To my children and all their future generations.
One of you will carry this to the stars.
I will always love you.
What are we all doing here if the stories in which we consider to be our lore do not contain any mystical element necessary to help us navigate through life? Are we to be confined to a life where we must have grand expectations of miracles to justify our belief system? Are we always looking for a sign that we are living our very best life? Furthermore, what if every bit of the lore is as true as all of the rest of the religious literature human beings have come to value? Do these writings still contain a moral compass capable of assisting a man or woman to simply get through day to day life? How much information is contained in the great monuments, literature and concepts of these ancient tribes? The truth of what these heretofore faiths now labeled as mythologies represents might be a shocking revelation to our world indeed! At some point in every discussion about ancient civilizations, Great and magnificent civilizations, there must be an acknowledgement that these great societies were not monotheistic (One supreme being alone) as we know it. What would it look like if they provided us the instruction necessary to ensure the survival of not only the information, but an elevated way of life. Spiritually and mentally. It would place us squarely at the center and no longer the fringe of the spirit that the established norms of what modern science holds to be worth knowing. Most importantly, we might fulfill that crucial element of people who have known the truth of things for a very long time and yet have been categorized as individuals who will swallow a camel yet strain at a gnat! Every day, I see or hear some new tidbit of information which lines up a profound and new manner of thinking. But who could possibly put them all together without sounding like an episode of the latest alien conspiracy theory?
On another front, I have seen countless people proclaim that the lore is too heavily Christianized. But what if it appears that way because the lore is where they came up with the foundation for a religion used to conquer as much of the world as possible? The foundations of what we believed were turned on its head and the concept of our unique ability to communicate with the divine, to become something more, was corrupted and an intercessor was put into place. Ever hear of people eating apples in the desert? Not a common occurrence.
Up until now, my books have focused on the layers of wisdom contained in the lore. Each layer removed confronts us with a new depth to our spirituality. This book is yet another layer removed as we approach the core of our being. But it may also serve as an answer to the long time critics, and sometimes deservedly so, of flighty new age beliefs and pull from the greatest of them a treasure in the form of a moral compass we have always known was there, but had confined our vision of it to expectant signs. Still unawares that the greater power of our existence resides within us, our thinking process, and not anywhere out there.
I have outlined these new ideas around our ability to use them to better our lives. But I have framed them within the context of the various great destructions of our world. Again, and again disasters both natural and manmade have destroyed fantastic civilizations. Now I am going to show you a series of ideas which when taken all together; provides us with yet another feast of information. But this one is not only for the mind. This one is for the whole man. A banquet of fresh food for the body, mind and spirit which represents so much more than a mere archeological rabbit hole of conspiracies. This is the book which will provide a moral compass more than sufficient to justify to the world why we went left on our path in life instead of following the conditioned herd.
During the writing of this book I realized something amazing. One day as I was simply being present in the moment, I lost count of how many monarch butterflies I saw. They were migrating to somewhere in Mexico. I took a minute to watch them. Not a single one of them flew in a straight line, all of them seemed to be at the mercy of the wind. Many of them will die without ever reaching their destination. But many will make it. How is it then that with all of the gifts we possess that we simply cannot find our way in life. I assure you the butterfly is not focused on many things other than his destination. He is not waiting on any god or government to make sure he gets where he is going. Though his path may look like madness, the focus on his destination is not. Quit waiting on god's and governments to support you, don't worry if your path has been erratic and troubled in life, focus. Focus with the greatest most powerful and creative tool in the world. Your mind and you will get where you are going
Bryan D Wilton
26 Oct 2017
Chapter 1
During the middle ages there were environmental deviations from the norm. We have typically referred to them as a mini ice age. Im going to talk about a couple of them which we know about in the recorded history of Europe. One of which is from a story in the lore of Asatru. In around 320 a Swedish king, Domaldr Visburrsson was sacrificed. For three long years his kingdom had endured multiple failures of agriculture. Famine and his companions became common guests in the villages of this kingdom. Most certainly death made itself well known in this hard time. This was not what we know as the Middle Ages, these were the Dark Ages.
The council of chieftains came together in response to the hard times the people were facing. They resolved to sacrifice oxen. This is a great sacrifice indeed in a country suffering the failure of agriculture and hunger. The second year they sacrificed men, an even more powerful sacrifice. One which speaks to the desperation of the people that the best efforts of men who could work the fields might be better employed to entreat the gods on their behalf. In the third year, it was decided in the most crucial of times that the king himself should seek the gods on behalf of his people and he was sacrificed. Following this. the country returned to prosperity. 200 years later we find a similar tale. And we also find a reason for it.
The little ice age cooling of the 6 th century. Between 536 and 544 CE, there is a record of a dramatic atmospheric event which caused severe hardship upon the inhabitants of Northern Europe. Couple that with Saxon invasions. People seeking new resources of their own during this time and you have a great need for a hero. This information was first given to us in the great Arthurian myths penned in around 830 CE by the monk Nennius. He records this legend of King Arthur and the Grail Quest and it is here along with Beowulf that we find the evidence of monotheism poisoning the well so to speak.
The grail quest was a quest to heal the king and the land. Both had been suffering. The king had a wound which would not heal. The land was suffering as well. For weeks at a time the sun would not shine. Clouds covered the sky and crops could not grow. It was a cold time. A time of hunger and the loss of crops. Famine and weakness befell the kingdom. The stories do not become prominent in the written record until over 300 years after they were coined by Nennius. This is the time when the great cathedrals were under construction and Adam of Bremen had begun his legendary collection of writings. About 1130 to 1280 these stories about Arthurian days were fully fleshed out as stories to cement the transition from wounded pagans to whole and healthy Christians. They were committed to paper and became legend.