world. 87
40. Death to the carnal self grantsaccess to the power and presenceof God. 89
41. Satan is destroyed, disarmed, dethroned, and defeated. 91
42. When our heart is surrendered toGod, He is willing to do anythingfor us. 93
43. The will must be surrendered, themind renewed, and the emotionshealed. 95
44. The highest level of worship iswhen we become worship. 9745. The glory of God is the essence ofwho He is. 99
46. Order and priorities are part ofthe original intention of Godsgovernment. 101
47.Discipline produces admiration in others, but passion is contagious. 103
48. Our faithfulness and stewardshipwill determine our blessing. 10549. Common sense and reason willnever produce a miracle. 107
50. Humility and surrender are thegreatest indicators that we havedied to the self. 109
51.Our level of ascension to the presence of God is determined by thesound of our worship. 111
52. Unforgiveness is a silent sin. 11353. We cannot rise above our level ofsurrender. 115
54. We work under the anointing, butrest in the glory of God. 117
55. A generation that doesnt embracechange will not impact theworld. 119
56. Preaching the gospel is limited tomans will and our obedience toGods mandate. 121
57.In the spiritual realm, government begins by first ruling ourown spirit. 123
58. Humbling ourselves is a decisionexpressed through an action. 12559. The devils plan is to reduce theChurch to the natural. 127
60. The power of God is always present, but His power is not alwaysreceived. 129
61.Most mental strongholds arerooted in selfish desires. 131
62. The presence of God exposesthe individuals spiritual condition. 133
63. True worship reveals that theKing is present. 135
64. Only God decides whom He willbless. 137
65. When we operate from need andnot Gods purpose, we never haveabundance. 139
66. People tend to criticize what theycant produce themselves. 14167.Knowledge is not truly a part ofyou until you experienced it. 14368. Responsibility is the first step toexercise authority. 145
69. The power of God only fallswhere there is sacrifice, and thisproves that what was offered isreal. 147
70. The condition of your heartdetermines the condition of yourlife. 149
71. Faith is where the supernaturalbegins. 151
72. The best compliment we can giveGod is to rest in Him. 153
73. To fulfill our purpose in God, wemust surrender our will. 15574. Many people will never see Jesusunless its through us. 157
75. The enemy will destroy you in thearea you lack knowledge. 159
76. God is everywhere, but Hedoesnt manifest in every
place. 161
77.Offenses take place in the heart,not the mind. 163
78. Praise affirms the mighty worksof God, worship acknowledgesGod as the person He is. 165
79. Your mind has been renewedwhen the impossible now seemslogical. 167
80. Religion comes from not havingan experience with God. 169
81.How much we have of Goddepends on how much we havedied to our self. 171
82. Supernatural signs are guaranteed to those who go. 173
83. Ego is the greatest obstaclebetween us and carrying outGods will. 175
84. When Satan sees love, he seespower. 177
85. If we do not hear from God, wewill have nothing relevant tosay. 179
86. Deliverance is a visible manifestation of the kingdom of God. 181
87.The most effective way to respondwhen Gods presence manifests isto surrender to Him. 183
88. When reason is absent, faithsays Present, and when faith ispresent, God acts. 185
89. The greatest tragedy in life is tolose the presence of God and noteven be aware of it. 187
90. We must know God to demonstrate His works. 189
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