Egyptian Cosmology
The Animated Universe
Expanded Third Edition
Moustafa Gadalla
Maa Kheru (True of Voice)
Tehuti Research Foundation
International Head Office: Greensboro, NC, U.S.A.
Egyptian Cosmology
The Animated Universe
Expanded Third Edition
by Moustafa Gadalla
Published by:
Tehuti Research Foundation
P.O. Box 39491
Greensboro, NC 27438, U.S.A.
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recorded or by any information storage and retrieval system without written permission from the author, except for the inclusion of brief quotations in a review.
Copyright 1997, 2001 and 2016 by Moustafa Gadalla, All rights reserved. 2nd edition published in paperback in 2001. ISBN: 0-9652509-3-8 (pbk) eBook format published in 2003 ISBN: 1-931446-03-2 (eBook).
This book being the Third Edition is a revised and expanded edition of the Second Edition of Egyptian Cosmology: The Animated Universe.
The First Edition [1997] was originally published as Egyptian Cosmology: The Absolute Harmony, that was changed to better reflect the expanded content of the book.
Publishers Cataloging-in-Publication
Gadalla, Moustafa, 1944
Egyptian cosmology: the animated universe /
Moustafa Gadalla.3rd ed.,rev.
p. cm.
Includes bibliographical references.
LCCN: 2016930017
ISBN-13 (e-book-PDF): 978-1-931446-44-0
ISBN-13 (e-book-EPub): 978-1-931446- 46-4
ISBN-13 (e-book-MOBI): 978-1-931446-48-8
ISBN-13 (pbk.): 978-1-931446-37-2
ISBN-13 (e-book-expanded): 978-1-931446-49-5
1. Cosmology, Egyptian. 2. EgyptReligion. 3. OccultismEgypt. 4. EgyptCivilization. 5. ScienceEgyptHistory. I. Title.
BL2443. G33 2016
Published 2016
The Baladi People of Egypt,
The Bearers of Their Ancestral Torch
The Survivors
Moustafa Gadalla is an Egyptian-American independent Egyptologist, who was born in Cairo, Egypt in 1944. He holds a Bachelor of Science degree in civil engineering from Cairo University.
Gadalla is the author of twenty two published internationally acclaimed books about the various aspects of the Ancient Egyptian history and civilization and its influences worldwide. He has several other exciting books and video series about to be published in the near future.
He is the Founder and Chairman of the Tehuti Research Foundation ( international, U.S.-based, non-profit organization, dedicated to Ancient Egyptian studies. He is also the Founder and Head of the on-line Egyptian Mystical University (
From his early childhood, Gadalla pursued his Ancient Egyptian roots with passion, through continuous study and research. Since 1990, he has dedicated and concentrated all his time to researching and writing.
Testimonials of Prior Editions
The Independent Review1/98Armidale, Australia
[Gadallas] grasp of Egyptian cosmology is awesome, he explains how the Neteru were not Gods or Goddesses but principlesFrom this basis he is able to reconstruct the real religion of Egypt, both as esotericism and as general practices. Far from being a primitive, polytheistic form, we have the highest expression of monotheistic mysticism Online Bookstore (
Occult and Metaphysics Editors Recommended Book, 01/15/98:
Moustafa Gadallas controversial Egyptian Cosmology shatters the centuries-old view of Egyptian deities (Neteru) as mythical figures, and instead proposes that the Neteru are not gods, but representations of different aspects of one supreme being. Gadalla seeks to rectify these and other errors that have been perpetuated by scholars since the time of the ancient Greeks. Egyptian Cosmology highlights the intelligence of this ancient civilization whose beliefs are reflected in 20th-century concepts such as the big bang theory.
Internet BookwatchOct 1997Wisconsin, USA
Moustafa Gadallas Egyptian Cosmology describes, showcases in reader-friendly fashion, the remarkably advanced concepts embodied within ancient Egyptian metaphysics. Egyptian concepts which served as the source of Western and Eastern metaphysics.
Readers will discover that Egyptian cosmology is coherent, comprehensive, consistent, logical, analytical, and rational. From the casual reader to the serious student of metaphysics, Egyptian Cosmology is nothing short of fascinating as it surveys the applicability of Egyptian concepts to our modern understandings of the nature of the universe, creation, science, and philosophy. Egyptian Cosmology is an outstanding contribution to metaphysical studies.
Almost all Egyptologists interpreted, and continue to interpret, the Ancient Egyptian writings and other modes of expression (art, architecture, etc.) without trying to understand the thoughts and beliefs expressed in them. Their explanations continue to be shallow, which reflects their pre-conceived notions of the Ancient Egyptians as being primitive and inferior to the modern Western world.
About a half-century ago, Alexandre Piankoff summed up the deteriorated status of Egyptology in the following statements from his book, The Tomb of Ramses VI, 1954:
For the early Egyptologists this religion was highly mysterious and mystical. They saw it with eyes of a Father Kircher. Then came a sudden reaction: scholars lost all interest in the religion as such and viewed the religious texts merely as source material for their philological-historical research.
Under the sway of Higher Criticism, the texts were decomposed and their genesis eagerly studiedThe intrinsic value of religious composition and thought was systematically ignored and consequently temporarily lost. Egyptian scholars since Champollion saw in the oldest religious lore of humanity mainly a collection of distorted historical data out of which he endeavored all his life to reconstruct the history of ancient Egypt.
It is time to undo the distortion.
Moustafa Gadalla
This book being the Third Edition is a revised and expanded edition of the Second Edition of Egyptian Cosmology: The Animated Universe, published in 2001.
The First Edition [1997] was originally published as Egyptian Cosmology: The Absolute Harmony, that was changed to better reflect the expanded content of the book.
This book surveys the applicability of Egyptian cosmological concepts to our modern understanding of the nature of the universe, creation, science, and philosophy. Egyptian cosmology is humanistic, coherent, comprehensive, consistent, logical, analytical, and rational. The reader will discover the Egyptian concept of the universal energy matrix, how the social and political structures were a reflection of the universe, and the interactions between the nine universal realms, etc.
It is the aim of this book to provide such an exposition, one which, while based on sound scholarship, will present the issues in language comprehensible to non specialist readers. Technical terms have been kept to a minimum. These are explained, as non technically as possible, in the glossary. This Expanded Version of the book is divided into five parts containing a total of 21 chapters.