The Soulmate Secret
Manifest the Love of Your Life with the Law of Attraction
Arielle Ford
![For Brian Hilliard my soulmate You are my rock my safety net my safe place - photo 2](/uploads/posts/book/153370/images/logo.jpg)
For Brian Hilliard, my soulmate.
You are my rock, my safety net,
my safe place to land, and my springboard
to all that is great about being human.
by Marci Shimoff
Feathering the Nest
Living As If
The List
Unhooking the Past
Taking Action
Savor the Waiting
Falling in Love with Yourself
Are you Ready for Big Love?
by Jack Canfield
Ten years ago I would have loved to have stumbled upon the book you are now holding in your hands!
At that time, I was a forty-year-old single woman with many blessings to count. I was healthy and creatively fulfilled, and my career was thriving. In fact my life was firing on all cylinders except one: I still hadnt found my soulmate. During those years, Arielle (who was then the brilliant publicist for my Chicken Soup for the Womans Soul books) and I spent many long hours on the phone lamenting our plight. Here were two kind, intelligent, passionate, successful women wondering, Where are all the good men?? If there is such a thing as a Poor Me Club, Arielle and I were certainly members in good standing.
Because we talked almost daily, I had a front-row seat to witness the remarkable sequence of events that unfolded as Arielle began applying the powerful Law of Attraction to her love life. The fact that she manifested a loving, supportive, and nurturing relationship with a man as wonderful as Brian certainly inspired me. And her ability to take those timeless principles to the final frontier the domain of intimate relationshipsprovided a clear blueprint that I followed. One year after Arielle met her soulmate, I met mine.
In the film and book The Secret, I shared that most of us have been conditioned to seek outer circumstances like wealth, success, and intimate relationships because we believe those things will make us happy. In fact Ive discovered (and wrote about in depth in Happy for No Reason ) that its the other way around. The happier we are, the more easily we draw to us everything we want.
Every moment of every day, we are sending out energetic signals that are felt by the people around us. This explains why a desperate person draws to himself or herself more desperation, while a person who is already fulfilled becomes a magnet for greater fulfillment. If we want to attract life partners who are happy, passionate, and empowered, we must first seek to generate these feelings within ourselves.
This is the exact formula Arielle followed with great success in her own life and now prescribesclearly, practically, and inspirationallyin this book. The Soulmate Secret guides you through enjoyable processes and hands-on exercises that help you to savor and celebrate the love you already have in your life, as you prepare yourself on all levels to share that love with another.
As you begin this beautiful journey, I invite you to focus a little less on the happiness youll extract from your soulmate relationship, and a little more on the happiness, love, and contentment you want to bring to this relationship. Trust that the timing will be perfect and that, as you fall more deeply in love with yourself, your beloved will be drawn to you like a moth to a flame. See that, know that, feel it all around you, and experience the gratitude as your hearts desire is fulfilled.
With love,
Marci Shimoff
Answer YES, NO , or NOT SURE for each question:
Do you believe your soulmate is out there?______________
Are you ready to meet your soulmate today? Right now?______
If your soulmate had the ability to observe your life right now, would you be proud of what he or she would see?____________
Are you psychologically and physically in your best condition to meet your soulmate?____________________________
Is your home ready to receive your soulmate?____________
Have you made a list of the top ten qualities you want in your soulmate?__________________________
Do you regularly exhibit the qualities you believe your soulmate would find attractive?___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Are there past lovers who still have their energetic hooks in youor are yours in them?____________________________________
Are you at peace with the possibility you may never meet your soulmate? (Do you truly believe youll have a great life even if you never meet that person?)_________________________
If you answered no to even one of these questions, you may be unconsciously blocking your soulmate from coming into your life. The Soulmate Secret will help you remove these blocks and guide you to attract BIG LOVE .
The minute I heard my first love story,
I started looking for you not knowing how blind that was.
Lovers dont finally meet somewhere; theyre in each other all along.
Have you ever wondered what it takes to meet the love of your life? Is it your dream to find a life partner who will love, cherish, and adore you? If youre longing for a soulmate, this book will show you how to use the Law of Attraction to prepare yourself in body, mind, and soul for the arrival of your beloved.
As someone who didnt meet and marry my soulmate until I was forty-four, I learned a lot along the way about what does and doesnt work in the world of love and romance. I dated controlling men, passive-aggressive men, men who ignored me, and men around whom I felt insignificant and small. In other words, Ive been with my share of losers! But I also discovered a formulawhat Im calling the Soulmate Secretfor becoming a magnet for deep and passionate love.
This wonderful Universe of ours is set up to deliver to us the people and experiences that are consistent with our personal belief systems. If you dont believe you will ever find The One, then guess what? You get to be rightyou probably wont. If, however, you learn to believe that The One is not only out there but is also looking for you , then you open the door for true love to enter.
My grandmother used to say theres a lid for every pot. In other words, there is a matcha perfect partnerfor every person. Even so, I have to admit there were many, many times in my thirties when I questioned her theory, because I still hadnt found the lid to my pot. At that point in my life, I was working from home, and the only men I ever met were delivery guysthe mailman, the FedEx guy, the UPS man, the Sparkletts water guyand most of them were already married!
Then one day I had an experience that really solidified in me the belief that my soulmate was out theresomewhere. It happened as I was watching Oprah when she had Barbra Streisand on the show. Barbra had recently fallen in love with James Brolin, and I remember thinking, Here is this super-wealthy, ultra famous diva who is reputedly difficult and practically inaccessible. How many men could be a match for her? And then I realized, if the Universe could find somebody for her, then Ill be a piece of cake! That moment was truly a state of grace. I knew right then with absolute certainty that if the Universe had the perfect man for Barbra Streisand, then my soulmate was definitely out there as well. Still, as the story goes, I had to kiss quite a few frogs before I finally met my prince.